Camp Stanley March 2d /64 Miss Lucy Dexter nere [Doltawah?] Tennessee once more I take my pen to write you a few lines you better beleive we dont get the mail very often some times it comes once a week and then again not so often and when it does thare is not much for me one little letter some times and then again not anything but I am getting used to that I have received but four letters in the last two months from you the last one I sent to you was the 22d the last one I received was today it was writen the 17th it was from you I was glad to get it found me all right and enjoying myself as well as could be expected the rest of our regiment come in to day I had not seen them in over three months good times in camp to night our Lieut come with them so we have a Commissioned officer with us once more and that will make things all right he is a first rate officer and the boys all like him and so of course he gets along first rate I dont have any trouble with the Boys get along first rate have not had any trouble with any one in our Company sinnce we come out some Boys from our neighborhood that I did not have much to do with when at Home are the best friends I have here now you know perhaps who I mean if you dont guess I thought Morgan Thayre would call on you likely but it seams he did not well I dont know but it is just as way well I'll bet he would not like it if I should use him in that ^ I dont think I shall have a chanch to very soon I have heard that Miss [Anisis?] Wheeler was a very nice young Lady (and I see you think so to) well I guess she is and cant you let her be so) you said you got a little indefferent about hering from me well I wonder how you felt tell me if you can for I have not had such feelings when I have such feelings much I am going to write and let you know all about it and then if you dont like it why I suppose you will let me know of course and then I will reenlist shure. News come tonight of another of our Company being dead this makes seven who have died in hospital within the last three months that is taking them of [fast?] a year and half longer is agoing to take a good many at that rate we cant tell whose turn it will be next last sunday we attend a funeral of one of our regiment he. belongd to "C" Company few soldiers and was in camp and in good health a ^ days before a military funeral is diffirant from a Civilians thare was six pall Bearers of the same rank of the desesed and the twelve of the escort the escort [illegible due to tear in paper] Salute of three guns each over [illegible due to tear in paper] and then marched back to camp with arms reversed the Band playing thare was a sermon preached at his grave and it was a solem time I wish every soldier could have as decent a burael but but a few get it and they are often left with a foot sticking out or elbow and some times you will see the head but dead men cant talk so what is the differance I guess I Shall have to stop writing for it is bed time & Frank is a snoring close to me we live first rate some times and feel first rate all the time if we go to bed having had enough to eat for supper we think we are well of but a goodeal better if we have enough for Breakfast March 3d one more day gone and one more left to live time dont go very fast to me lately I suppose I ought not to complaine but I have to once in a while I wish I could be contented and mind my own buysness a little better I suppos you dont have the blues at all wall a school marm ougt to feel well and I suppos you do of you letters course you said ^ did not think I cared as much about getting ^ as you do I guess that is a mistake once in a while when the mail comes in and I dont get any I think wall I guess I wont tell what maybe you have such thought to I suppose it will be all right some time dont you think so James Delaforce is out on a scout has been gone three days I guess he [hold?] corespondense with that Curly head down in Milan yet he is mighty shy about it though he is well or was when he left and fells first rate I guess the young folks are having high times by your tell this winter let them go it while they are young I hope they may always enjoy themselfes as well as they do now I have been trying to fill this peice of paper full but shall have to give it up I guess for I hav writen more nonsence than one ought to read now pleas excuse what aint here And beleive me Truly Yours Othniel