#86 87 Co "M" 1st Mich Engineers Nashville Tenn, Aug. 18, 1865. Dear wife I received a line from you of Aug. 11th and was sorry to hear you was sick after coming home from St. Johns You had better let me went out on foot but I sup- pose you are better satisfied as it is. I am well and hearty as usual and I hope you will be carefull and not expose yourself any more than you can help. the prospect is very good for our being discharged soon. the order came this morning to turn over all the tools the work is all done here and the papers is being brought to a close Just as if the order would come for us to go home in a few days. Captain told me just now that he would recommend me to day for promotion to Sergeant to date from the 26th day of July which will bring my monthly pay to 34 dollars per month you see that will help some, but pay is no object to keep me from home I want to get home worse than I did before I came home but time will come round after awhile. and we must wait pat- iently for the military. the boys from our place are all well there is but very few sick in the Company at this 87 time. Still this is the sickly season. I thank Sister Richmond for her prayers for I know that the prayers of the Richtious availeth much. I shall try to live a christian life even here in the army there is not much news to write. I would send you ten dollars in this but I think I shall be at home soon to bring it myself. we have not been paid any yet I got $7.50 on my furlough so you see I am not short of money how does dandy get along is Charley Webster doing him any good keep old Doll tied down so she wont throw the fences I think I shall go to [illegible in original] Jackson. Co after I get home to buy some sheep dont get in debt any more than you can help for I want to get out of debt when I get home I suppose Arden remembers his Pa way done in Dixey again in his prayers after he goes to bed. has Adalaide and Hank's folks settled with Lloyd Brown yet Tell Miss Pierce she must learn you to take of humps on backs or I shall have to go there to have my hump removed. Give my respects to all inquiring friends and I will say good bye God Bless and Protect my Dear wife. Remember me in your prayers. Simeon A. Howe