[Written upside down on top of page] P S Write very soon and tell me all the news, and say you will come. Kiss your father mother & Eva for me and with many kisses for your self darling I bid you good night May [End] Monday Afternoon July 1st 1861 My Darling Lottie Why in the world have you kept your self so quiet all this time. I shouldnt have known that you had come home if I hadnt had a letter from George last week. [crossed out letter] I wai- ted as long as I could before writing to you but am not going to wait any longer. How does it seem at Adrian. You got home just in time to see the soldiers didnt you. Didnt it seem nice to have a little excitement there. Have you comenced to move yet, and what have you been doing since you came back. have you heard that my pictu- re has been exhibited round town. George wrote me that when he was in Adrian he heard that a gentleman had my picture showing it all round town. I had a regular flirtation with white head Morey just before I came away. he dont know beans. he thinks he is about right though. I gave him my picture. but was vexed just as soon as I did it. So when I heard that he was showing it about town I wrote him a note and told him to leave my picture with Erville. within [crossed out letter] twenty four hours after receiving my note I have not heard from Erville since so I do not know whether he has given it to her or not. I wrote to Erville and told her to give the picture to you I was going to have one taken for you but if you like that one you can have it as I think it is a good one. and it flatters the original . do you see Erville often and what is she doing she fell in love with Mr [Lamprass?] didnt she. Doesnt it seem very quiet there now that the soldiers have gone. Have you seen George Kimball and Fred Ladd. Hasnt Fred grown good looking. I almost fell in love with him. I think he is just as nice as he can be. Give him my love when you see him. Lottie do you ever hear from Aaron now. He has called here three times. I dont know what he comes for. I would like to tell him he was not wanted. Lottie darling take my advice and just enjoy your self and go all that you can. Aaron seems to be enjoying him self as much as possiable I have seen him out with ladies three or four times at lectures, and he seemed to take particular pains for me to see him But now the students have most all of them gone home, not to return untill fall. Lottie when can you come out here and [illegible in original] us a visit. We want to see you so much. Write to me and say you will come soon. I know you will like it here Ann Arbor is so ple asant, and we will have fine times Pa and Ma have gone to Grass Lake visiting. how I wish you could be here with us. Minnie Kate and I are here all alone with the exception of the boy and girl. and if you were only with us this evening we would be so happy all togather Now Lottie write to me soon and say you will come and see us very soon. Kate says give my love to sister Lottie, and to come and see us. minnie is going to write to you in this letter Give my love to Uncle and Aunty Pendelton did she receive my letter write very soon to our loving sister May Hale