Ann Arbor January 10th 1862 Friday Morning _ My Dear Lottie _ Your dear letter came Some time ago _ and should have been answered then but forgive me this time _ Another year has passed and gone and we have but just entered a New Year _ Oh may this be such a happy year to us all _ I trust and hope it will _ but we can not tell _ How short the last year has seemed to me _ to think of it _ seems hardly longer than a month _ I wish you were with us this morning _ it is windy and wet out of doors but what a cozy time we could have within _ I feel miserably this morning _ I have a hard cold _ and feel as if a good "cry" would do me so much good _ and thought perhaps if I should write to you dear one twould drive Sad thoughts away _ I suppose Erville has returned how much we would like to see her _ why dont she write to us _ tell her too _ Well Lottie how did you spend the Holidays _ I hope you are liking Adrian better _ I know you will if you will only go more _ Dwight wrote that you went to a dance _ did you have a good time_ I know that you could beat them all dancing _ write them me all about it _ Oh Lottie we are learning to Skate _ and learning fast _ we like it so much _ almost or [crary?] over it _ the girls here ^ most of them Skate _ Im sure you would like it so much _ I can skate at [w, 40 _?] by taking hold of a Gentleman's arm _) This week I have been attending a course of Lectures _ by E_ P_ Whipple _ they were all so good _ he is one of the first lecturers I ever heard __ May and I are both attending Dancing School we have splendid times _ and such a good teacher _ we enjoy it so much _ Lottie we have been talking and talking of going to Adrian _ we almost made up our minds to go there to spend the Holidays _ but now I hardly think we shall go before next summer _ to see you all _ but we want to see you so much _ come and see us _ How does the school prosper _ Ann Arbor is very lively _ something almost every night _ I am getting tired of going Sunday is my Birthday _ I shall be 19 _ almost out of my teens _ I begin to feel aged _ Saturday morning _ I have only time to write you a word tis morning for we are going out skating _ wish Lottie were here to go along _ May receivedyour letter last night _ Aaron is getting better _ we shall write again soon _ I am glad you liked those little simple gifts _ I shall write to cousin Dwight soon – May Kate and all send love to you all – write very soon to your Loving Minnie