#25 Bridgeport Al March 10th / 64 Dear wife I had a twist of the head ache last night but am all right this morning. Was sorry to hear that Coady was dead but we must remember that thousands of others have died in the struggle for freedom you have not lost all that is dear to you yet many tender hearted friends have lost nearer and dearer friends than you, we must all be resigned to our fate and trust to the providence of God for our safe return to our friends perhaps when Mrs Musser has lost her son's sacrificed on the altar of freedom she will be willing to give up the worship of her idol Slavery and speak in becoming language in favor of freedom . I hope it will not be necessary for her to lose her other son before she comes to know what she is doing. and know her duty to her country and to her God for my part I would rather lose my life and the lives of 500,000 more men than not to hand down to posterity the blessings of Liberty and a free country. the records of the Company record book give my enlistment and place of residence which is the same as where credited you have got from the Adjutant General Now write to the Superintendent of the recruiting Service at Detroit Mich asking to know where. I was credited on the draft. Send an enclosed stamp and give him the time of my enlistment and I think you will get an answer which will settle it all up. Direct to the Superintendent of the Recruiting Service . Detroit, Mich. I send you a copy of the records of the company but dont think it will do you any good. Lieutenant More is acting as captain of our company Captain E P. Gifford is not here so I cannot get his signature but will if he ever gets here this is all I can do for you now You complain of my not getting your letters, I think I have got every letter that you have wrote the one you sent without a stamp I did not get in about a month and then it cost three stamps to get it from Nashville I got your last letter four days ago I had just sent you two letters with five dollars in each which will probably come good to you. I will send five dollars more in this one which will make thirty dollars this is more than I have earned cooking so you see I dont spend any thing I intend to save it all for you and the children. I have been vaccinated four times and it has not worked any yet Mar. 10th, '64 the boys are all well here there was 25,000 troops went past here yesterday for the front the rebs will have to hunt their holes soon. it rained here last night but it is pleasant to day. kiss the children for me. May God bless and protect you untill my safe return from Your husband Simeon A Howe Family Register Simeon A Howe Born March 8th 1830. C. E. P. Howe " June 1831 Simeon A Howe " July 25th 1853 died July 25th 1855 (?) Arden N Howe " Nov. 15th 1857 Owen C Howe " Jan. 16th 1861 Excuse all mistakes. I have written to Danly and I think you can get your help from him now. fifteen dollars per month is the most he can help any one S A Howe