On the Cares going to Grand Rapids Sept 19th 1862 Br James I write to let you know that I have enlisted I am sorry that my horse was not what you & I [too?] suposed her to be I intend to take her with me in the army I shall get a furlough furlow if I can long enough to go once over my circuit to see my old friends. I will hold a meeting at the Scofield S. H ere long if I get a furlow If I do not will you please tell Br [Rann?] that I wish him to pay George Fisher three dollars for me & call his subscription paid -- If you can get any of the Sub scription – besides that please mail it directing to W.W. Olds Conway Liu Co Mich & it will get to my wife She needs it poor lonely grief stricken women - I intend to do what I can to serve our Country in the army I shall make an application to be appointed Chaplain - I do not expect to get it But I have a good c rec^omend from the leading men of Lansing This will give me an introduction to the officers then they can do with me as they think best We started from [Byrum?] about 11 OC Oh it was grievous to leave those dear ones there, weeping who had gone with us as far as they could to cheer us on our way Our men appear to be intelligent & gentlemanly - When I see such noble looking fellows going to be [Upside down at bottom of Scan 1] [mark illegible in original] W W Olds sacrificed like cattle to the slaughter I can not help thinking that these woes – griefs - hopes – this stupendous ruin [illegible in original] by War will cause the people of America to curse & tread beneath thier feet the foul poisonous causes that lead to such a result, when this dark cloud of War has passed away & the lifegiving sunlight of peace, gain, smiles upon us I believe that it is the duty of every man that can to join the army at this time that we may hasten peace by hastening victory - Tell all my friends that I remember them kindly - If I have done or said any thing that they esteem wrong I ask thier forgiveness I have aimed to do right - if I have failed ignorance & meakness was the cause My life may be very brief now I am determined to be a Christian if I can until my earth Journey ends - I have no fearr of death – That hope I spoke of the last time I [illegible in original] you is mine – Please write to me direct to Grand Rapids Mich yours as ever W.W. Olds