[Written sideways on left side of Scan 1] January 25th 1862 [End] Camp Mekim Baltimore Maryland Dear. . Wife ..&..Daugter your letter just now lay before me It found me well but I am sorry to say it found John sick but I am in hops that he will not remain long in the Hospital where he now is I hardly know how nor what to write but I will tell you about our meeting that we are now ahaveing Oh if you only was here me to go with^ oh how happy I should be but as it now is I will go and enjoy my self the best that I Can and that is good for I love to go to Church Oh as I came home night before last I was startled by Charley Brownhill call for help for he said that David Sebolt was [illegible] and I was up on my Bunk I had my Boots off I jump down and ran to him I saw that was in afit and then I ran and put on my boots on and went after the Doctor and he came and said that he would soon get over it and he went back to his quarters and went after again in about [15?] minutes and he was gone I Came back and took hold [done?] all that layed in my power to save him Brownhill John K Roade and my self worke with him from [9?] Oclock until [smudged letter] 3 the next morning when he died Oh how I did hate to see that poor Boy die he was such awicked Boy oh makes me think of living nearer to my Lord and master for life is so uncertain Oh my friends live so if we should never [crossed out] [she] meet here on earth that we may meet in that Heavenly Kingdom above where we shall meet to part nor [more] forever that we may sit by the right hand of god and sing his praise forever more Eliza I cannot express my feeling as I wish I could oh I am so happy and so taken up with our meeting I have had my name put on their Class Book there has anumber of our Boys that has given them selves up to god and are for ever bound to be alamb of god tell father for me that I would like to have him write afew lines when you answer this letter if nothing more than to say I am well Eliza I have sent a small box of things to you I sent them by one of the soldiers that was agoing home he is agoing to leave them to Dibbles store it is for little Lilly it is a present to her by alady here in the City by the name of Welch and I want that you should send me alock of her hair and fixed it will so I can give it to her you must excuse [Written sideways on left side of Scan 2] me for this time for I have got three letters beside this to write and next time I will [End] [Written on top of Scan 2] do better and send you alonger one I sent you my likeness the other day and wrote aletter that time so I guess this will do [End] [Written sideways on right side of Scan 2] I will try and go clear around my letter with aline write and let me know if you get my likeness or not if you look sharp you will find my name somewhere [End] [Written upside down on bottom of Scan 2] Dick Dick Austin [End]