Head Quarters 16th Mich Behind Breast Works near Petersburg July 12th /64 Dear Friends I received your Kind and Most welcom letter came to hand three days ago but I did not feel able to write [crossed out] [did not] untill this morning I thought that I would pluck up courage and try and scribble a few lines to let you know that I am still alive yet and where I I am, my health was first rate from the time that I joined My Reg on the 23d of Feb untill the last of May we was then in the visinity of Coal Arbor on the Chickahominy I was taken with the Diareah and it has stuck to me every since I did not half to give up doing duty. untill the 1st day of the month although I had got quite weak it is not here as it is there is any one is A little sick they are given up work when they are A mind to they half to Keep going as long as they can Oh, how glad I will be when this awfull war comes to A close so that us poor boys can come home and enjoy ourselves once more I hope that I shall be abale to get home this winter so that I can come down and see you in your new house I think that we Could have A grand old visit but I cant see much signs of the war closing It dont seem as though it should last A greate while longer the way the fighting is going on this summer this is the biggest Campain of the war by A good deal the Army has lost verry heavy I have at last seen the elaphant I have seen all that I want to for it is an awfull thing to stand and see men shot down by your side although I stood it better than I thought that I should I was in all the battles from the time that we crossed the Rapidan on the 5th of may untill now and I have come out with A whole hide I havave had some very narrow escapes both with minny balls and Shells I dont like their musik much. I had to give up on the 1st day of this and come back to the rear I am stopping with A man that that is Cooking for one of the Officers we are about A half A mile from the Reg, I think if I dont get any better before long they will send me off to the Hospital if I should get to Washington or Philadelphia I would try and make out the rest of the summer I am poorer now I think that I ever was if I get much poorer I shant make more than half A shadow if I come home this winter I will come out and see you or write so that you can come out and see me. I got A letter from home day before yesterday they was all well. it is verry warm weather here and has been for A month and A half we have not had rain enough to lay the dust since the middle of May crops is verry poor here there is not much raised but oats and corn and potates you must write as often as you can and I will do the same My Respects to you your Mother and the rest of the family this from your friend as ever Truly J.W. Craw Com. I 16th Mich Vet. Vol Infantry Washington D.C.