Platte Bridge D [T?] September 2nd 1865 Dear Brother I have taken my pen this morning for the purpose of writing afew lines to you to let you know that we received you of the 10 yesterday and you do not know how glad we were to here from you we had not heard from you in along time we had begun to feel very anxious about you we had heard about the expedition that had been sent out from there and we supposed that you were with it we were glad to hear that you were well Father [illegible] Mother are not either of are not well Father has been very poorly for the last two or three weeks he is alittle better now than he has been Ma health is very poor this Summer the rest of us are usualy well Deforest Denison was burried last wednesday you remember our writing to you that had the Spoted fever a year ago last Spring he never has entirely recovered Since then he was quite Smart last winter but he has been failing very fast all Summer evry thing was done for him that could be done he had Doctors from all around he went down to Detroit to See a celebrated Doctor that was no help for him Consumption had to firm a hold of his constitution he Said early in the Spring that he should not live till fall he Seemed perfectly resigned and Said he was not afraid to die he has been a very diferent boy lately from what he used to be he is missed So much the boys have all been very kind to him this Summer they have taken him out riding and have done evry thing that they could for him the Doctor is very low they do not think he will survive Deforest long he too has the consumption there is a great deal of Sickness around here now I have not time to write much you will not think by this letter that I have improved in writing much but I am in a great hurry and I do not feel very well and you must make all allowance two months Seems along time to wait but it will Soon pass by I Saw Byron Yarburgh in town yesterday he Sent his best respects to you he Starts to day for [crossed out] [Ohio] Ohio oh Dear how I wish you were here George is more of an old [hack?] than ever Since he got back it makes him jealous if he Sees me Speak to a [young?] man you may not believe it but it is positively So he is mad if I dont go to meeting with him evry time he [goes?] So that I have to go somtimes when I dont feel able to just to keep him from getting mad this is for you eyes only please write very Soon our folks all join in love to you remember me as you ever loving Sister Mary A Mattoon