Devalls Bluff Ark Mar 20/65 Dear folks at home The Mail boat came in this morning. bringing me (Mar 13) one letter ^ and two papers, Cook [Cortney?] & [Mandy?] came in on the boat Letter & papers come very acceptable Send all the reading matter, you can, old magazines Novelette anything you can get hold of. My health is passably good, I have direa, not very bad, My cold is nearly over, a little cough left, We have had but little to do the past week, but eat and tend roll call. They have we have [commenced?] the drill now, I think I shall stand it, I can drink coffee equal with the rest now. I like beef & rice [illegible in original] but I miss Sauce, sweet, & c. I go and try the bakers pies they contain apple enough. greece enough. but they don't taste like mothers. I eat a little and give or throw the rest away I have tried all kinds. I can't eat them. Apples are 3 for 25 cts cheese 60 cts per lb (I bought a dollars worth last week) good for diarea, Butter 80 cts pr lb. Shugar I can buy of the soldiers for 25 cts lb the boys all buy butter. I prefer sauce or shugar We are camped about 1/2 mile from the river. the ground is rolling on the opposite page. I make two [illegible in original] one of the camp one of the country. The land is cleared about one mile from the bluff, and earthworks are thrown up so that the enemy could not easily take the place, I do not know how many soldiers they have here they come and go all the time the 3d mich cavelry passed through here last week. I saw [Dick Drew?]. they go to New Orleans, There is [illegible in original] now that the 12th will have to go but I hope not. [Total scan is a drawing of the camp.] It is raining this afternoon. [illegible in original] is building some fire. he is not well. not having done 3 weeks duty since he came up last fall. After I get this letter done I shal go to reading the waverly. I broke my watch crystal yesterday got one put in for 75 cts. & broke that, cannot you send me some by mail in one of those small collar boxes, there is one in my trunk send 5 or 6. Heavy crystals, size 26 1/2 some 26 3/4. you will find some crystals in my large trunk some in my small trunk, If I knew we were going to stay long here I would have you send that small box of crystals which I packed, to take to New Buffalo - I have not got to work on watches yet we have no window in our shanty I shall not work until I have got the drill learned & have got used to things. From Fred P Warren Edward Warren. Three Oaks Berrien Co. Mich