[Written sideways on top of Scan 1] I aint very badly troubled with the blues I guess I have a touch of it some times we are camped in our dog tents yet they are rather cold for we have frosty nights now write me all the news when you write I Shall get the letters some time let me know how Brooks gets along and the rst of the soldier Boys that you are acquainted with I would like to see you for a little while as I can talk a goode- -al better than I can write I would have you direct to Nashville if I wernt afrid we should go away before a letter could get here Give my best respects to Hat (one of. old," Abes pickets) O.E.G Nashville Tenn.. Oct 27th 1863 Lucy once more I take my pen to write you a few lines not in answer to any thing I have received although I suppose this is no fault of yours our mail all goes to our Brigade & I have not been with them for the last month & dont know when I shall be again we are wating for horses & Saddles and we may be here a number of days yet. time has passed rather slow lately for I have not had much to do all I have had to do for the last two weeks is to put the Boys on guard when their turn come thare is fourteen of our Company with me. Frank I have not seen for the last month he was not well then I guess he is before this time Gust went to the Hospital at Chattanooga I have not seen him since or heard from him thare is not much chance for getting furloughs if thare was I would like one for I would like to see home once more thare is Boys in our Company that have been wounded and are not able for duty yet who have been trying to get furloughs but dont make it out yet . I dont see as thare is much prospect of the war closing Rosecrans is removed the reasons the President has for doing it I dont know what they are Grant & Thomas are left with the Army of the cumberland our Brigade belongs to Thomas Corps and we are not afraid to trust him. I tell you I have seen the time within the last month that I wanted to be at home when you pass along the road whare thare is hundreds of wounded passing all the time the bullets flying and the dead lying all over the ground it is anyt hing but a pleasent sight to me and when one thinks how little it amounts to its enough to make three years seem like a long times and I have about give up all hopes of getting relesed short of that time I live in hopes you would not think a soldier life worth much if you could see how they are used down here some times (but enough of this)