[Drawings at top of page] General Field Hospital Chattanooga Aug 30th /64 Dear Wife and Children i take Pen in hand to Let you know how i am Getting along i am Still Gaining Slowly i think Except my legs thay are So week that it is hard work for me to Get around and attend to the Sick as i am Still a nurseing in the hospital but i hope this will find you all well and Doing well i Got a Letter from you to Day and it was Dated the 18 of Aug in it i was Sorry to Learn that Mother was Sick but i hope She has Got well before this time and also that She Did not have a verry hard Sick Spell i Got another Letter from you a week ago that was Dated the 15 of Aug it Come through in 5 days them 2 letters are all i have Got from you i Got a letter from Lewis last knite and from George Price the knight before that that were well when George Wrote as his was the Last Letter Written as Lutes Letter had been Delayed when Lute Wrote his he was Sick with the dioree but Georges letter Said he was well Enough to Do Duty again now that was the 23 of Aug in George Prices letter i found one Enclosed from George Dunckel Stateing that ower George had Enlisted and that he had to Do it because he had got into a Scrape Steeling in Company with that Stevenson Boy i want you to tell me all about it in your next letter as you have not mentioned it in your letters i Dont no what to think I God i Dont no what to Do about that Boy i am afraid he will bring Ruin on himself and Disgrase on the rest of his family in my last Letter to you i told mother that i Did not want George to Enlist but in this case i Dont no what to Do but in Eather Case i fear he is lost for Ever as he is bound to Do only that which is Rong and Bring his Fathers and Mother to Sorrow to think that thay Ever had Sutch a Son but i Shall Console myself that he never was Raised up to it by his Parents and he will have him Self only to Blame the Picture Drawen at the head of this was Don by a young friend of mine that is acting as nurse with me he is a young Kentuckyn he belongs to the 17th Kentucky infty and is a fine young man his name is John O. Melton he Drawed it for the children to Look at and now i must tell you that i woould Give Some thing hansom if i Could See my little maty if she is Sutch a little Rougue as you say she is [Upside Down on Third Line from Top] Did mother ever git a ring sent by Geor Price to her and sent by in or a presant if so tell me in your next letter but i hope and Solonaly believe that i Shall See you all if we all live in less then one year the Rebs are getting Badly Whiped and the Prisners that we take Say thay are only trying to hold out till after the Election to See wheather their wont be some hopes in Getting a Democrat President if Old Abes is Elected again thay will have to Give up in Dispare this is what thay themselves Say as thay Say that thay cant fight mutch longer and the comon People are all Crying for Peace but i must close by giving you my Love Dear Wife and Hatty to geather with all of the Children i Rremain as ever your Loving Father and husband Direct as before O.G Dunckel Do you hear from To Elizabeth and Hatty mrs paddy and if so how are thay