[Penciled in on top of Scan 1] [1862?] [End] Camp Kellogg Nov 21 Dear brother and sister I take my pen in hand to let you know that I am very well and doing well at present I did not return to camp un till monday after I was with you when I got home the day that I left there I found that George had not got home yet and he did not get home un till about twelve oclock at night but I Supose that you have heard all this before this time [crossed out word] when I got on the cars monday I found Several that ware four and five days behind him but [crossed out letter] there was nothing Said or done for it When we got in to camp we dred found about four hon^ horses here the next day I was detailed with several others to water and feed them they ware fed there grain in bags with leather bottoms put on thear heads with astrap and there hay was spread [crossed out word] while we ware watering them at the river about amile from camp last friday the horses ware devided each company has their their collor ours are half way [illegible] [crossed out word] lite and dark bay we have fifty five there is about eight now hundred horses here was^ the men are drilling on horseback every day day before yesterday the Colonel took the whole regiment four or five miles out in to the country and round a Square and [crossed out] [round] back to camp yesterday for noon the Captain took our company out about amile and we went to jumping our horses over a pole the Second horse that went over the pole [catched?] his knees on the pole and fell his hind parts going ht over his head we all thoug^ that he had broken his neck but he did not Such axidents are very common here there is one horse in Co G that lays down in [Written in on top of Scan 4] Nov. 21 Camp Kellog [End] with his rider every time that he goes in to the river We have received our bounty but not our pay though we have the promise of it Soon [crossed out letter] It begins to look quite military around here there is two cannon here and four ammunition waggons But I have not much [illegible] more space now No B I hope that this will find you all as well as I am at present Write as soon as you get this and let [crossed out word] we know how you get along From your Brother G W Mattoon