Camp in the woods on a hill mountain near near Pulaskey January the 27th, 1865 Dear Wife it is with that I S am Seted in my little dog tent to right a phew lines. to you to let you know that I am well at present and hope thease phew lines may find you and the Dear Cildren and ellen all well I am enJoying my Self very well for one in the armey I would rather be in Binks Corners with you but I hope the time is not fare distant when this Bloday war Blooddy ^ will be don with and we Can retorn home to our famleys but we do not know how long it will be it will be in gods one time we most put our trust in him and leave it all with him and it will all be rite we not moch most ^ put tr ^ trust in the [peas?] men [peas?] Commiseners for they may form freely and they may not but I [Written sideways on left-hand side of Scan 1] I Start day after to morrow and I may I get back be fore you get this [Written sideways on right-hand side of Scan 1] do not worry about me for I have a good place I do not have any gard duty to do [Written upside down on top of Scan 1] not if I could know that you would ^ worrey about me god is Just as able to take of me hear Just the Same as he Could if I was to home stop I most ^ good by Dear wife for this time this from your affectnate husband J.B. Smith to Mary Smith hope they will it would be a good thing for us but god knows best and we most wait hise time I have had at 2 letters from you sine I came hear I got hear on the 18th of this month and yesterday I got A letter from you that you rote on Chrismos day I wish I Could have ben thare to spend it with you and New years. I. Should have liked to have ben thare it would have ben far diferent then being hear in the armey but I had a good time as Could be expected I rote to you about both days I have not got my pay yet and I do not know when I will [illegible mark in original] our Cornal. Cornal. Micks. Says that we will not get our pay untill we are mosterded out of the united States Serves and he thinks that will be in April or may but we he dose not know I hope it will be So but it will not do to make any Calculations on it but it may be So. if it isso I Shall be glad to have Come home and letting fighting be for Som boddy [Written sideways on left-hand side of Scan 2] give my love to Hellen and kiss the Cildren for me we aways have good [Written across top of Scan 2] times when we are on At a raid for we live [Written sideways on right-hand side of Scan 2] swell I Put my trust in god I think he will take cair of me and you else do the fighting if they want to fight for I do not want to do any more I do not think that we will have any more fighting to do fore the rebs are a good ways from us old [whood?] is all a used up and he lost 29 thousand and. 84. men in his Campain with us I think he are will not try us on again we a ^ in general Johnson Division and his Destrick runs from the tenn. river to Duck river in tenn. we Shall have to gard the [illegible in original] betwen the 2 rivers I do not expect we will have to leave this place in good while I rote to you about Aaron about Seeing his rigament and Company and. bunk mates but did not see him I should like to have seen him he was out on picket and I Could not find him I rote in my last letter about him you have proble got my letter be fore this time I have socks not got them ^ yet and I told you in my last letter to Send me a nother pair and how to Direct them Direct them the Same as you do a letter put a pease of paper around them so it will not [Written sideways on left-hand side of Scan 3] let us put our trust in god and pray for [eather?] other and it will be all right [Written across top of Scan 3] with us get loose I and put Stamps on it the Postmaster will tell you how many to put on. and try an other pair I would like to have a pair of your make for I do not like thease armey Socks they Strech So I can put them on to my head and you know that I do not like Such Socks and if [illegible in original] maning has that money in a Shape that you can get Some of it I would like to have you Send me Some of it every time that you right put one or 2 dollars in to your letters when you right to me in that way the post master will not know any thing about it and then they will not Steal it and send me 2 or 3 postage Stamps to when you right fore it a hard thing to get them hear fore thare is none to Sell. onley [illegible in original] and a good while and then i did not have any money untill you Sent that money I tell you it looked good to me. now Dear wife I have got somthing to I tell you Somthing that you will not like we have Just got orders to go on a raid way down in to Alabamma and I do not know how long we will be gon we may be gone one month and we may be gone 2 months and I may not have any chance to Send a lettr to you but if i do I will right every chance that I can we may not be gone over 2 weeks but you most not worry About me fore god will take care of me it is better us to be on the march we are helthyes when we are on the march the oficers think that we will not be gone over 2 weeks our head quarters will be hear and you most right and they may come to me I Shall right and I may get a chance to Send to you now Dear wif you most not worry about me we do not expect to have any fighting to do I [illegible in original] for I am taking cair of the captian horses