Goldsboro N.C April 3rd 1865 Dear and Affectionate Wife and Children again I seat myself to address you a fiew lines I am Well this morning and I hope this will find you in the Same State of health you Spoke in one of your Letters that you woould Like another Cow I have told George Price before he Left to Get you one and I told him to take money Enough out of my Town Bounty to Pay for her I hope Hatty has Got her Little Cow yet and you yours and then the One that George will by for you will be Enough for you i think till I Come home thay Say we are Going to Draw ower Pay Before we Leave hear and if we Do I Shall Send Some to you So you will have Some to help yourself with and about Etty and Maty I Shall have to Send you the money when I Draw and Let you Get the Caps for them as I Dont no what thay want you wanted me to Get a furlow and Come home if I Could but that is out of the Question now for aney of Shermans Soldiers to Get one as he is makeing Ready for another Active Campain but if i Live till fall and we are not Discharged before then I Shall Doo my Best to Get one In the mean time you must all keep up Good Courage for I Believe we Shall all be home before fall I Dont no as I told you in my Last Letter about ower fights thay were hard Ones and ower reg was in the hottest of it but thanks to an all Wise God I Escaped unhurt but Balls and Shell floo around as thick as hail allmost and Dead men fell allmost Like Drops of Rain but Enough of this I told you in my Last I woould Send a Likeness of [col?] misner but i Sealed the Letter and forgot it So i will try and Send it in this and now I will Say Something to Hatty and the Rest of the Children Hatty when you Write again tell me how you Get along with your affairs and if you have aney thing to Show for the money that Lewis Let his father have and if So what it is and keep it Clost if you have aney thing tell me if you know how mutch George Dunckel has and if you have aney thing to show for that find out if Spencer holds the Contract on that Land yet and if the Interest has been Paid or not tell Spencer to take Good care of them and I have Written to Spencer and Told him to assist you if you want aney keep George Price has 35 or 40 Dollars of Lewises money and i think he will Let you have it when he comes their I [Upside down and top and along margin] i have not had a letter from you since the second mail but i live in hopes of one tomorrow [End] Blieve he will help you all he can when he gets their as I Believe him purfectly Onest in Everry Respect Stay with your mother you and harry by all means till I come home and then we will See what we Can Doo and what Ever will Seem for the Best then we will Do it and now i will Say a Word to Frank and George I hope you will Boath be Good Boys and help your moth -er in Stead of Being a trouble to her and God will Reward you for it David and Charly Pa thinks of you Often and you must bee good Boys too and Etty and Harry how I wish I Could See you and my Dear Little mischeavus Maty how Pa woould kiss you if he could only see you and now all of you See you and now all of you Good By for this time Mother & Hatty OG Dunckel