#29 Bridgeport Ala. April 9th /'64. My dear wife I got your letter. to day is Wednesday I got your letter last Saturday but have not felt hardly able to answer sooner I got the currants and the letter with six stamps at the same time but did not get any paper I think it is not worth the while for you to waste postage stamps to send any papers to me. I can get all the news in the papers here as we can get a paper here every morning if we want I have not been cooking for about three weeks as I have not been able I had the bloody flux for about one week and then checked it and was then taken with a very severe cough but the doctor stoped that in one day and then I got better right off but was taken again last Saturday with a little affection of the lungs better but I am a good deal ^ this morning so I think I shall be well again in a few days. Well I think I have drawn rather a dolefull picture for you to read. I cant think of nothing to write there is no news that is worth writing I guess to learn that fanning mill man to do as he agrees next time you had not better pay him any thing any way but tell him to take his mill back you dont want it. I generally get your letters in eight days or nine at the farthest Apr. 4, 1864. Please send me a copy of that enlisting paper that was signed by Captain Duryea the small pox is finally completely stoped here. there has not been a case in this place for a month there is no scabs to be got here now nor no inf- ection matter so I cannot get vaccinated at present but dont think there is any danger for the present dont borrow any trouble about me for I think I shall be all right in a few days I presume before this reaches you doll will have a colt if she does well I feel afraid she wont do well but perhaps she will I want you to and get somebody to take both mares ^ have them both put again this summer it rather a delicate job for a woman perhaps some one will go by with a good horse if so have him stop and attend to the business himself May God bless and protect you all Pray for me always. kiss the sweet little boys for me tell Ardn that I will come back as soon as I can tell babe the rogue that he must kiss ma for pa and wait till pa comes back I send you a breast pin in this but you will have to get a pin put in at the jewelers have silver eyes for the pin when you want to polish rub on leather Goodbye from your husband S A. Howe