#16 Bridgeport Al. Jan 14th /64 Dear wife it is with pleasure that I have time to write a few lines to you. I am well I received yours of Dec. 31st yesterday it ought to have come 2 days quicker which disappointed me much when it is time for your letters to come every train or cars is looked for with anxiety untill it comes my letters are mailed here every week iff they dont come it shall not be my fault as long as I am able to write I have got twelve stamps from you you need not send any more untill I write for them. I have bought fifteen stamps which gives me a good supply. Laurence and son Daniel also is here. and well Thomas Munson is sick in Nashville I heard he was getting better he and Will and Sal Cressinger are all in Nashville 150 miles from here so you hear from them oftener than we do as to Co M being half on the sick list is nothing alarming as nearly half of them are boys and men to lazy to work so they go to the doctor to get excused from duty we expect to find some sick ones always in one hundred and fifty men in camp there is not one man on the ground dangerous or bed fast so enough of that. Iff you will look in the first pert of my account book and you will find put down there when dolly was put to horse. I dont remember just when it was but think it was about the middle of May and she will go from ten to twelve months The contract with luce was this I was to furnish a team to do the work on the farm and wagon for the same and plough also and seed he was to fall plough the lot down next to fitzes and the piece back of the orchard he was to sow the piece next to fitzes to oats and the corner piece to oats plant the orchard to corn and potatoes Left it to you to say how much to potatoes and summer fallow (?) the helms stubble ground and the piece back of the orchard and plough the piece back of the orchard three times. and he was to have half of the crops and deliver your grain in the barn threshed, your potatoes buried in the hole and the corn husked and in the crib. He was to leave the straw all on the farm but you was to find hands to stack the Jan 14, 64 same and one man to divide the grain threshing day. I told him if doll was not fit to work on account of her colt to put in one of his horses and then use one of mine on his place enough to pay back the use of his he was not to plough up any of the grass ground nor cut the hay without a separate bargain. Iff there is going to be any fuss you had better get your deeds all recorded and then take the staff in your own hands. tell Ada that I was glad to hear she was getting along with her school. Williams letters that you sent all come here I just sent back three of them to him iff you direct to him dont mention the Com nor Regiment but direct to Hospital No 4 Ward B Nashville, Tenn. I have not got any paper from you papers dont come very regular but I have read the proclamation and think it about right you need not waste stamps to send me papers as I get more reading matter than I get time to read. I think you can afford to hire some one to split the wood for you I shall send one dollar in this to pay for splitting the wood for you and if Electa hires some one to split as much it will last all winter I dont want you to suffer thinking to share with me for you will get cheated for I dont suffer any- h thing but comfort I get all the dis^clothes enough for myself and you to. I think the time will come when we shall see each other again. I cannot read about you and the children nor think without the tears flowing fast but I am glad of it. Sometimes I wish I did and the not love you so much babies so well and then it would not be so hard to stay so long from you and it would not come so hard iff I was called to leave you alone in the world and lay my body in the grave in the sunny south but enough of this. I love my family and it is right it is so and I pray that it will never be otherwise bxes come here to the soldiers from St. Johns one weighed 80 pounds and cost to three dollars I wrote for you to send me some things about the time that Bassetts Boys sent for theirs. I guess you did not get the letter but you may send me a small box if you have not sent it when Jan. 14th 1864. you get this send some butter put in a tin pail and cover fastened on and some dried fruit and some cookies. I made some apple pies to day and the boys said they were the best they had eat since they come from home well it is time to go and get some supper so I will have to draw my letter you to a close may god bless ^ and give you health and strength to bear up under all you are called to bear is the prayer of your ever faithfull husband Simeon A. Howe to his wife and children tell Helen and Della to be good girls and learn all they can and let the boys go to the [Spries?] (?) all they are a mind to. Tell Arden and Owen to kiss Ma for Pa for Pa is in Dixey but Pa will come back when the war is over if the lord is willing to spare his life tell the little boys to pray for Pa to come back SA Howe I will send five dollars instead of one give my love to all SAH.