Maple Ridge Sep 21st 1862 Brother Edmond I take my pen in hand to [scrall?] you a few lines this morning to let you know that I am well and hope that this will find you the Same I have been thinking every Since I came home that I would write you afew lines but have not had time when I thought of it or have not thought of it when I had time As you See I ted did not go as Soon as I expec^ to the man that I thought h of going wit[crossed out letter] did not come back [crossed out word] when he Said he would but I had made up my mind to go some way. on Sunday I Saw aman from the 23 reg. inf. and he Said that he would take me if I would go with him as they were to go early the next morning I told him that I would go if they would take me So on monday morning at five oclock I bid our folks good by as I thought forgood and Still it Seemed as if it ware not So whar I got to St johns I found the man on the cars ready to Start the lieutenant of the company was with him he said it was to late he could not inlist any more it being the first day of September So they went ing off with out me after I make^ up my mind to wait for the draft but when we got up in the village I met aman on the Sidewalk who asked me if I did not want to enlist I told him that I did So I went to his office put [crossed out word] down my d name was swornin and commence^ drawing pay he told me then that pids I would go to camp at grand rap^ in about ten days from that time but it has taken them longer to rais their company than they thought for So that I am not gone yet though I am ready to go any time they See fit to call forme They have not commenced drafting here yet there is no certainty when they wil but I most close for this time write me very Soon cause why I have not had a letter since I came home last Spring so I want you and [illegible] to write me along use letter and direct as usual (pleas exc^ Give my love to all (all bad your honorable Servant (writing G W Mattoon (and spelling this summer) as this is the first writing I have done [Penned in on top of Scan 4] Sept. 1862 [End] Sep 24th 1862 You [so?] that it is some time since I commenced this is but father is going [crossed out word] up to town [crossed out] [so that I can send it] So that I can Sened it to the post office I See by your letter that one of uncle [illegible] boys [illegible] In the [illegible] cavalry or second mounted rifles which is the one that I am going in father is in [illegible] So good by for this time G W Mattoon