November 21 1864 Dear father now having a fiew leasure moments to spend I will wright you a fiew lines to let you know that I was just starting out on a raid they say we are a going to have a very hard raid in to tennasee I now that we are a going to have a hard tine for it is prety cold and we have to lay out just as it hapens it has snowed hear to day most all day but not so hard as but so it melted bout as fast as it fell it is prety cold and prety rough weather I shal bee glad when we get into winter quarters the mud is just about six inches deap and such a time a marching you never saw it is slap slap all the time I have but a fiew moments to wright I am well and all the rest of the boys also I now sit om a couple of rails and betwean to fires and I am getinv g geting cold and I guess I will quit now buy biding you good night I remain as ever your son W Teachout