#41 Stevenson Ala June 23d, 1864 Well I have no letter from you this week my Dear. John got a letter from Electa and that is all I could hear from home I am well at present the boys are in tolerable good health we have had one man desert since we came to this place he was a young frenchman I dont know whether we shall stay here all Summer or not. it is quite warm here but no hotter than I have been in Gratiot at this time of year. we have all the apples we want to stew some of them are ripe new potatoes come into camp some but they are very dear green peas and beans are cheaper the country is nearly devastated here the citizens dont raise enough to eat themselves but have to sell to buy flour and coffee Sherman is giving the rebs some down by Atlanta he is within 11 miles of that place. Grant has got petersburg. I think the war is progressing finely. we get the papers every morning. I got a letter yesterday from Thomas and Martha they are well Caroline is very sick but is getting better She had the measles very hard bad they did not think she will live from one hour to another then she got better but was taken down again. Corn here is about as high as your waist new potatoes are about as large as hens eggs I think this would be a beautifull country to live in if it was re- generated and brought to be settled like the free north write as often as you can I should like to have a letter from home every week at any rate I dont think of much more to write this time is the children well. how does the wheat look does the corn look as if it would be anything this summer. I suppose the Strawberries are just in their prime now. well I should like to be there to eat some with you some cream and sugar well perhaps I shall be home this fall. I hope so. when this cruel war is ended. wheat is been cut here for near two weeks you see things are very nearly here onions are ripe and sell for 5 cents apiece milk 10 cts a pint black berries begin to come in for 10 cts per pint well I will say good-bye give the childen kisses for me from your ever loving husband to his Simeon A Howe to his wife C E P Howe