[Penciled in on top of Scan 1] [1861] [End] Camp [illegible] detroit dec 25 Dear Sister I Supose you have heared from home that I have inlisted in the first united States lancers I inlisted the 23 of november and came to detroit where we Staid at the city hotel untill mondy when we ware taken to the fort wayne where we Staid two or or three weeks we had very comfortabl quarters for Sleeping though we had to march about eighty roods for our meals which w ippi took on board asteem boat named the mississ^ while we ware at the fort we had very good times we did not drill much and it would have done you good to [halv?] ha Seen a load of wood come into the fort every company ware determind to have there Share of it and Sometimes they would quarrel for two hours for one stick though they were in fun end all the time fights are very frequ^ perhaps you have heard that there is Six or eight hundred men here but if you have there is not for four hundred and fifty are the most that have been here yet and the y desert as fast as they comein we have been here a little over two weeks for some time we ware [fed?] by contract we had enough to eat though it was none of the [cleanest?] ter I hope that you will write me a let^ very soon I hope that you will ed not think that I have been offend^ that because I have not written you a letter before this for I have not been but since I came here I have not had time I have not received any uniform yet but I hope to soon then I shall try to get a furlow and go home if I do I Shall come out and See you if I possably can I forgot Say that I am well and hope that you all are well there are Six boys two from our neighborhood one has deserted one gone home on fur low Perhaps you have heard roommers that this regiment would be dis banded I can tell you but little about it except that it is not yet but there is some probibility that it may yet for they say that it must be filled by the first of january and if it must it will go down it is the general topic of conversation but I must stop this and go and help get dinner ten Tell Edmond that I have not forgo^ him and will [crossed out] [not] write him the next letter give my love to all [jC?] amongst the rest pleas write so that it wil get [Penned in on top of Scan 4] Dec. 25 1861 [End] hereby the fourth of january for I want to gt home then From your absent brother G W Mattoon