#5 Tennessee Nov. 11,th / 63 Dear wife I got your letter last Friday and was very glad to hear from home we have moved from our old camp down on the Northwest railroad about 110 miles from our old camp I have not had to do any work except to pack and unpack yet . we got here last night and had just time to pich tents and then had to move again this mor- ning we had to march about four miles on foot and that is all we have had to foot it. you said that Lyman had gave you his note then of course he brought you mart Browns and Dock Browns receipts so you had better put them in a letter and send them to judge Nelson. Direct to Francis Nelson, Ithaca Gratiot Co. Mich. I am glad you have adopted the rule to give the children their hours for study their is nothing that does me so much good as to think my little boys can read and write John and Nick Fulton have promised Not to drink any liquor while in the army but there is none to be got anyhow we are going to (be) getting out railroad ties as soon as we get straightened round I am well except a bad cold I had the headache yesterday but not very bad I was sorry to hear you was sick I dont mean to put myself in any dangerous position unless ordered but shall not stand back to be a shirk. I have not seen any danger yet, I have not had to stand guard yet. Has Mr Luce done any fall ploughing yet it is very good weather here to husk corn. It has not froze any here yet to amount to anything tell Arden to kiss ma for me and send one to me in a letter. tell babe (?) (babe) he must be pa for the rest of the time the boys are well except for colds Oscar has had a gathering in the head [(illegible in original)] but is getting better he ^ they can keep his afs. with the draft he is all right the army is a rough place but I dont hear any more worse language than when about home among the neighbors. I am glad you pray for me. for the prayers of the righteous availeth much. Write and tell me all the news you had better put the cattle in the cornfield iff you have not remember and save every bit of the fodder so as to have enough in the spring. dont fret and cry yourself sick for it wont do any Nov. 11th, 63 good. I had some sweet potatoes yesterday I am going to have a box started from home with a small cheese and some dried beef and a few other little notions in it. we have to pay forty cents a pound for cheese and sixty cents for butter and dried fruit is out of the question we dont get much chance to go out foraging to pick up anything I am going to cook for a mess and then I shall not have to stand guard nor drill nor do any other work and I can get from six to eight dollars extra per month which will be something for us send and tell me how to set salt emptings and to make sweet biscuit and sweet fried cakes. give my love to all excuse my bad writing for I have to sit on the ground and write in my lap God bless you goodbye Direct as before. from your husband Simeon Howe