Camp Minty April 19th /63 Dear Lucy once more I take my pen to write you a few lines I dont like to write letters very well I guess you know that by this time thare is no news here to write it is Sunday & I have just come in of picket which makes me three nights on guard within one week I can stand that onley let me rest half the time we have got so that we have got so that we are [illegible in original] go on picket as to do any other duty we go out in sight of the Reble pickets the infantry are on the inside of our line cavalry have to take the front I received a letter from you yesterday Heart & all it did not take me long to read it was just about the right length. you spoke of Angle coming Home & wanted me to hep him if I could I would help him if I could for he is one of the best Friends I have got. I dont know as I can help him at all it is just as the Surgeon says about his going Home I think he will get Home before long the Hospital whare he is is a very nice place & the scick are well taken care of Liman Turner is in the same hospital and will take care of him if he needs know help you wanted to ^ how James Delaforce gets along he dont live at my house I guess he is all right he is fat & his clothes dont looke any of the best Buglers dont amount to much in this regiment. Thayer is all right he's all on the up up & we are all right them stockings you sent me are all right I shall think of the one that knit them often may her life be long & plesent Lucy you say you had a chance to [step?] of this winter may be you [mis?] it in letting such a chance slip I tell you the chances for my comeing home looks rather dark you will of course act for your own intrest 3 years look like a good while to wate. one anything that looks so uncertain as my ever returning home you may think I am home scick I am not. all I want is for you to act for your own best intrest. you are free to do as you like of course, all I want is for you to act for your own best intrest I hope you will read these few lines in the same spirit which they ware writen I dont know [Written on right hand side of Scan 3] but I wrote a few lines on this subject in my other letter perhaps it will do no hurt if [Written on top of Scan 3] I did the prospect for the war closing I dont think is very good things more looked a little ^ promising a month ago than they do now we live in hopes of better times coming time only can tell what is in Store for us & I will try and be content with my lot I beleive I have writen all I can think of we have orders for a six days scout we start this afternoon at at 1 oclock Othniel