#68 About Jan. 10th Elk River Bridge Tennessee Dear wife one week to morrow I had just received a letter from you and got my paper to write an answer in return when the order came for me to pick up my papers and go to Murfreesboro and make my monthly returns and I have not had a minute to call my own untill now I have your letter before me I am very Sorry you have been sick I hope you will be very careful of yourself during this long cold winter I know you must have missed kind friends in your illness but when I come home I am going to make up for loss time this letter I have says you have not heard from me since the 28th of November that is the day we moved from Stevenson and the communication was cut on the 30th of the same month but letters go and come quite regular now but a great deal of our mail goes to Savannah where the Head Quarters of the Regiment is I dont know but we will have to go there in the spring well I am ready to go at any time John has gone to the hospital at Nashville and I think he will get a chance to go home in about a month. there is not much chance to get a furlough unless it is a sick furlough. my health never was better in the world. God has given me the Blessings of good health and that is everything here. Company "m" is Not gobbled yet and I dont think it will be but if it is my fortune to be a prisoner in the hands of the Rebs I shall try and bear it with Christian fortitude there is no Rebs in this vicinity now the cars go from Nashville to Chattanooga without scarcely any guards and are not molested by the Rebs. I want to keep an account of everything you let Lyman have for William and the time you let him have it I have let William have ($2.25) two dollars and twenty five cents to apply on that Note. I thought you had hired 50 cords of Wood chopped. If you have you ought not to suffer with the cold and I suppose you have got wheat enough for your bread So the world is not So bad after all how many of Gods children do not have half enought to eat, and yet thank God for what they have. Jan. 1865 I should be very glad of that silk handkerchief but I think you had not better send it untill the mail gets to going a little more regular. Dont run yourself short of money to pay any debts Lyman is not so disinterested in the other folkses [illegible in original] (?) as you always thought him to be he is just as selfish as any one I want you to use what money you want for your own use and let the debts go till I come home Lyman can take care of himself better than you can take care of yourself. Is the mares both with fold this year? and how do you think the fodder will hold out. the interest on that note of Wills does not come to as much as the interest from the united States on the money it will take to pay the Note it is not selfish to provide for ones Self in prefference to others it is only a duty that every one owes to himself and to his or her family St Paul says he that will not provide for his own family is worse than the heathen I dont think the world is any worse according to the number of inhabitants than it was 1800 years ago I thank you for your good wish and I believe it will be granted in part anyway I feel that the prayers offered up in my behalf will be answered that I shall be permitted to See my family again and that this war will cease and I permitted to stay at home in peace. If there is any chance to get a furlough in the spring I am going to put in for one but dont Expect me untill I come and then you will not be disappointed. Well good Bye for the present from your Every loving husband, kiss the children and tell them to pray for pa. Simeon A. Howe