.—... -4 |\‘|\\|\‘»| ‘ L NW W I 1 _ , '_;——-" — I , _- _. — __—_— ’— | W W ‘Hll \ 1| 1‘38 USE OF CAST IRCZN AND STEEL BREQUETTED BORENGS EN CENTRlFUSE BRAKE; DRUM IRON Thcsis {or the. Degree of M. E. MICHECAN STATE- COLLEGE John L. Lowe 1938 ..sfudlw ...-II !.Il.o.9 ””0610 * V v I. . . A . . " V 0.! I» u c ,o .n. ..\ ‘9‘\.. ‘..c . .h. ..In./ 0». THE USE OF CAST IRON AND STEEL BRIQUET‘I‘ED BORINGS IN CENTRIFUSE BRAKE DRUM IRON Thesis for degree or M.E. Michigan State College John Leonard 2193?? 1938 . v.11; l I "If h I lllllil l1 >,.‘ THE USE OF CAST IRON AND STEEL BRIQUETTED BORINGS IN CENTRIFUGAL BRAKE DRUM IRON Economical reclamation of cast iron and steel borings is one of the continually recurring problems in machine shops and foundries. The difference in the price of borings and other scrap, governs the intensity of attention paidflto their recovery by utilizing them as part of the cupola charge. The charging of loose borings directly into the cupola has been attempted again and again. But up to recent times this did not prove practicable, as the borings Jammed up the cupola with partially oridized, partially melted material, interfering with blast penetration and introducing all kinds of irregularities in the melted metal. One well known way of utilizing borings is to fill short stove pipe lengths with them, closing each end of the pipe with a sheet metal disc.‘ These canisters are charged directly into the cupola. (Powdered sodium carbonate (NaECOB) for desulphurizing purposes, may be mixed in with the borings before filling the stove pipe lengths.) This canister method is simple and does not necessitate much outlay of capital for equipment. The big drawback is that -one cannot depend on regular and uniform results. Due to “the way the container arrives at a point in the cupola where it begins to melt, the borings come out partly loose and partly fused, making complete distribution very uncert- ain. * Moldenke, THE PRINCIPLES OF IRON FOUNDING p. 278 r: 115924 On account of these irregularities, attention has been directed to the possibility of forming borings into briquets. Briquetting methods can be divided into two classes:* (1) Formation of briquets by using chemical binders, with or without moderate pressures. (2) Formation of briquets by high pressure, with or without the use of chemical binders. At the beginning, the first classification of briquetting methods appealed to the foundryman on account of involving little initial investment in equipment. Bar, pitch, oils, sodium silicate, calcium chloride, sal-ammoniac, portland cement, limewater, clay wash, and core gums have all been used with more or less success as binders. Tar, pitch and portland cement were found to be dangerous on account of the possibility of a high sulphur content. Core gums and some of the other binders usually prove too expensive for general commercial purposes. The best methods so far brought out are those briquetting under high pressures without the use of chemical binders. The main advantage of high pressure briquetting are twofold: (l) The borings are consolidated to a point which reduces the relation of surface to weight enormously, and hence offers less chance for oxidation effects. (2) Briquets can be handled and charged in the same manner as pig iron and scrap iron. *Hurst,J.Eo;MELTING IRON IN THE CUPOLA p. 201 ff. Ho 70R wasn’t. R50 0405 GENERAL CYCZ. E gr BOR/NGS /_ / BORINGS P/l. £5 BR/QUEf p955: Ell-TC 77?/C FUR/VAC! MACH/NE JHOP BRIAN/E T P/L ES MOTOR WHEEL DUN/(IR y—d ---1 g CHARG/NG 50v .504 L55 9 r- :: ‘ I: l | I CH/l R6/A/6 ' , J1. BUCKE r 054/ V5}? Y _ I \~ LADLE W NIX/M; CUPOLA V V V A A 0L £ /\ CfoR/FUSE BRAKE DRUHS Using either of the above mentioned processes approximately similar cycles would be followed. The sketch on the Opposite page illustrates this general cycle and also shows the particular or individual setup in the Centrifugal Fusing Company, where the investigations embodied in this thesis have been made under actual production conditions. Borings are piled as they come from various sources: that is, Motor Wheel borings from the Centrifugal drums are kept in one pile; borings from the Olds cylinder blocks, and cylinder heads are in another; and similar material from the Rec in a third. The reason for this is to keep each source of material separate so that each can be accurately analyzed for carbon, silicon, manganese, sulphur and chromium. Fom the storage pile (where excess oil and cutting compounds drain off) the borings are picked up by a magnet and dropped into a large hopper, whence they pass through an oscillating sieve (which side tracks larger pieces of material) into a small hopper Just above the briquetting press. Into the same hopper is fed a measured amount of powdered sodium carbonate which mixes with the borings before briquetting for desulphurizing purposes. (It is interesting to note that Motor Wheel borings, which come from brake drum surfaces spun by centrifugal force, are definitely higher in sulphur content than the molten iron from which they are spun. This is due to the centrifugal force of the spinning process which forces -3... sulphur toward the center, and also to the mild desulphurizing action of the sodium carbonate used as a flux on the inside surface of the stamped steel drums. Analysis of the finished drum surface shows a 0.08-0.l2% sulphur content; iron in the electric furnace has 0.12- 0.16% or less, if possible, sulphur; and analysis of the borings from these same drums shows them to have O.16-O.20% sulphur content.) But to return to the cycle, from the small hOpper, the mixed borings and sodium carbonate drop into the briquetting press proper. This mechanism applies first a preliminary pressure sidewise (90 pounds per square inch) by means of compressed air, and then a final hydraulic compression lengthwise (1500 pounds per square inch operating pressure of fluid; 350 tons total pressure exerted on briquet). The briquet, as it is thrown from the machine is cylindrical in form (3-4 inches long and 4 inches in diameter) and weighs from eight to ten pounds. This cylindrical briquet rolls down an incline, a simple hook device which dips it into a bath of cement (Petosky High Early Quicksetting low sulphur cement)(a coloring compound is used for identification purposes, red for Olds and buff for Rec). Thence the briquets are dropped into a pit by gravity and are picked up by a magnet and dropped into storage piles until needed for charging. From the storage piles the magnet picks up the briquets and drops them into the charging bins, convenient for shovelling into the cone type charging bucket in any desired quantity. From this they are charged into the cupola; the iron is tapped from the cupola into a mixing and desulphurizing ladle and from the mixing ladle it is taken to the electric furnace in a delivery ladle. Chemical tests are taken every hour from a chill test sample out of the electric furnace and chill tests are made after each tap is put into the electric furnace. . Rectification (guided by the hourly analysis and the chill tests) is made at the electric furnace. Test chills are also taken from the mixing ladle after each tap to give the furnace operator advanced information regarding iron conditions. This enables him to make analysis correction either in the delivery ladle or in the electric furnace. Then the iron goes to the spinning tables; then on the cooling chain; then through the shot-blast and then to the machine shop. Finally, the borings from these drums come back to the storage pile to begin a new cycle. Magnet picking up borings from the pile. Briquette Press Magnet picking up briquetted borings from the pile. ,, Charging bins and coke hepper, showing cone type charging bucket in place on scale, ready to be filled. Cupola (72 in. die. shell, lined to 5k in. dia.)rear view showing slag running into slag pot. ’1. Tapping iron from cupola into mixing and de-sulphurizing ladle, then into delivery ladle. Jr ‘3 Pouring iron from delivery ladle into Electric Furnace (0-16 1% ton Moore 'Lectromelt Furnace) ‘.,__ .l ll, )1 “ Another rear view of the Electric Furnace. The following data and graph sheets are of the charging mixtures, calculated analysis and analysis foam the electric furnace for August, September, October, November, December, 1937, January, February, and March, 1938; also cupola analyses for February and March. AUGUJT Wag/77" - EDI/nth \. \ an: X‘. ---7... -_.\\ \‘. 4w'—. 3““. , _ \ W M'— / .‘u 5“ \\ [00'— \‘.| \ 11 lJllllllllllllLl; 2 3 . lllll 45's919/1IzIJIJM/7Iaioloazczr2627J03; Day AUGUST, 1937 In order to increase the briquetted boring percentage and keep analysis in line, it was soon found necessary to decrease the plate steel. It was found with an increase of borings we had a greater silicon and carbon loss. Plate steel being low in carbon (O.#%) and silicon (0.1%) the amount was decreased as shown on the graph when the borings were increased. The increase of returns (scrap drums, spilled iron, cupola drops, etc.) was due to the amount on hand and to aid regulation of silicon. The small variation of silvery pig iron was necessary to regulate the silicon content. AUGUST 1m _ m @23on I XQMBE J J l ILJLJ 354-J'GQI9/Ilzlsu'zc lONEZfUR‘ZFJDJ/ l7 [8 00,, US7- LlLJ '7 w W CUPOLA CHARGE MIX TURF (HEM/CA1. ANAL 75/5 Aye/“aye fora/y ”V94W903“ LIMI amcmevea'zf (Raook7/%or7 2; £flkcfrmeumworelkvnr§Z L\b\ :3 b) v (823 § 5 S [S L: 4 § g m \ $ t ... Q q, 3 Lu 0, Q m ‘9 m m b N "3 K5 \ r o; ‘0 S ‘o 3 Q '0 5 Q: ‘0 § ‘ w eiwitiedet get $555 egg e... “ i “a a 3 .. “ § as. 2 ... s 3.. E 3 a t i v S as. H r~ . w is. i s § i so. :2 e; s 2 a ,3 e z a «.5 e a a .3 s 2 a . §§b§w‘ D t 3 Q 2 N) 2 T t U 2 < I 2 < I ( Q m 2 .. 3 x 0 \D Q Q Q Q d o 0 0‘ I to “J .. ‘3 3 as \u ~ 5: L. (3 *2 U L. E! 2 Q q: 2 2 V) q: 2 2 n ‘1 k t I: k 0 . > ”5 m a: 3 o u < '7 4 T ° " 4 T ° 3 Q \ b \ w r :1 Q ‘ k I T \ k \ I o \ 3: o i 3: Q \1 0. (L 0: I L.) m ’5‘. K) E v) v) E 0. K to E 1 K 03 X 1; U) 1 200 70 6 \fO 300 40 1000 390 2. \3 I4 .2066 2.5.3 _89 .107 3.58 1.11 .88 .I3 2 Zoo 70 0 \5‘0 406 80 7.5—6 335 2 2 12_ 1666 2.53 [.00 .164 3.53 2J6 ~82 .12. K3 6 200 7c 4— 0‘6 406 80 75° 385 2— 1 /o 2040 1.43 1.66 .164 3.4.5 2.1.: .80 . .117- 7 206 70 4— 66 400 80 75-0 38.5- 2 2 lo 26.6 1.4.3 [.00 J04. 3.4; 1.20 .87 .111 <5 200 7o 4 0‘0 900 50 750 35.5:- 2. 2 8 2060 1.33 [.00 J04. 3.L/ 2.1.5~ .85- .l/8 .12 3 Zoo 70 4‘ 6‘0 +00 50 760 585' 2. 2 3) 2000 2.33 100 J04 3,4,2 2.1,- .88 .123 .12/ 10 100 7o 6 \5‘0 400 80 750 585‘ Z 2~ 4 1000 2.28 1,00 J39- 3.41 2.15- .89 .13 .102. 1‘3 200 7a 6 6’0 +00 80 750 .385- 2. 2. 4— 2000 2.13 [.00 .,3+ 3.0“! 2.17 .83 .13 ./06 14— 206 70 6 6‘0 466 80 750 .385- 2. :L 4 2000 2.33 1.06 .154 3.4.6 2.16 .85 .17.: J01 1'5 200 7° 2— 6—0 /25 4'25 300 (it Z 4 200° 2.5? 1.08 .15? 3.61 2.13 .86 ./6‘ .109 16 g 20 2/ £2 25 2+ _4 27 as 29 SO - 31 Motor Wheel boring briquets were lowered from 1000 pounds to 750 pounds per charge due to the small amount of borings on hand. Also our scrap loses went up, the remelting and using of briquetted Motor Wheel borings were under suspicion. December 10, 13 and 14, 1937 Olds briquetted borings were used in place of Motor Wheel borings to rejuvenate our boring system. Im— Im— 1201-- E T § l ‘1 Way I) 7‘ - P001700 3 I § loo — LJILI J “NUARY ’Z [J l!- 17 l0 001 19 46 2/ 21-32517 ”J! MR)’ 3/ CUPOLA GHA R6 E MIX TURE TEk/EHICAL ANALKS/J Averayc 131.50,, EJ049515 ~ Lbé- Calculaf¢d7. Capo]... Iron 71'» E/QC‘FrIc Furnacc 11007. 3. K? 0 Q 2 2 2 M L T“ ° 32 ° 3 Ls’ 2 2 38'? ‘5 ~ S .. E 9 i", w o u ‘3 3 3 v: <(\ ‘0 ‘2 E m '4‘ “3 Kl Q: N 3 E :3 Q t [u D 5 K1 x Q q fi 6 Z {3 on 2 o T 2 o q 2 5g q 2 C) U7 2 1( 'I K) < D k \u < o 2 Lu ~ ( 4 o w l 4 Q o ‘1 4 0 IL I w is I 4 I ‘1' - 1... 3 t o 8 3t§£h ‘s‘é‘t “$3 §°b Q [q k) v) .-.. b E 3: “ 2 3: 2 i k V G 0c J - Q \ ‘ 2 x: V V G. I .0 k m \l t a 1.. Q s q, o a 0. \1 o g Q x: o c ‘é‘u E w 3 a ‘fi a? “a: k a E Q E t’ 2 ‘3 i5 2 2 a t a 2 ‘3 S c § b ’t w i k1 o ..., 'u :t T s: o <1 w :1; g S w 1 g a: V: :1; b DaybulQta'oQQQut‘ok‘o‘fiQ.kva‘QQk‘o‘Cl‘o / 200 '70 4- JO “‘0 .70 1000 «- 250 A 2000 2.15 .97 .16 3.51 2.06 .196 .355 2.17 .50 .197 .131 2 200 '10 4 (5’0 450 ro 1000 250 2 2000 2+; ,97 .15 3.35“ 2,21 J92 3.513 2.22 .79 120/ J36 3 4. 7 200 70 4- 6’0 17.5“ £25 70 10m is"; 245” 2 3 2000 2.91 1.0; .174“ 5-32 1.97 .162 3.44 2.13 .37 .166 .12.! 8 200 70 4 5’0 17! 226’ 60 1090 It 2515’ 2 3 2000 2.39 1.0; .175” 3.34 2.11 .15.? 3.515“ 2.21 .95’ .177 .140 9 10 // /4 A5, 200|70 4 6‘0 I75" 235’ 60 1090 100 25’5“ 3 2000 2.39 LOK J75“ 3.23 /-86 3-4'7 210 J61? V53 /6 200‘ ’70 4- .70 7.7 375' 1090 1 / £60 4— 2000 2.47 .99 .191 3.42 2.02 .168 3.53“ 2.11 .55 .179 .151: 17 18 2/ 200 '70 4- 50 75’ 375’ 1030 /‘~/ 260 2 3 4- 2000 2.47 .99 .192. 333 1.96 .197 3.51 2/3 .73 .176 22 200 '70 4 JD 75’ 375’ 10.90 I)“ 260 2 3 6 20a) 2.47 .9? .192 3.38 2.21 .184 3.55’ 2.24 1.99 23 200 ’70 2 6'0 75 375’ 1050 IC/ 260 2 3 4 2000 2.3? .99 .191 3.37 1.99 .151 3.51 2.13 .171 24 200 ’70 2 5’0 '75“ 375’ 10.90 195 260 P. 3 2000 2.30 .94 .192 3.39 2.02 .107 335* 2.12 .177 .163 25‘ 26 200 70 Z 50 75’ 376’ 1090 95‘ 260 ,2 C5 2000 2.29 .99 ./92 3-33 1.88 .164 3-49 2.20 .178 .178 lds briquetted borings were used the whole month C) except for two days when the Reo briouetted borings were used. Reo briouetted borings: Silicon 2.3% Manganese 0.6% Phosphorus 0.18% January and February scrao loses were materially decreased. Whether that was due to the rejuvenation of GUI“ boring system by the use of Olds and Rec borings, along with increasing fluidity of our iron by increasing the phosphorus or changes made in our fluxing, heating, and spinning operations is Open to argument. Anyway, our scrap loses were down and the use of briquetted borings were not under suspicion as before. We were fortunate in being able to get hourly cupola analysis as well as the hourly electric furnace analysis, which gave us better control of our melting operations. Also gave more accurate idea of silicon loss due to briquets being used (under milder blast conditions due to decreased production). In the near future we are hoping to have our laboratory set up so that we can take analysis every one half hour, alternating between cupola mixing ladle and electric furnace. We realize by now that to be able to use briquetted borings successfully it is essential that we keep all our elements in specified limits at all times. NA RC‘H l 1 ll 234788/0/11913'1‘1713035." ILLll l $0~§0n\\ .\ Q .9»); will 300*- 1 231929 303/ Day I ?€1¢ D50 3/ CUPOLA CHARGE M/XTURE CYifiVVflZAZ./VMALJ