Division Hospital 9th Corps Oct 8th 1864 Dear Mother. I recd your letter of the 20th yesterday just as I was was going to my Company for Pay and ^ well pleased with your Photograph. and very glad to know that Alvah has taken hold as well as he has I think he has done well. and am very thankfull towards him for his kindness. still I feel it is no more than right for some one to take hold and do something now. for I have let my Pay all go thus far perfectly free. and will get if it is necessary still I feel as if I aught to lay a few Dollars by. for myself if I live to come home and I feel as if the time was [rooling?] around fast it is only 10 months and two days. And as our Officers are all resigning as fast as they can I am going to try to get a Detail so as to keep out of the Company the remainder of my time for if we are Consolidated and put in some other Regt for the remainder of our time, it will not be very Pleasant I was very Surry to hear of Miley [Hulls?] Death. I received a letter from his father today asking me to forward him $5.00) five Dollars, that I borrowed of Miley when we were at Home and as I have just recd some pay this morning I shall send it still it does not seem right to loose all I have comeing to me and have all Iam owing to pay but I think Honesty is the best policy, and act accordingly, [Written upside down on top of Scan 3] My Ancle is doing well Mother [End] Well Mother I will send you $50.00. fifty Dollars which I wish you to lay by with my (100) dollars Bond if you don_t want any of it to use I think some of sending Home to have a [pair?] of Boots made and if I do you will have to pay for them out of this I suppose. I will see in a few days what I want to do and then write again I shall send the Money by express if I can get a chance to send it to City Point. But I must close I will write again soon I remain Your Affectionate and most Obedient Son B.F. Marsh