Nashville Monday Jan 12 /63 Dear Lucy I take my pen in hand again to write you a few lines to let you know that I am all rigt and feell first rate hope after the Battle and ^ this will find you the same I suppose you will get a better account of the Battle from the news papers than I could give if I should try our company was not called onto the feild but we ware buisy all the time we did not unsaddle our horsses for six days and nights and ware on the them a goodeal of the time we ware keept on picket or scouting & watching bridges ware in sight of the Battle Field a part of the time and in hearing of the guns all the time we passed over the field two over days after the Battle the dead ware all buried along the road [Before?] we passed the Rebles took more prisoners than we did but there loss in killed was a goodeal the largest the Rebles did not calculate to be whiped they had got winter quarters fixed up very comfertable but they had to leve ou front line is out about six miles beyond Murfeesburough and our camp about two miles beyond that place we have our tents and are comfertable Jan.. 18th /63 we are camped nere Nashville we have been out on a Scout for a week back and have had a . . hard time for it has rained and snowed a goodeal of the time it has frozen up now and seams like winter for the first time I saw Brooks last Sunday he is getting a better fast John Blakeman died last sunday he was in the Hospital with Brooks I saw him a little while before he s died S. Stebins has got his di^charge a has gone home I suppos I guess Brooks will get his after a little the last letter I received from you was the 22 of Dec.. I supose you have received my letters I have written a number and shall keep writing I have no more time to write more now as I have a chance to send to this office .Angle is well and is going down to see Brooks to day my Health is first rate Hope the mail will come befor long Direct to Nashville Tenn Your Truly Othniel