Wedneday Sept 24 1862 Dear Sister I thought I would write you a few lines it may be to all the folks though I am in the land of the living yet as you may see and am geting along very well at present I think it strange that I have not got any leters from hom I have not got one yet to know whether you was ded or alive but ther will be no use of your writing till you hear from me again for we will be away from here before you could get a leter here for we start tomorrow for the Regiment it is now in one hundred milds beyand cincinnatti whare the Rebs are likely they have had a battle before now they was expecting one sometime ago I think they will have them prety well hammerd out by the time I get thare dont you likely you have heard something about the indians that are here thare is about 100 within 16 miles of us but they seem to be peasible I guess they dont calculate to trouble us any & they wont unles they do it she quickly I should like to know why the doctor did not come out and go with us I am not sick of a soldiers life yet when you write to me tell me whether the money I set got there safe or not I canot get any more till I get where I can see the Captain then I shall get 30,0dollav rs I should got it when the rest did but was amild from camp sick & the captains drawd it for me & he had to leave the next day so I got threw out of my pay but as soon as I get there I will get it and send all I can spare home I have no money here now only about one dollars worth of stamps them I wanto keep I let Israel take adollar to put into his pocket book & he is gon he could not have time come where I was and see me. hey started so sudden tell the I think of them all I canot write any more now I must by rest aspel I have wrote a leter for aman that cant write I have the best care they got us into the chamber of a cooper shop there we had some straw in our bunks but I must stop so good by from Guy Scofield