Duvalls Bluff Ark Apr 17th /65 Dear folks at home. Monday my writing day has come around I have received three letters this week March 29, 31. & Apr 5th also 4 papers for which I am thankful I have not received my box yet, it may come in on the mail boat. My health is poor yet. At a celebration aniversary of the fall of Sumpter. Apr 14 I marched down town with the troops. but my liver & bowells were so sore that the belt and cartridge box set them to aching I was in great misery for a while. I got liberty to come back to camp got into my bunk an lay in misery all day I have reported sick since then. till yesterday the Doctor told me I must try to do duty to day.. I feel to weak though to do anything my stomach and liver are out of order I shall have to be very careful of my stomach in order to get well I dare not eat but part of a slice of bread for a is better meal. My diarea ^ I only have to go the rear [illegible in original] three to six times a day now in the place of from ten to twenty. The mail was just brought around. I received "Waverly" and "Phrenological Journal." There has been a good deal of rainy weather during April yesterday Sun. was very warm and pleasent, Sunday is hardly known from any other day by the soldiers Picket and Provo [illegible in original] duty goes as usual. the only the only change is inspection of arms in the morning, a general parade at 5 in the afternoon, yesterday being excused from duty I took things easily ate my breakfast in the morning read till about 10 Oclock then went down to a brook behind the camp. (about like one in the 5 acre lot,) Striped off and washed me and changed my clothes. all along the brook can be seen almost any time Soldiers washing their clothes I spent the day in reading & sleeping I went out a while to see Col. May train the soldiers, There was no meeting short o town, & I did not feel strong enough to walk there. Noon. While writing this morning the orderly cam along and put me on fatigue. I did not feel much like going and unloded but went, four of us loded ^ two loads of hay. and one load of beef which was plenty enough work for me. this afternoon we load manure. I did not eat anything till this noon. I must lay down a little while before going to work. 5 oclock. I have dragged through my work. There is a rumor here that Lincoln & Seward are killed Fred P Warren