Camp Kellogg Oct 1st 1862 Dear Sister and kind friends I recieved your letter this evening & hasten to reply - I was very glad to hear from you & more so now than ever because I am far away from Home & all that is near & dear to me on earth It was no new start for me to enlist I had contemplated doing so for some time - yet I should not have enlisted this fall if James had been suited with my horse I have no doubt but what it is all for the best that I should join the army - There is a great field here for any man to labor in - morally We have voted as a Co to be true to ourselves the loved ones at home - our country - our officers & our God I believe that most all of the men in our Co mean to do right But it is a trying place - There is much very much to draw men away from virtue, here - War in its best apparel is an awful reality A robber of homes - a murderer of loved ones - a spoiler of our country,- the sum of all evils. Our country must be preserved if possible - but oh! what a sacrifice - Who can estimate the value of so many precious lives? Is our whole country worth so many noble men? I am a soldier now I mean to do a soldiers duty – if possible – If I die in the army I have no fears of death - To me it is a beautiful angel of freedom – sent to take us away from care & sorrow If I live I shall rejoice to meet my dear friends again when I return I hope you will remain a united church in Locke – I believe that you will I shall be very glad to hear from c some of you oc^asionally I will write as often as I recieve a letter from any of you - I shall remember those in Locke & Perry who have been my true friends kindly - Enemies I never notice I like soldiering as well as I expected to We have such fare at present – that we have no reason to complain - If we never have any worse than we do now we [I?] aught not to complain – It tired me at first to drill but I can stand it now as well as any – I was sick 3 days – was in the Hospital ½ day - They have excellent care in the Hospital It makes one feel very sad though to stand & look at so many sick ones so far from their home & friends - Men I went home last week – but did not have much time to visit I expect it was the last visit for the present I hope to return home - after this trouble is settled - to enjoy the society of my friends again - but if I do not it is all right - I hope that our friends in Locke will make up that back pay especially that Br Rann will pay Geo Fisher 3,00 that I owe him We have not been mustered in yet We have not recieved our uniform Horses nor arms yet = - We eat drink sleep drill etc. at present - We have had some good meetings in our co – What the future will bring I know not I have just as much of a desire to live right now as I had when I tried to labor with you – Cav The 6th ^ Reg is full & I heard yesterday that there were about 500 men for the 7th here - We camp upon a sand hill about 1 mile east of the Rapids We have to bring our water to drink & cook with about ½ a mile - There has been some talk of our moveing to Detroit Direct to me Camp Kellogg Grand Rapids care Capt D.G. Boyce 6th Cavalry I shall be glad to hear from you often Yours as ever W.W. Olds