Cambria Apr 24 _ 64_ Dear Sister [Lib?] We have received your letter of Apr. 10th and haveing a little lesure time it being sunday I thought I would say a few words to you in reply Father is about the same except he fails gradually I thought in the fall that he would not stand it longer than spring but he may live longer than any of us yet we can not tell he some times gets discouraged himself and thinks he will not last long, but God only knows whos turn it will be next As for me I have got the blues badly today you said that I did not mention ellen I thought I would not but have changed my mind and think I will tell you some-thing about her so you may know how agreeably I live she has been here ever since you was here and done very well untill about 3 years since she has been growing more and more saucy every day un till She has allmost drove me away from here and what is worst of all she has George and Emeline to side for her and so you see has all the advantage in the world If it was not for Father and Charley the first thing that would appear to you would be me but as I cannot leave them I must stay here for a while but if there is no change in affairs untill fall I think I cannot stay any longer She has hired out to A. [Bellknap?] for the summer and was to commence work a week ago last monday but put it off untill last monday and then untill next monday said to not know whether she will go or not and today She has been to me and made acknowledgements and says She has done very wrong and cannot think of going away allthough I have told her repeatedly that I could not have her here any longer but she knows so long as George is willing she can stay for all I can do Last Monday She went away in the morning and I supposed she was gone to stay but at night came back again So Tuesday morning I started for Averells and stayed untill Friday morning (Mrs A is no better) and then Mr Olephant sent for me there (Mrs O was sick she lost a fine large baby her second one had the same luck as the first it was dead) I stayed untill night and then came back. and that is the way I have done for a number of weeks past I have stayed at home very little and it seems to me if I have to live so much longer I shall go crazy or something worse but I suppose my troubles are not very interesting to you So I will quit for this time and tell you about Gilbert Taylor he went down to Albany and enlisted not to serve in the United States service but for the bounty so as soon as he got it he run away and came to Lockport and there was arested but succeeded in getting away and got across the river so he is now in Canady a fair specimen of Copperheadism The neighbors are all enjoying good health at present Mrs Fellows is getting bitter. Mrs [crossed out word] Sidney Parker is now living in Lockport her health is very poor so she is confined to her bed and not much hopes of her ever being any bitter. we are all well at present hoping to hear from you soon I remain your affectionate Sister Marie F Bolt