Tenn. Pulaskey June the 4th 1865 Dear Wife It is with plesure that I Sit down to write A phew lines to you to let you know how I am I am not as well as I Should like to be but I think that when I have ben home A little while I Shall get fat Again you most not expct to se See me [illegible in original] look fat and helthy when I get home fore I have hade the rumitism now for A bout A month and it has [illegible in original] taken the flesh of of my Boans but I am better of it now I think that I Shall get over it now and when I get [illegible in original] Started on the way home and the change of climite will help me. and the change of food will be better then meddison fore me I wrote to you that you need not write to me for I expected to Start home ago 2 weeks ^ but we are bound to be disapointed and I am hear yet but now our papers are all made out and Some of our men out on A Scout and they have been Sent fore those that are to be musterd out now and men have ben Sent to Stay in thare place and the talk is that we will be musterd out this week but we may not get out untill next week but I am waiting [paiecently?] and when I do get out I Shall come home as fast as the cars will cary me but you must not look fore me untill you Se me comming I got your letter that you rote the 25th of last month I was glad to hear from. you that you was well and in canada for I think that you will enjoy your Self better thare and I will come rite over thare as Soon as I can I have heard of Some land that is on the road that is if I go back the Same way that I came it is onley 15 miles of of the roade and I think. that I. will stop and see it and if it sutes me I will by and it will save me A good deal of expences it is this Side of Detroit about 100 miles South west of Detroit if it is as good as they Say it is I think it is the best place for me it is cheap if I can get State land it wont cost me any thing onley the [writings?] and no tax to pay for 5 years but I would have to go on to it and make improvements and Stay on it 5 years [before?] I could get A dead but when I See it I can tell better A bout it. you most keep up corage good [illegible in original] until I get home I have Just got A letter from charley he is well give my best respects to all of the friends now Dear do not worry about me but be coragous and put your trust in god and all will be well no more this time this from your affectnate husband to my Dear Wife J.B. to Mary A Smith