[Written upside down on right-hand top of Scan 1] dont be in any way concerned about me if you dont hear from me very soon I will write when I can [Written upside down on left-hand top of Scan 1] dont be afraid of writing me long letters I have time to read them [Written on the left-hand of Scan 1] it is rumord in camp that we are orderd to Huntsville Ala.. I hope it is so Head Quarters, Com. A, Fourth Reg. Michigan Vol. Cav. July 8th Camp, on the Bank of Elk River, 1863 Dear Lucy I received your letter of the 25th a few days since should of answe- red right of if I had had a chance to we are camped about ten miles from Tulahoma we left camp at Murfreesboro on the 24th and have been on the go ever since we are wating now for the water in the River to go down so that the waggon train can cross which we are guarding thare is good news in camp this morning from Vicksburg and all of the Batteries are orderd to fire a salute of 25 guns if half the news is true that we have heard this morning it will do for one day. old Bragg and his army all run and hard- -ly showed fight at all I presume you have seen an account of the charge our Brigade [at?] Shelbyville we have heard that our regiment dont get much credit for it thare aint any of us want any more than what is due us the Rebles had brest works thrown up 4 or 5 miles is extent our regiment ware orderd to turn their left flank while the 7th Penn.. & 4th reuglars took the right & center they ware not to charge on to the breast work untill they heard us coming in on the left we ware guided by a Union man who we how knew ^ their lines run when we got in the right place our company ware orderd to charge right into the Brest work and such a shout as went up aint heard very often the rebles undertook to make a stand but it was no use lots of them threw down their arms before they had fired them of they said they ware wating for us to fire and when we Stoped to load ware agoing to chare ge on us we have the revolving Rifle and thare was no need of stoping every one filling on his own [hook?] when we got threw we ware miles apart and did not all get to gatther untill long in the nigh thare was more than five to Rebs to one of us but we scared them so they did not no what they ware about our loss was light we took about 700 hundred prissoner this was a cavalry fight no intfantry on ether side the Boys call it fun to make such charges & I dont dislike it very much Frank sends his best respects to you and says we are coming home before long if the news is true that we get this [illegible in original]- ing the prospect looks brighter than it has before the quicker it closes the better it will suit me. we have had a very wet time since we started out it has raind most every day and night since we lift camp the weather is warm and would be very plesent if it did not rain quite so much that picture you sent was all right a very good one if I am a judge I would send you mine if I could get it taken dont know when I shal have a chance I hope that draft will come of in time I beleive if we had had 100,000 thousand men six months ago the ware would have been closed now Gov.. Blair was hear to see us the other day he made a speach to us he seamed to think the 4th Cavalry about as good as any of them I wrote a letter ot our folks the other day have had no chance to send it yet dont no when you will get this but hope some time Yours Truly Othniel