Bridgeport ct Aug 11th 1866 Dear Folks at home, It is one week since I wrote to you, Monday this week I went down town, and looked Wheeler and Wilsons Sewing machine Factory, it is an extension affair I was very much interested. Tuesday I also spent in looking over Bridgeport, I went to the Sound and waded out in, at low tide, Wednesday I tooke the boat to see New York I staid three days and looked the city through and through, I would take the street cars ago up one street 5 or 6 miles or less and then return on an other, I went into a good many manufactories and stores, and saw a good deal of City life, My whole expence was about $8, I thought some of stopping in New York and purtly engaged a room, but after thinking it over I concluded that I should enjoy life, better in a smaller city, there is to much noise and excitement, there there are to many people. things are to crowded to suit my temperament, I like Bridgeport very well If I could get in here anywhere there are 4 or 5 extensive watch shops here, Houses are very dear here. they ask $2500, for the cottage opposite the house you used to live in 1/4 acre land room not much more land in it than you have now. Uncle asks $6000. for his place of 20. acres ground one third covered with stones, the west is the place for farming, if uncle put the same amount of labor on a western farm that he puts on this he would raise three times as much my health is pretty good, my liver is better than it has been for along time, I like the air here. I had some clams to day for dinner, they tasted good, Uncle wants to sell out so he will not have to work so hard he is pretty well broke down I did not see anything of the cholera in New York, only one man on the park was taken suddenly sick he might have had it, I saw [illegible in original] a man who had just been taken up out of the water, his face was pretty eaten away. he was an awful looking object, he had a very high forehead and was well dressed I am learning a good deal and shall be better [illegible in original], settle down into business business is full as good east as it is west. (Renseleer Couches daughter Cornelia says, is dead she died about 4 weeks ago. she was an [illegible in original] only child) I put in news as it comes along. Manufacturing is very brisk now I went to the Episcopal Church last sunday. the north church is being repaired, the singing was excellent. they pay one lady one thousand dollars a year who sings. Bridgeport is a wealthy place I do not think you better sell your property in Three Oaks for the present. I shall do something next week, I may go out into the manufacturing district north of here and stop at some of the small towns and travel for a time an if I do I shall probably return west to set up permanently and I may get a place in Bridgeport if I d I shall need [illegible in original] friends I have got to set up with, Uncle got a good wife. his boy is very much like him, his daughter is the most [tonguey?] thing I ever saw She like her [illegible in original] can talk and eat at the same time, she is a [illegible in original] awake piece supper is ready Fred R. Warren