Jackson September 4 th 1864 Camp Draft Jackson Dear Father now having a fiew leasure moments to spend i thought I would wright to you and let you know whear we was now we are in camp at Jackson all well right and tight I have got over my cold and like soldering first best better than I expected so far we have run a crost hank more and some others since we have ben hear he is well and tough Mat Payne is to work in the sutters shop hear in camp So we see him evry day we got hear last night it was sahturday night we dont know how long we shal stay hear but we think all this month if we do we shall bee at home but the boys think that if some of the folks of some will come out after our clothes and bounty and take it home they would reward him well if you can leave come out hear next wednesday or thursday the one that is the most convenient for you if you can come if you cant come wright rite away and then we will know if we get furlows to come home i think we shal get them buy tuesday or wenesday night if you come come the most direct ride to Jackson so if we come home we may meat you Wright as soon you get this Direct to Webster Teachout Camp Draft Jackson P.S. Direct to Mr Webster Teachout Jackson Barrias Camp Draft Jackson Mich