[Written upside down on a slant on top of Scan 1] write often I beleive I have answerd all the letters I have received & more to [Written on top left hand side of Scan 1] them Hearts ware mighty nice they got broke but I could see how they looked O.C.G Camp Minty May 1st /63 I received two letters from you yesterdy and as I have a little spare time will write you a few lines I guess you had better burn up the last letter I wrote to you had the blues a little when I wrote it I guess burn it up I dont want to hear anything about it we have been so buysy lately that I have not had much time to write we come in from a seven day scout stayd in on night and then went on picket I just as lives be out of camp as in now the wether has got pleasant I come in of from picket yesterday we had been in a few minuits when the Captain come around with the order to strike tents & be ready to move in fifteen minuets you better beleive thare was some scratching & the tents come down in a hurry we got all ready to move then we ware orderd to pitch tents on our old ground so we went at it they furnish us new tents they call them dog tents and they are rightly named for they are onley big enough for two to sleep under you can sit up straight by getting in the midle they are just this shape ˄ that is the shape of the end they make a very good shelter from the sun & rain and when we move we can pack them on our horses & have a tent with us all the time I dont know as I can write you much war news I suppose you will see an acount Mcminnville of our last scout to ^ in the papers it was under the comand of Gens Reynold & Minty our [reg..?] & the 7 Penn.. went a- head the Rebles run without fireing a gun we done them more damage than we have done before on any Scout we went into the town on a dead run thare was a little circumstance hapend just before we enterd the town that waked up the boys mighty thare was three young ladies com runing out from a large white house & just as we got even with them they unroled a large Flag the stars & strips such a shout as went up from our regiment you dont hear very often I guess they ware glad to se us we ware glad to see the Flag we burnt up a goodeal of property I know I worked darnd hard burning the railroad Bridge and tearing up the track this tearing up a railroad track you better beleive is hard work this is the first I ever done at it & I guess if the rebles did work not like to ^ any better than Ido they would not do so much at it we worcked at it till after darck & then layd down on the ground for the night it raind all night but we was tired enough to sleep for we had riden over 40 miles & done some hard work besides. your sayd your Father wanted I should help Gust get a furlough I would help him if I could but thare is so many scick ones that are trying that he cant get one thare is hundreds of men here that have come down here after some scick Friend but they cant get a furlough without they are very bad of I have just heard from Gust he has got a good- eal better is actting as nurse now in the Hospital & I guess he will be back to his Company in a few days Give my best respects to all enquiring Friends (I beleive I am one of them Copper heads) Yours Truly (but I dont call myself a trator) Othniel