Ann Arbor Sept = 1861 Write soon Sunday Evening Good bye My Dearest Lottie Ever yours May I come to answer that dear good letter of yours. which came to me a week ago last Friday. It found me up to my ears in flowers and lace [crossed out letters] etc gett ing ready for a grand military ball which Minnie and I attended that eve It was got up by the officers and they did not send invitations untill very late. so we had but little time to get ready . I never hurried so in my life and never want to again . I could not get one moment to read your letter before I went. We didn't get home until three oclock in the morning but be [crossed out letters] in Adrean? Dont forget to tell me about Mrs [Written sideways on the right-hand side of page] Kemball I have entirely recovered from my [runaway?], a great deal sooner than I thought [End] [Written upside down on top of page] cushion. Expect to get it done some time there is a great deal of work on it. Yesterday I was down at Mrs. [Woods?] and learned how to make tatters insert ing like the kind you make and an other kind of tape trimming I will send you a little piece. Dont wait so long before you answer this as I have. write very soon Good bye. Love to all [more?] for yourreply Yours till death [End] [Written sideways on left-hand side of page] May Hale Have you got anything new. I havent. Is there any news [End] assured that I did not close my eyes before I had read your darling letter two or three times It made me sleep a great deal better. We had a splendid time. The Officers looked divine in their full dress and some of them danced exquisitely. I enjoyed myself so much and only wished you and Erville were there to enjoy it with us. I was dressed in white with a pink sash and headdress, and boquettes of flowers to loop up my sleeves and one on my bosom with a white plume in my hair. Minnie was dressed in her pink tissue with black lace and flowers – looked quite well. You see I give the full particulars. I wish you could have been here I know you would have enjoyed it. Wednesday and Thursday this last week we attended the fair here saw ever so many beautiful things. When is the fair in Adrian ? Do you remember last year: Oh! what times. The last day especialy . David stood pretty still though on that hill . But this we went to the fair . Last night we all went to a panaroma of the Bible a painted by ^ Mr Williams he was five years painting it. It is sertainly the most beautiful thing I ever saw If it comes to Adrian you must be sure and go. I received a letter from Erville the same day I received yours. She said [David?] Rathbonne accompanied them as far as Cleveland . and that they had a very pleasant journey. How do you like Scott Rathbonne. Dont you think he is handsome . I do if I rem – ember rightly Lottie if I could only see you I would shake the indigo all out of you I know. I should like to try any way. "A" is not in Ann Arbor that I know of. Oh! Lottie take Mays advice and dont write to him. Let him go to "Pot" where he belonged years ago. My dear little honey you can set your little heart at rest for you have got to come out here if we have to come for you. When we get a gentle horse that we can drive you may expect us. I looked at your photograph (pretty big word) this morning and imagined I could make you "grin" but I could not ma- ke you look at me at all. We used to make Minnie "grin" you know by pulling the window curtains up, and getting the cord over the roler. I should like to see Miss Pam as perceptive how does she act We heard Mrs Kimball had become deranged is it so. Isnt it dreadfull When you were at "[Clinton?]" you said you heard my name several times what did you hear anything particu- lar? My thoughts are in that direction as much as ever. Dont let this thing get lost! I am embroidering a splendid chair