Aug 29th Dear Guy I have seen G= Macumber to day and was glad to learn by him that you were well and enjoying your self so well I have worried about you a great deal since you left us you did not come back as we expected and you may be sure that we were rejoiced to hear from you and that there is a prospect that you can come home next week. O how I want to see you and yet I dread the pain of parting which may perhaps be forever but I hope and prey that we may meet again, but we must put our trust in Almighty God who alone is able to shield us from danger and death he ruleth in the armies of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth and in him do I trust and into his hand do I commit you my dear boy tis a mighty struggle but God and my Country for ever I feel no disposition to call you back but bid you go in Gods name to your duty manfully in every instance and [I?] do beware of temptations in every form shun vice of every kind do not drink any Spirits I hear that you are not allowed to play Cards on Sunday but I beg of you by all that is great and good not to covet them atall card playing even in short leads to fear ful results, will you heed my counsels then absent they may seem needless but to keep heart love that [broughts?] them [illegible in original]. love as none but a Mother is capable of feeling Aug 30 to day your letter came which made us feel better about you I will try and write as cheerfully as possible and encourage you all I can in the great work ^ in which you have enlisted and may God help you to fight man fully for the best government in the world I did not wish to say anything to dishearten you but tis always right when you are going into danger to know it and realize and think of it and be prepared for any thing that may happen, and then hope for the best and I am trying to do so I do look for- -ward with pleasant anticipation to the end of this bloody rebellion when if you are spared and come home with an honourable discharge your warfare ended and you a good uprig -ht man a true patriot and soldier I will ask no more I should be justified in feeling a little proud but if you should come like [Porock?] and [Pourt-?] Jones with 30 armed men after you offering a reward for you dead or alive I should wish you had died before you were disgraced but I think better of you than that I hope and trust you are working for principle and Justice and if all do the same the right will triumph over wrong and our once peaceful and happy country will once more be restored to its former State of happiness and the Stars and Stripes will once more proudly wave over these united States of America I hope this glorious time is not very far in the future I must now talk a little on divers subjects first how did you give your name or how is it down on the muster roll is it Guy I, or, I. Guy. tell us which for we want to put it on your it letters Just as you have ^ there tis important that you put your name Just alike all the time Send the number of your Company I hope you can come home but if it so happens that you cannot we will try to bear it but if you should not come send all your clothes safely home you and Israel and will Warren all in a box together and direct so that it cant get Lost and if you cant come be sure and write before you start off to Washington