Camp Near winchester va December 4th 64 Dear Sister Once more I take my pen in hand for the porpos of writing you afew lines to let you know that I am still well and hope that these few lines may find you the same I have not heard from you in some time though I have been looking for [crossed out] [allter] a letter for some time but I have got tired of waiting for a letter so I though that I would write you one [crossed out] [to] I got one from mary when She was out there and I should have answered that but I thought that She would be home by the time that she I could write I would be glad if I could hear fom you oftener you or Edmond [illegible] to me might write as often as once a fortnight We have gone into winter quarters for aspell though I d not know how long We have just go back from raid of four or five days over in the [illegible] country we [crossed out letter] passed through Ashbys gap and commenced burning every thing in the shape of fodder and foraged all that we wanted out of the houses and drive of all the horses and cattle Sheep and hogs that we could find [crossed out letter] killing all that we wanted to eat we met with no opposition except from some of [the notable?] [illegible] men who hung round our flanks it was four outrages commited by hime that the burning was done for Loudon County is his rendesvous he has been prowling round our camp, for some time catching any men that hapened to be out side of camp and one day he charged almost in to our camp after [some?] teams that were out afte wood our regiment was turned out dismounted with our carbines but he made the [heat?] of his way back to the mountains again though it was not untill he had lost several of his men and this raid was in concequence of it and a I guess that he feels [crossed out letter] rather sore for his suplys have been cut shorter than they ware some days ago [crossed out] [W] Well I do not think of any more to write now Please write soon Give Edmond my best respects with love to all I am as ever your loving and affectionate brother Gershom W Mattoon to Mrs Sarah C. Reynolds Dec. 1864