UNITED STATES ' GOLF ASSOCIATION GREEN SECTION EASTERN REGION MID-ATLANTIC DISTRICT NORTHEASTERN DISTRICT Ru t g e rs Un \ v e r s i ty NEW B R U N S W I C K. N EW J E R S EY 7 11 We st Av e n ue J E N K 1 N T O W N, P E N N S Y L V A N IA EASTERN TURFLETTER R A D KO A L E X A N D ER M. E A S T E RN D I R E C T OR C H A R L ES K. M I D - A T L A N T IC H A L L O W E LL D I R E C T OR N O R T H E A S T E RN A G R O N O M I ST NO • 5 O c t o b er I 9 60 I D E AS A ND G A D G E TS "It's good to have Ideas but they wonft work unless you do*" Anon* Lime Lines Replaced by Strips of Merlon Bluegrass Superintendent Andy Lentine and Chairman Edward Suisman of Tumble Brook CC, W. Hartford, Connecticut came up with a novel idea to define the "Off Limits" area for electric cars on each of their 18 holes. In place of the lime lines formerly used, they now lay in a strip of Merion bluegrass sod, which stands out like the proverbial sore thumb, to define the end of the line for cars on that particular hole. The advantages are obvious, and even the novice could easily distinguish the Merion bluegrass strip in the bentgrass fairway. Suction Drainage for Low Areas in Fairways or Roughs Superintendent Paul Weiss of Lehigh CC, Allentown, Pennsylvania gets credit for this idea of draining hard to drain areas ... where terrain and pitch is such that conventional methods of drainage fail. ciple to lift water from low areas into brooks several feet higher than the area being drained. In this drainage work a boiler ejector is used with one inch intake and one and one-half inch outlet" This principle is the same as used for the small cellar suction pumps used by homeowners. The boiler ejector is standard plumbing equip- ment and is available at any plum5Tng supply house* It is hooked up to a water line and anytime the area needs draining all you need to do is turn on the water, and the area drains by suction and force feeding into the brook... see page 2 for illustration. Mr. Weiss utilizes the siphon and force feed pressure prin- • » Boi Ejector LUTER for Topdresslng Superintendent Dick Grill of Elmira CC, Elmira, New York uses an aluminium LUTER to back in top dressing on his greens •.. this type luter is normally used to smooth hot blacktop in road construc- tion ... Mr* Grill says that in all his experience he has never found a better tool for this purpose ... it is Just the right size (36" long x 4" high) for easy handling and to do the job well. Tee Nurseries at Beginning of Fairway Superintendent ,fLesn Allen of Kernwood CC, Salem, Massachusetts establishes his tee nurseries at the beginning of the fairway ... as shown below ... there are several advantages to having a nursery so located ... but minimum maintenance is perhaps most important ..• in these times all labor saving ideas are worth strong consideration. Mr. Allen has grown some excellent Merion bluegrass sod for tees this A New Tree Mover Superintendent Jim DeBottis of the CO of Rochester, Rochester, New York improvised an excellent tree mover when called on to do some tree planting to outline fairways on the new sixth hole at his club ... moves trees 40« high with this device ... see page 3 for illustrations. The DeBottis Tree Mover has it all over the old stone boat in our opinion ... it does a much neater Job, easier by far than the old stone boat ... in fact Jim now advocates that they take the stone (slow) boat to China! TURFGRASS CONFERENCES January 8 and 9 Mid-Atlantic - Lord Baltimore Hotel, Baltimore, Md. New Jersey - Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N#J* January 16-19 Jan. 29-Feb. 3 32nd International Turfgrass Conference and Show - Royal York Hotel - Toronto, Canada * pr r r , ' . Eastern Turfletter USGA GREEN SECTION B U LK R A TE U. S. P O S T A GE P A ID P E R M IT N O. 3 66 NEW B R U N S W I C K. N. MR. WILLIAM BENGEYFIELD U. S. GOLF A S S a. GREEH SECT. 1 3 2 67 VERAHQ S T. GARDES GROVE, CALIF.