November 12th 1864 Dear father now having a fiew leasure moments I take my pen in hand to rite and let you know we are all well and enjoying our selves the best kind I just got that box this morning evry thing came through safe as far as I know of Stone and Eugene and mine was all right I should think buy the looks of Willeys and Charleys that they are all right they are both out on a scout and I shal haft to keep theirs till [Written upside down at top] plias direct to Webster Teachout Ky co L 11th Michigan cavelry ^Lexington I have ben changed from A to L [End] [Written on left side of letter] 800 18 00 [End] they get back Stones can of apple butter the top of the can bursted of and lost some of it but not much it made sort of nasty work in the box was the most other ways from that it was all right Sulvester Boney has ben down hear and seen us and Some of the boys was Saying they saw him in mount Stirling this morning and he said a th[ea]^t he was not going home untill monday he was a democrat when he started from home and now he sais his views on politics is very much changed he seemed to think that if he had a chance to vote that he should not vote for old Abe for he said his papers always preached up that the soldier had got to vote just as the oficers saw fit to have them or other wise had to vote under the fedril bayonets he said he came through louisville and down to Lexington on election day and he said each party had just as fair a chance to vote as ever he saw and then he came down to mount Stirling and he said the democrats said their that they never had a fairrer election in the world and that he said changed his views he will go home a diffrent man I hope Lieutenant Sturns of co [H] H has resigned and they give him a dishonerable discharge it makes him feel a little down in the mouth and I should think it would eny one he is hear yet I dont know how long e he is a going to stay befor^ he goes home hee boys in his company sais he is the worst coperhead they eaer saw they almost threten shoting him some times we have not got into winter quar ters yet but we are in hopes to before long for it is geting some cold and it has rained for the last to weaks most evry day I remain as ever your son W Teachout