[Greenbus?] Clinton Co Dec 16 64 Dearest Woodruff as I have a few leisure moments this after noon and being all alone except [old dog put?] I thought it might be agreea ble to have a little chit chat with you my dear son I have not heard from you since I last wrote but suppose I do write two to your one you will not care I only wish you was here so that I could talk with you instead of writing but as that cannot be I will do the next best thing the weather has been very cold for two weeks past and snow storms every other day but the snow is not very deep yet but so that people think it easier to go on runners than on wheels Fulkes and the boys have gone to Minervas to a [illegible] bee and am staying at home alone which does not tro uble me any as I am fond of solitude Mary is staying with Minerva this winter but she has been a cripple with her hands you know she is troubled with the [scraffula?] and it came out on her hands so that she has very sore hands for four or five weeks but they seem to be getting better she has not been able to write any so you must excuse her for not writing she will have to write all the time when her hands get well I told you that Minerva was going to move [illegible] she has an so we have moved in to the house where she lived and I think we can add on to it and make us a good nice house this [Written sideways on left side of Scan 2] Write as often as you can and be assured of our prayers for you safety I hope I Shall more time again soon [End] [is sixteen?] by 18. and we think of putting up a leantoo ten feet wide on the north side and let it [illegible] no past the east and far enough to have a kitchen door come out by the corner of this and then put another addition on the west end for a bedroom for Mary [partition?] ^and another bedroom of the end of the kitchen so you see we will have two bedrooms and afront room with kitchen We are not keeping much stock this winer we keep only two cows and your Topsy Mr Brewer is keeping your steer for this winter on ac count of the scarceness of fodder your Father could not get help to cut hay last summer and he was not able to cut much alone an so we did not get [Written upside down on top of Scan 3] I have writen my sheet full but I could write more if I had time but I must say good bye from your own dear loving Mother N L M. [Written sideways on top left Scan 3] [illegible] [G?] [End] enough to keep a great many catt le we have got [19?] sheep [and?] [crossed out word] we give one pound of wool [crossed out] [and] a head and one quarter of the [lambs?] sheep seem to be the order of the day about here our neighbours have all got sheep and I could not get one pound of wool last summer for stocking yarn it sold for 80 cents and one dollar per pound and some of our neighbours sold every pound they had not even [saved?] any even their own stocking yarn but I will not do so if my life and health is spared I mean to make cloth and stockings too And now Woodrusff I do not know as I can tell you all the particu lars about money matters and I do not know as your father can tell you how much he had had but he thinks we can [but?] one thing I can tell you there has been very little paid on this land and it troubles me [Written sideways on left side of Scan 4] [Some?] I tell you but may be things will come out all right some time I think it is propper and right that you should know how things stand and I think you have right to do as you please [End] [Written on top of Scan 4] with your money I will try and get Pa to write soon but he is so tired nights that he cannot [End]