Aprial. Sunday the 9th 1865 Camp of the 8th Mich near Pulaskey Dear Wife with pleasure I sit down to [answre?] youre most welkem letter that come to hand yester day I was out on picket and did not get it untill this morning but it come good where I come in to camp for it commenced to rain Just as I came in and it done me good to have a letter to read from you I was glad to hear that you and the children ware well and that you had got my likness for glad I am ^ to do any thing for you that I can when I get my pay I will get it taken again and send it to you in A diferent Shape so that you can Send it to your folks and one to Sarah and Johns folks. I. am in good Spirets and enjoying my Self as well as I can a way from my famley the Dearst tie that I have on earth god has been very good in sparing my life through So many narrow plases and in spairing the lives of my Dear famley my prayer is that he will Spair us to meet again on earth I hope that it will not be long be fore it will be when I can come so as not to be bothered with the war I Supose that you have heard all about the [illegible in original] that General grant has gone I expect by this time the rebel armey is used up by this time thare is not many of them near hear we do not any expect [illegible in original] ^ of the rebs to come hear but old forist and he started to come and he got badley whiped So I do not think that he will try it again if he dose try it we are hear first and we will give him one of the [ofilist?] whiping that he ever got but I do not think he will try it again for he we give him enuf last fall and winter I think the war is about played out I think that we Shall Soon be don a fighting for the present I hope it is So and that I shall soon be permitted to come home to my famley be and I think that I shall ^ sattisfied to stay at home with my Dear famley the rest of my days I have good times I have got a good tent to live in thare is 2 of us that bunks to gather and we have got it bilt up of of the ground so that we can stand up in it and we have got a fir fier place to cock by and to sit by it seams more like living we are not in the same camp that we ware in when I rote to you before we have moved our camp about 6 miles we are about one mile from town it is a nice place for a camp it is on [illegible in original] one [illegible in original] of our battel fields that we fought on last winter thare is lots of canon balls and shells sctterd on the groung the ground [illegible in original] Some of the shells will go yet I wish you could hear the one of them. berst we have become So used to hearing of them that we do not mind them. any more then we would the report of a Shot gun when we wase to home we made our fire place out of brick that come out of a house that the rebs [2 words illegible in original] when they was in hear last fall. you wanted to know if I got that 50 Sents and dollar that you Sent to me I have got every thing that you Sent to me but that first pair of soxs that you Sent I hope they will do some boddy Some good if they have got them I do not want you to try to do to moch in the gardin but you can get some boddy to work it for you I hope that I will be home in time to do somthing this Summer but we most be contented with our lot I Shall come home home when it is rite for me to come I would rather you would Stay thare then in canada for we can get letters better from eatch other I most stop give my love to all enquiring friends give my best respects to Sarah. ellen. and Johns folks no more this time this from your ever affectnate husband to my kind and Dear Wife Mary A. Smith J.B. Smith [Written sideways on right-hand side of Scan 4] I can not find any thing about Aaron nor edward