#49 50 Camp at Stevenson Ala Aug 25 Dear wife I sit down to write to you again to- day I was going to write yesterday but got a chance to go out in the country and get some peaches so I put it off till to day I am well at present I suppose the draft makes the copperheads grunt some but they will have to come to the limerick I generally get our letters monday or friday I got no letter last monday I think I will get one friday I got this paper from the Sanitary Com it was sent me from Louisville by a friend there we had quite an accident in our company last Saturday just as the boys were raising the last post Saturday night it slipped and fell struck Seargent Muir lengthwise of him and killed him instantly he was as good hearted a fellow as we have in the company we are still building Block houses at Stevenson there is only 2 companies of us here the rest of the reg is scattered from Chattanooga to Marietta. John got a letter from Electa last Monday I got a letter from Gould Matthews last Monday he says he is well as ever he is they doing picket duty at Knoxville he says he is have a bit of a skirmish now and then just to remember that they are Soldiers. Are you all doing well at home we dont know anything about soldiering here we have a good place to sleep and plenty to eat drink and to wear all that is lacking is the Society of the dear ones at home. I expect we will get our pay again in about three weeks then I shall have one hundred and twelve dollars due me and I expect to be able to send it all home and a little more with it as I have got sixty dollars due me from the company. I shall send you a dollar in this and I want you to send me the worth of it in stamps for I cant get one here for love or money and I dont care about Sending without a stamp as long as I can get stamps. I think this war is assuming a more desperate phase as it is prolonged but I dont think it will last another year I think I am better off here than I would be at home and exposed to the draft I should be glad to see you all. I think the time will come when we will join each other again when the country is at peace and there is no more fear of draft or news of defeat of our armies. Well it is time for me to quit writing for want of room. kiss the children for me and when they go to bed tell them to remember Aug 25, 1864. their pa when they say their prayers. does Baby learn to read any yet. do you think the mares are both with fold this season. Well I will say good bye from your ever loving husband to his wife. Simeon A Howe