Detroit Michigan April [19?] My Dearest Mother Your ever welcome letter of yesterday came to hand this morning just as I and Augustus wer prepareing to attend Church I was indeed happy to hear from you again to know that your health was improving. and better Still Dear Mother to hear that you have resolved to give up hard work and spend this Summer in Visiting. Oh I hope you will it is the best thing you can do. but Mother you said you was sorry to hear that I. talked of going to my Company Now do not give yourself any trouble about me for if I do go Mother it will be all well I have the Same good and kind Protector that has kept me thus far. and. I feel it my Duty to return now as my health is fast gaining I think I shall be able to join my Company for duty and since the Murder of Our much Loved President I feel as if I wanted to be with the Boys to repay them for their Cowardly and unjust Deed. Oh, I hope President Johnson will Prove the man we stand in need of now as Well as Lincoln has the Past four years I feel as if every man found in Arms now in the South ought to be Shot or Hanged and I am willing to. do my part towards Cleaning them entirely from this our Native land Still we must not be to hard on the Poor fools for they are Crazy with Madness and know not what they are doing they have killed the best friend they had in the North when they Shot President Lincoln and I only hope they will reap their reward in full I have just been Reading a letter from Fred he is Well. and I guess will be home soon for his Uncle has Sold out. and broke up keeping House so he has no Place to live out thare and I see by their letters they want to get rid of him. so I think he will be Home soon. as for Augustus he is getting along fine since his opporation and I have great hopes that his leg will get Well Now. his health is good. he has recd a letter from Ed. of this months Date he is well. he is Sergt. Major now. Well Not Last of all comes Frank as for my health is is very good indeed. and I shall remain here at least until the Middle of Next Month befor I start for the front in order to get my Pay I shall come home however before I go. I would like to go next Week if I could get the Money to go With but I am out I hope Alvah Will find plenty of Work I shall endeavor to Write again as soon as.I. receive another from Home. Respects to all Friends Love to Yourself Sarah & Alvah. Also give My Love to Cousin Rosa tell her I am looking for a letter from her every Day Write Soon Very Respectfully Yours etc B.F. Marsh