Three Oaks Mich. 12th 1868 Dear Brother. We received your letter yesterday. you are getting [illegible in original] pretty fast., will soon be on the great pacific Road. I have just been reading a piece on the road I will send some of it. thought it may not be of any use, It is in a pleasant weather now. business quite dull: farmers just planting corn, It has been very wet.. We had a very hard thunder shower: the hardest for years. a few days ago. I shoveled up a pail ful of water that blew in under the door. felt a small shock of electricity.. We had meeting last evening to see about the celebration of the fourth of July.. We conclude to celebrate, Father is working harder than a young man making beehives: its most swarming time.. he has gone in to Graces to day, .. The upper part of Martin Brothers sotre is nearly done. Stephen will probably use it as a dwelling, Capt Bracley is here yet living in the old log house. Three Oaks is very quiet now days not much news to write. [illegible in original] the man that got his hat inked one day last winter in the galley. has a concert to night. I think I will go the "band" went to Troy to have an exhibition. there came up a thunder shower. and stoped it they had to stay all night and sleep in a barn, Watch work continues along about the same pictures are dull. took a baby to day.. We take the Buchanan Record now will cut out Locals. when there is any and send it to you, I am studying. some now days chemistry. My mind is quite clear for inventing I may do something in that line, or try, My health is pretty good I am out doors a good deal, I am glad you like the trade. it will be as good as a "rich Rathers" Your Brother Fred