Camp [illegible, word covered by adhesive from envelope] Fredricksburgh, Va Dec 22 1862 Dear Mother I recd another of your welcome letters last evening as we wer sitting around our nice little fire in our snug little tent oh Mother I wish you could have seen us when we wer building our house the other day we took pine poles and built a little pen bigenough for five men I took our tents for a roof and a piece at each end then we [banked?] it all up tight and built a nice fireplace of brick and the chimney of pine poles and our tent is as warm as you please we can get good oak wood about one mile from here and we have one team to draw for each company which keeps us in good wood [written in pencil underneath] [acc. # 1662] your letter was dated Dec 14th stating that you wer going to send my box the next day I am very glad you did not pay the express charges, when I first heard you wer going to send it I was afraid you would pay the charges then it would not come but if the charges are not payed they are very sure to come. Oh I am so glad you thought of the Catsup and tommattows. they will be so nice also the onions which will be good for my cold but it is getting better now as for the blan ket I have written to you not to send it but I am glad it is comeing for they say we are going into winter Quarters soon and if we do have to march the boys will carry one for me it is warm and pleasant out doors here today tell Sarah & Freddy I think who poped the corn and cracked the nuts when I get them as for that one dollar you sent me some time ago I have never recd it but I get your letters regular now I found the two dollars you sent in that letter which makes me $12 twelve dollars now I have borrowed five of Will Cale and a little of Dewit I guess I have got enough to last me until pay day and more too. I wish I was thare to help you eat some of the pig and spend Christmas and New Years with you but it cant be and so I will be content whare I am now about the rent of the old house cant you get it of Beach and why if not you had better get Mr Smith to fix the thing for you get every sent of the rent or kick her into the [wood?] dont be abused by her by any means tell Father when you write to him again I often think of him and wish I could see him and see laugh and shake his sides as he used to [land?—misspelling of “long”?] ago and I hope we shall all be spared to meet at home together again whare we can enjoy ourselves one more and now Mother I must say one word apiece to Sarah & Freddy Oh I will close by thanking you for your kindness from your loving son B.F. Marsh) H P Holmes Well, Sarah I feel as if I could not seal another letter without saying a few words to you be a good girl be kind to Mother and stay at home and help her all you can and you will never be sorry for it remember you are a young lady now and must behave as such and then you will be loved by all I will write to you soon good Bye Freddy I will write you a good letter soon but I must thank you for thinking of the brother [illegible] and [put corn?] and [illegible] you good Bye B.F. Marsh