DOLOMETIZATION AND STRUCTURAL RELATIONS OF THE DEEP RIVER, NORTH ADAMS AND PlNCGNNlNG OEL FIELDS, MICHIGAN Thesis {or Hm Degree of M. S. MICSESM 37:3}? UfwTi‘s’EEiSITY Robert P‘aul Jackson 1958 UBRARY Michigan State ’ University SUDPWVWW MAE EAL PLACE IN RETURN BOX to remove this checkout from your record. To AVOID FINES return on or before date due. MAY BE RECALLED with earlier due date if requested. DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE 5/08 K:IProj/Aoc&Pros/ClRC/DateDuo.hdd DOLOMITIZATION AND STRUCTURAL RELATIONS OF THE DEEP RIVER, NOEIB.ADAHSAAND PINCONNING OIL FIELDS, MICHIGAN by ROBERT PAUL JACKSON A THESIS Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies of Hichigen State university of Agriculture and Applied Science in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Geology 1958 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The writer is greatly indebted to Dr. C. E. Prouty of the Department of Geology, Michigan State University, whose aid and helpful suggestions have made the completion of this investigation possible. Thanks is also due to Dr. w. A. Kelly, Dr. J. W. Trow and Dr. J. H. Fisher of the Department of Geology, Michigan State University, for their critical reading of the manuscript. Greatful acknowledgment is also due to G. D. 2113 and Robert E. Ives of the‘Michigan Geological Survey for their assistance in obtaining well samples and necessary information required for this study. ABSTRACT The Deep River, North Adams and Pinconning oil fields are narrow and linear, producing from the Rogers City-Dundee interval. The Rogers City-Dundee interval, although normally a.marine limestone, has been altered to a porous dolomite in the producing area of these . three fields. The Deep River field trends in a northwest-southeast direction and parallels the major anticlinal structures of the area. The North Adams and Pinconning fields trend nearly perpendicular to the Deep River field in a northeast-southwest direction, and cut directly across the general anticlinal trends of the area. Stress has produced intersecting fractures or cracks, which have formed large blocks in the Deep River and North Adams fields. These blocks have settled or have been raised slightly producing irregular and complex structure along the extent of the field. The stress in the Pinconning field has been of sufficient strength to form a major fault which extends the entire length of the productive area. The fracturing, cracking and faulting in the three fields have provided the passageways by which the magnesium bearing waters have ascended into the Rogers City-Dundee interval forming the dolomite found in the productive areas. In the Deep River, lbrth Adams and Pinconning fields structural position is not related to dolomitization. The dolomitization is confined to the zone of fracturing and faulting and the porosity accompanies dolomitization, allowing the oil to accumulate. . ‘ . .3 E it} 's :t g A i. . M 1 Law ' , )1 I“... .’ . . meg... g,” . ‘35:: Br?" 1% J . . _ TABLE OF CONTENTS Imum ION O I O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O I O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 O O O O 1 scope I I 0 O O O ' O O OOOOOOOOOO O ........... 0 I O O O O O ..... O O O 1 Location of the Area of Study . ..... . ..... .......... 1 History, Development and Production in the Deep River, North Adams and Pinconning Oil Fields .............. 3 Laboratory Procedure ............ ................... S STRATIGRAPHY .......... ...... ....... . ..... ............. 7 STRUCTURE ............................................. 12 Regional Structure of the Rogers City-Dundee Interval 12 Structure of the Deep River Field .................. '13 Structure of the North Adams Field .... ..... ........ 20 Structure of the Pinconning Field .................. 26 RELATIONSHIP OF SECONDARY’DOLOHITIZATION TO STRUCTURE.. 3O RELATIONSHIP OF PRODUCING WELLS TO SECONDARY DOLOMITIr AZTIONOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0....OO.OOOOOCOOOIOOQOOOOOOOOOO 31 MY m CONCLUSIONS 0 O O O O O O 0 O 000000 Q 0 O 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O 39 APPENDIX A I O 0 O O O O O O O O O ........ O O O O O Q 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 42 ”Pmm B O O O O O I 0 O C O a O O O O I O O O O 0 O ..... O O O 0 D 0 O O O O O O O O I O I 45 BIBLIWHY 00.0.00... ..... O...OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO S6 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE PAGE 1 Generalized and informal designation of the post- Silurian rock units found in the Deep River, North Adams and Pinconning oil fields .... ............... 8 2 Generalized columnar section of the Devonian system inmChiz‘n0.000.000.0000.......OOOOOOCOOIOOOO0.... 10 3-7 Cross-sections of the Deep River oil field ... ...... 14-18 8-11 Cross-sections of the North Adams oil field ..... ... 21-24 12-13 Cross-section of the Pinconning oil field ... ..... .. 27-28 LIST OF MAPS PAGE Location map ...... ...... ........... ....... . ........ 2 Outline of the Extent of Dolomitization in the Deep River 011 Fields 0.0.0... ..... .....OOOOOOIOCOO. 33 Outline of the Extent of the Dolomitization in the northAdus Oil Fields 00.000000...OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 35 Outline of the Extent of the Delomitization in the Pinconning Oil Fields ......................... ..... 37 Structure Contour - Deep River Oil Field .......(Rack Pocket) Structure Contour - Nbrth Adams Oil Field ......(Iack Pocket) Structure Contour - Pinconning Oil Field .......(Back Pocket) INTRODUCTION £99.29 This paper is a study of the relationships between production, structure and dolomitization of the Deep River, North Adams and Pinconning oil fields in Michigan. All fields are narrow and linear, but have differing trends; the North Adams and Pinconning fields trend nearly perpendicular to the Deep River field. Some work has been published on the Deep River field but none on the other two fields The Deep River field has been compared to the other two in order to establish any patterns or similarities that may exist. Study of the cuttings have determined relationships existing between production, structure and dolomitization in the three fields- Structural contour maps have been constructed for each of the fields to establish the relationships between possible faulting or fracturing in the three fields. c ti o the Area 0 8t d : The Deep River oil field is located in the northern half of Deep River township in Arenac County, Michigan. The field extends for 5% miles in a northwest direction and is about 15 mile at its widest point The field is about 1% miles northeast of the town of Sterling and approximately 30 miles north of Bay City. The North Adams field is located in the western half of Adams CANADA SUPERIOR LA NI yes: awn new one some new rucouume nets 2 i g j i i / Last X tart worn a soars, LOCATION 0' TN! DEEP RIVER, IN MICHIGAN. “’CH‘04fl AND NAP It 'INGONNINO OIL PIILDS Township, Arenac County, inediately west of Deep River Township. The field extends for three miles in a northeast direction and is about t mile in width. Production has been found in sections ll, 14, 15, 22, 23 and 27 of Adams Township (Map 6). The Pinconning oil field is located in the southeast quarter of Pinconning Township and in the northeast quarter of Frazer Township, Bay County. The field extends for two miles in a northeast direction and is only one well in width. Production is received from sections 25, 35 and 36 of Pinconning Township and from section 2 of Fraser Township. The field is located about one mile southeast of the town of Pinconning and about 14 miles south of the Deep River and North Adams oil fields. The relative positions of the Deep River, North Adams and Pinconning oil fields can be seen on Map l, which shows their location in the southern peninsula of Michigan. aistgg, Develomt and Prgduction in the Deep River, Nora Adams and Pinconning Oil Fields: The discovery well in the Deep River field was the Werblo Go-. #1, drilled by the Basin Oil Co. and Don Rayburn in the 8k, mat, Nflk, of section 8, T1911, R48, Arenac County. The well was completed on Dec-bar 30, 1943, at a total depth of 4846 feet, eight feet below the tap of the Rogers City formation. The pay zone was from -2838 feet to -2840 feet and produced 235 barrels of oil before being acidized on January 1, 1944. After acidization the well flowed 80 barrels of oil the first hour. by the end of 1946, one hundred producers had been completed with an initial production ranging up to 7,000 barrels of oil. The total number of producers to the end of 1957 was 106 and the cumulative production up to that time was 24,642,215 barrels of oil. At the end of 1957, 65 wells were still producing and the production for the year was 544,984 barrels of oil. The number of drilled acres has been 1,060 with a recovery of 23,247 barrels per drilled acre. In the North Adams field the discovery well was the 0. Yenior #1, in the 83%, SWk, net, of section 22, Adams Township, Arenac County. The well, which was drilled by Don Rayburn, was completed on July 18, 1940, at a depth of -2879 feet in the Rogers City formation. The pay zone was from -2878 feet to -2879 feet and initial production was 21 barrels per hour of 33 API gravity oil. After acidation the well produced 1985 barrels of oil during the first 19 hours. At the end of 1957, 23 of the 47 total productive wells were still producing. The total yield for the year was 53,302 barrels of oil, and the cumulative production to the end of 1957 was 8,797,655 barrels of oil. The number of drilled acres have been 470 acres with a recovery per drilled acre of 18,718 barrels of oil. The discovery well in the Pinconning field was the Margaret Roth #1, in the Sflk, Elk, nut, section 2, Frazer Township, Bay County. The well was drilled to a total depth of -3012 feet in the Dundee- Rogers City interval by the Shell Oil Company as a result of a seismic survey. The well was completed on September 15, 1944. The pay zone was fron -2898 feet to -2900 feet, 75 feet below the top of the Rogers City formation and produced 36.3 API gravity oil. It was not until 1947 that the second producer was completed in the Pinconning field, and by the end of 1952, nine successful walla had been drilled in addition to a number of dry holes. At the end of 1957, four walls were still producing in the field giving a total of 31,403 barrels of oil for the year. The cumulative production to the end of 1957 was 730,270 barrels of oil and the recovery per drilled acre was 8,114 barrel s . Mogatog Procedure: The samples used in this probl- were obtained from the collection of Gulf Oil Company samples from the Department of Geology, Michigan State University, and from the Michigan State Geological Survey. The samples from the Dundee-Rogers City interval were ermined from the top of the Rogers City formation to the total depth in the Dundee-Rogers City interval. In wells that penetrated the Detroit River group, the entire Dundee-Rogers City interval was examined. The method of examination was patterned after the method described by Low (1951), for the examination of carbonate rocks. Each sample was examined under the binocular microscope using a power of 9X to 1211. A drop of 6 Normal solution of HCl acid was added to five drops of water in a porcelain acid dish. To this solution a small piece of the rock sample was added and the reaction was observed. On the basis of the observed reaction the sampled were classified into the following sni-quantitative groups: 1. Limestone: Violent effervescence; frothy, audible reaction; specimen bobs about. 2. Dolomitic-Limestone: Brisk quiet effervescence; specimen skids about on the bottom of the container, rises slightly off the bottom; continuous flow of 002 heads through the acid. 3. Lily-Dolomite: Mild emission of CO; beads; specimen may rock up and down but tends to rush in one place. 4. Dolomite: No effervescence; no i-ediate reaction; slow formation of 002 heads on the surface of the specimen; reaction slowly accelerates until a thin stream of fine beads rises to the surface. Appendix A contains a list of the wells from the Deep River, North Adams and Pinconning fields which were examined. Appendix 15 contains the results of the examination of two wells, one a producer and the other a dry hole, from each of the three fields. STRAT IGRAPHY Because a large number of wells have been drilled in both Arenac and Bay Counties, the sequence of the rock units from the surface into the Dundee formation has been accurately described. In addition many wells in the counties have penetrated into the Detroit tiver in the search for production below the Dundee-Rogers City interval. The generalized sequence of rock units found in the Deep River, North Adams and Pinconning fields is listed in Figure l. The colomnar section of the Devonian system in Michigan is shown in Figure 2. The bedrock in the Deep River and North Adams fields is overlain by 175 to 200 feet of glacial drift and in the Pinconning field by 50 to 100 feet of glacial drift. The drift in this region consists essentially of glacial-lake clays and some sand beds. The glacial deposits lie directly on the Pennsylvanian deposits, consisting of the Saginaw group and the Parma sandstone, or on the Michigan formation or Bayport limestone of Hississippian age. The Saginaw group consists predominantly of elastic sediments and the Parma sandstone is a clean white sandstone which unconformably overlies . the ten to brown Bayport limestone. Lying unconformably below the Bayport limestone is the Michigan formation consisting of gray shale, gypsum, dolomite, limestone and sandstone. In meny wells of the Deep River field the glacial drift lies directly on the dark gray shale of the basal part of the Michigan formation. The burshall formation is a PLEISTOCENE: Glacial drift PBNNSYLVANIAN: Saginaw group Patna sandstone HISSISSIPPIAN: Bayport limestone Michigan formation Mhrshall sandstone Goldwater shale Sunbury shale Berea sandstone HESSISSIPPIAN - DEVONIAN: Bedford shale Antrim shale DEVONIAN: Traverse group Rogers City formation Dundee formation Detroit River formation Figure l: Generalized and informal designation of the post-Silurian rock units found in the Deep River, North Adams and Pinconning oil fields. white to grey sandstone, calcareous in the lower part. The Coldwater shale consists of a thick series of alternating blue-grey shale with beds of typical dolomite, sandstone and silts tone. The Sunbury shale is a thin black shale which averages only 25 feet in thickness. It is similar in appearance to the Antrim but is less carbonaceous. The Bedford-Berea consists of grey shale, sandy shale, siltstone and sandstone and lies conformably on the Antrim. The Bedford-Berea and Sunbury derive their names from lithologically similar units in Ohio but the age of the units has never been definitely established in Michigan. The Antrim is a thick black carbonaceous shale with some gray argillaceous limestone near the base. The Antrim lies above the thick Traverse group consisting of gray and shaly limestones and 'shale. The lowest formation in the Traverse group and iuediately overlying the Dundee-Rogers City interval is the Bell shale. The Bell shale is soft, fossiliferous, gray shale. Some geologists believe that an unconformity exists between the top of the Rogers City formation and the overlying Bell shale but this has not been definately established. The Bell shale overlies the Rogers City-Dundee sequence of Middle Devonian age, which has produced more oil then the rocks of any other age in Michigan. The Rogers City is the oil producing formation in the Deep River, North Adams and Pinconning oil fields. It varies in thickness from 75 to 100 feet in the Pinconning field and from 100 to 10 MICHIGAN DEVONIAN SYSTEM System Group Formation Squaw Bay Thunder Bay Potter Farm Norway Point Four Mile Dam TRAVERSE Alpena D ‘ Newton Creek Genshaw E Ferron Point Rockport Quarry V Bell Shale 0 N Rogers City CAZENOVIA I Dundee A N Lucas DETROIT Amherstberg Flat Rock RIVER Sylvania Bois Blane Garden Island Figure 2: Generalized columnar section of the Devonian system in Michigan (After Helen M. Martin, Michigan Geological Survey). 11 125 feet in the Deep River and North Adams fields. The thickness of the Rogers City in Arenac County is the maximum for the formation throughout the state. The Rogers City formation is predominantly a brownish-buff limestone, but changes to dolomite in the Deep River, North Adams and Pinconning oil fields. In the center of the Michigan basin the Rogers City is dark brown or black becoming lighter in color toward the margins of the basin. I-ediately below the Rogers City formation lies the Dundee formation. Although the Dundee is productive in many fields in Michigan, the Deep River, North Adams and Pinconning fields produce primarily from the top of the Rogers City formation. The Dundee varies in thickness from about 275 to 350 feet in the Deep River and North Adams fields and about 300 to 325 feet in the Pinconning field. The Dundee formation is a buff to light brown cherty limestone, dolomitic limestone and dolomite. Although the Rogers City has been described as a separate formation (Bhlers and Radabaugh, 1938), the Rogers City- Dundee interval is still refered to as the "Dundee" in oil field terminology . Conformably below the Dundee is the Detroit River group consisting of alternating beds of domomite, limestone, sandstone, salt and gypsum. 12 STRUCTURE Regional Structure of the Rogers City-Dundee Interval: The Dundee underlies most of the southern peninsula of Michigan and the Rogers City formation underlies most of the northern two thirds of the southern peninsula. It is absent in the southern part of the state. The combined thickness of the Rogers City-Dundee interval is at a maximum in the Saginaw Bay Area, attaining a thickness of more than 475 feet. The Rogers City-Dundee interval has more than 3,800 feet of relief in the Michigan Basin (Cohee and Uhderwood, 1945). The top of the Rogers City is about 780 feet above sea level in Presque Isle County and is approximately -3,000 feet below sea level in the center of the basin. A regional structural contour map on the top of the Rogers City- Dundee interval by Cohee, (1945), shows that the dominant anticlinal structures in the center of the basin are generally northwest-southeast and around the margins of the basin other trends are noted as well. Bast-west trends occur in Tuscola and Sanilac Counties near Saginaw Bay, and northeast-southwest trends occur on the northern and southern rims of the basin. The Rogers City-Dundee interval is structurally complex in the area of Ogemaw, Cladwin, Arenac and Bay Counties. The Deep River and North Adams fields are located on an anticlinal structure having a 13 southeast-northwest trend. The northeast flank dips at about 18 feet per mile and the southwest flank dips at about 50 feet per mile. The Pinconning field is situated on a structural high trending northward. The east flank dips at about 25 feet per mile and the west flank at about 40 feet per mile. Structure of the Degp River Field: Map 5 is a structure contour mmp of Deep River Township, Arenac County, on the top of the Rogers City formation. The depths to the Rogers City were taken from the driller's logs and well logs and where the well was used in testing for dolomite or limestone, the depths were checked with the well samples. Because the contact between the black shale of the Bell, and the limestone of the Rogers City formation is easily distinguished, it is believed that these depths are fairly accurate. Figures 3 through 7 are southwest-northeast cross-sections of the Deep River field showing the depths to the Rogers City formation. The dominant structural feature in the Deep River field is the Deep River anticline with the highest part of the fold being -l990 feet below sea level in the le of section 18 and the Nflk of section 17. The upper part of the Deep River anticline produces gas from the Berea sandstone. The Deep River anticline, with a southeast-northwest trend, has a structurally low area along the axis of the fold in the nut of section 21 and in the SR& of section 17, forming a saddle in the center of the two structurally higher portions of the fold. The NW portion of the Deep River anticline has a closure of 50 feet and the 1h dam. .25... noon 6:: 33¢ deco of .o .329: :30 u n 8:6: t ... a. \ m a 3. . . .343, Q. m I s ”22:qu . .oun. . .. "use: 4323.3: . .ooou. .ooou I 3 H H m y ... u .. u N u w A u u i N .. I 0 N .0 x .0 N n I M O m u A O u m u m m u H t | "N C .0 u . . O I. Is ' g W H g . s Still '0" 1000' 15 W l0 OZI 'ON 9 ’OII OMHOIIIOO lOIII ‘0" 3 'OII OMHOIIUOO OOIII 'OII z m: a sfis OOOO '0' I 'OII IMO'IiIOMON OOOCI 'ON Io'u aosooos i OOOEI 'ON I'ON 3080000 '0 I; LEI 'OII Z '0“ IflHVN noo' I. I ISZO' SCALE: HORIZONTAL 40' SCALE: VERTICAL LOCATION : ”fl Deep River Twp. field, section of the Deep River 1 Cross Figure 4 16 .3; 33: no.0 . 3o: 33: noon 2: .o 3:03 :20 n n .33“. z. \ ”pk @- .0v - ... oueom 4¢> «202.100.. .oun. - ... " H.100 43.20530: 0v assoc \7Lr0 .ooou. .ooou- T X M H. d 3 M O N m L" H . fl v I a a v ... u m M N n u .. u w ... m .o u m a n .o ... . n .I I M I W I.0 l M M M u u u s o u . u I u m u n u o .I w z a! t . 6 z 1. L D e. I N N N .o b t 2 e. l den. .25. noon .22. .25. neon 2: do :23: :20 "0 0.53... .01 as. "H.200 4(o_h¢u> .ON». a... "H.200 44.5.0580... «20_h4004 .dcd“l Qua-u 7 l I N H n . . a M o A N A N M A .H .0 ..Iu 0 WM . 0 . I M H I V I I M as... - I... M... .. . ..v N M N M u H n .00 z 0 N Z .0 OIIII 'ON 3 'ON OVA V OAOII 'ON ZEN AIIOVEO IN ZOSII 'ON O‘ON AI'IOVNO 'N O OO 2| ‘ON C000! ‘ON IV'ON ”83172088 1 OOOII ‘ON IOLII 'ON ITY I' in ZIOZ 'ON LOCATION r K \ N '0 u - 2 o . e I C - '- u 0 3‘ as o J m a o m .s a .s a a ° 2 2 o- o 5 :r > section of the Deep River field, Deep River Twp. Gross Figure 7 19 southeast portion has a closure of 30 feet. The Deep River anticline produces oil from the Treverse, Dundee and Detroit River formations. The Deep River field is located along the north, northeast and east flanks of the Deep River anticline. The most striking feature of the field is its narrow linear extent. The field extends for 5% 'miles in a direction 55 to 60 degrees NW along the Deep River anticlinal fold and at its widest point is over a quarter of a mile. Oil accumulation in the field has not been controlled directly by structural position. Production is received from.the Rogers City formation, 30 to 210 feet structurally below the top of the Deep River anticline. The structure contours show extreme irregularity throughout the extent of the field. The contotrs close around isolated highs and lows which serve to break up the general contour pattern of the field. An example of this configuration is the isolated high in the uni, NBk, NRk, of section 7, Deep River Township. Landes (1946), believed that the location of the dolomdte in the Deep River field was controlled by "a crack or fissure cutting through Rogers City limestone on the north flank of the Deep River Dome", which was caused by "local diastrophism". The field is cut by numerous fissures or fractures throughout the extent of the productive area. Intersecting fissure planes have produced large blocks which have settled or have been raisedalightly producing the isolated high and low closed contoured areas in the Deep River field. 20 A high structural position in the field does not insure production. Although most of the wells produce within the top 20 feet of the Rogers City formation, structurally high wells may be dry whereas adjacent low wells may be producers. There have been very few wells drilled northeast of the field, and as a result, little is known of the structural features in this area . Structure of the North Adams Field: Mhp 6 is a structure contour map on the top of the Rogers City formation in Adams Township, Arenac County. The depths on this map have been taken from driller's logs and well logs made available by the Michigan Geological Survey. Figures 8 through 11 are northwest- southeast cross-sections of the North Adams field showing the depths to the top of the Rogers City formation. The North Adams field is located in the eastern part of Adams Township, Arenac County. The field extends for three miles in a direction approxflmately N 25 degrees I and varies from a single well to over one quarter mile in width. The dominant feature of the field is its narrow linear extent which cuts directly across the generally northwest-southeast trending structures in Adams Township. The Adams field is located on two northwest-southeast trending anticlines in the southeast quarter of the Township. The anticlines are separated by a structural saddle in the northern half of section 35. In the northern dab 2:25 .3... 2.3.5 532 of .o :28: :20 no .33... 0d .3... "33a .3222; 2 a a . bun. .... unseen 4323.3: “80:.(004 21 32m. .33. \i\\\.. /\ .88. .38. 'ON 0000 'ON JNOON 31.1.. 'ON OOIO ON 'ON A00 0090 'ON I. 'ON ’90” I III IA ZOOOI OER. 'ON IV'ON IN'HN ’V ZOIO ‘ON 22 R 'ON ANVOOVL ON 3 'ON LUVOOVLON 01.01. 'ON W's oooe;gL, 10' I'ON ANOONLOO 'N 0930 'ON J 2091. 'ON I'ON UOINiA '0 OOIO 'ON -2Ioo' i'ON BNI'I'IOO '0 I090 'ON 25 2.6 2.2 -2Ioo' LOOATIONi I's Iszo' HORIZONTAL SCALE: I 40' VENTI CAL SCALE? Adams Twp. Ihe North Adams field, of secIion Figure 91 Cross 23 as... 2.264 .3... 2.33 5.32 of .0 .323. :80 no. .32... m. .3. .... “use: 432...: "zoieooo .oun. .... "use: satanic: . a- \ // .oefl £0an? \ .doou- boom. 9 N .H n u . o L V 8 . N3 u «a u.. w u m m an s e e o 1 a u ' As“ Is .el . l .3 0 .II I! N O I 0 RN )- N . N N "v .L 0' H 0 e. O I 3 I0 O M A N N . O .O N I e. 2 .m .u d...» 2.33 .3... 2.3.; 5.32 of .o .320: :20 H: .53... .2 +/1/ .oe .... "use: 12:: / .oun. .... “use: 4:23.32 0. ”xo.h<004 & \ 4.5.“- \ J \ . .oofi. I“. e 2 . j a . . L000“. .000“- 3 mm H .v i i u 0 N V V A N .a 1 n .a N3 "N c . F N N N .0 .08 .0' 0“ MW v v In 6 ' " ' L.I nvN 0m" n08 ".8 I1 .0 1 66 e. I" z L L 6N I—G 9 2.N O o O N . 9 .0 I I 25 anticline, located in sections 23, 24, 25 and 26, oil is produced from the Traverse and Dundee formations with a little production from the Detroit River fonmation. Production from the anticline in sections 34, 35 and 36 is from the Detroit River and the Traverse formations with a little production from the Dundee. A structural nose extends with a northwest-woutheast trend in the northwest quarter of the Township. This structural nose is transected and separated from the anticlines of the Adams field in the southeast quarter of the Township by the linear northeast trending North Adams field. The structural contours throughout the extent of the North Adams field are extremely irregular and show a pattern similar to that found in the Deep River field. The contours show isolated highs and lows throughout the field. Landes (1946), states that the dolomitization in the North Adams field was caused by "percolating waters along vertical or almost vertical fractures". The configurations of the contours in this field are settled or raised blocks which have been formed by intersecting fractures or fissures in the Rogers City-Dundee interval. These large blocks show up in the field as isolated highs and lows along the extent of the field. Structure does not control production in the North Adams field. Structurally high wells may be dry, and a structurally low well, only one well removed, may be a producer. Most of the wells received production from the top 30 or 40 feet of the Rogers City formation but a few wells received production from deeper zones. 26 Structure of the Pinconning Field: Map 7 is a structure contour map on the top of the Rogers City formation of the Pinconning oil field. The depths to the Rogers City formation were taken fromiwell logs and driller's logs made available by the Michigan Geological Survey. Figures 12 and 13 are northwest- southeast cross-sections of the Pinconning field. The Pinconning field is located in sections 25, 35 and 36 of Pinconning Township and in section 2 of Frazer Township. Extending for two miles in a direction N 30 degrees I, the field is in no place more than one well in width. The area is characterized by a northwest-southeast structural alignment. In sections 33 and 29, of Pinconning Township, a northwest- southeast trending high is paralleled, to the north in sections 27 and 28, by a northwest-southeast trending trough. The Pinconning oil field trends in a northeast-southwest direction and cuts perpendicularly across the general structural alignments for the area. In the south- ' western part of the field a fault has been drawn in on the contour map which follows immediately along the line of the producing area. IBecause of the fewer number of drilled wells in the northeast part of the area and the resulting lack of control, the fault has not been extended into the northeast part of the field. It is presumed that the fault does extend the entire distance, approxflmately two miles, along the 1ength of the field. Mr. G. Ills, of the Muchigan Geological Survey, stated that he has observed a section of core from an unknown .33. count... ego 05533:. .3... asceoosn 2: do :28: :20 "N. .52“. w m set [/4 «2:5. .3 ... .33» 43.2.: 3.... 22s. .32 . ... "use: 43:322. .2". 33:33.. 7. 2 50 tOP rt... a one . .3. N . V o M W .0 N .0 M .0 m .. W M . S I 0 I n m H I 1 N a N P. ... 2 8 I G 2 ... .0 G d i I A 2 .0 9 e. e. d v N O O N w Z I M O m .o u .u o I I N N o .... 28 4....» 955.35.“. . 3e: 2:532...— e... .o :23: :30 «n. etsoE e\ .00 as. “U4(om 43.2.89, 0m hm .ONn. s... ”U4!~0 , I» ” + "f ¢+ M 4?- 4r M 4r k+30 26 25 + + 3I + 32+ as 34 as + 36 Map 2: Outline of the Extent of the Dolomitization in the Deep River Oil Field. 34 Dundee interval. It appears that in the Deep River field, only the rocks which have been dolomitized to a high degree have sufficient porosity for the accumulation of the oil. In the area of the producing zone of the field the fracturing has allowed the percolating waters to ascend and to alter the limestone to dolomite. These waters have altered the limestone proportionally less away from the fractured zone. The wells away from the fractured zone have not been altered to dolomite and the porosity of these rocks is not sufficient for oil accumulation. The T. and R. Bryan #3, permit #10549, an oil well in the North Adams field, was examined for dolomite content. In this well the tap of the Rogers City formation was encountered at -2881 feet and the total depth was -2916 feet. The samples from -2881 feet to -2890 feet gave a reaction for dolomite and the samples from -2890 to the bottom of the hole gave a reaction for limestone. Oil was produced from a four foot pay zone from -2886 feet to -2890 feet. The Thomas Bryan #1, permit #8436, is an example of a dry hole in the North Adams field. This well was drilled to a total depth of -3042 feet after encountering the top of the Rogers City at -2874 feet. In testing for dolomite content the samples all gave a test for limestone except for the interval from -2979 feet to -2993 feet which gave a test for dolomitic limestone. According to the driller's log of this well, a show of oil was recorded at -2978 to ~2779 feet. The well is located only 660 feet west and 660 feet south of two 35 r noaws + "In it W 5 5 z ¢n I -¢ .¢. + 8 I2 -§ I7 I3 1- T Is Is N a Is 20¢- 24 ¢. 4. +4» +51 am! so as a: 4' .A w’ I‘ .11 .0 s as .9 3s 1} I Man 3: Outline of the Extent of the Dolomitization in the North Adams Oil Field. 36 producing wells on the western side of the North Adams field, section 22. As in the Deep River field, all the samples tested in the North Adams field gave a test for dolomite in the interval of the pay section. In the wells some distance away from the producing area the samples e11 consisted of limestone. Dolomitic-liuestone end liny-dolomite tests were found in some samples immediately adjacent to producing wells. The fissures or cracks formed in the North Adams field have allowed the percolating waters to ascend into the Rogers City-Dundee interval and alter the limestone to e dolomite in the immediate area‘ of the fracturing. The extent of the dolomite is also the outline of the zone where the fracturing took place in the field. The Rogers City-Dundee does not have sufficient porosity in the limestone areas for the accumulation of oil. Porosity accompanies dolomitizetion and accounts for the accumulation of oil in only the dolomitized rocks. The Margaret Roth #1, permit #10944, was used to illustrate an oil producing well in the Pinconning field. This well was the discovery well for the Pinconning field end was drilled to a total depth of -3012 feet. In the top pert of the well from -2822 to -2830 feet, the samples geve tests for lily-dolomite and dolomitic-lime. From -2830 to -2895 feet the samples tested mainly limestone with the occasional dolomitic-limestone reaction. From -2895 to -2900 feet the samples tested limy-dolonite end from -2900 feet to the bottom of the hole the samples were dolomite. The pay zone of the H. Roth #1 was from -2898 feet to -2900 feet. 37 R14: e e _+ ¢. ’e I9 20 2I 22. as 24 + + + #4} 4- + 3 -¢- ‘¢': 0 + '9‘ + 1.7 so + it *4. as 27 as ++~§§r In (6 I, - + '1/‘1’ + + 32$ 4» ’4‘?” u 32 as 34 + 35.94- — 4} 36 nuconnme . 4' +£§+ we. FRAZER 4} , TWP. + ”3% i + s s 4 3 *§’ 2 I . s + + T -¢ m N + 7 8 9 IO N $4 It @- Is I7 I6 I8 I4 I3 Man A: Outline of the Extent of the Dolomitization in the Pinconning Oil Field. 38 The Kurzeja and Drake #A-Z, was a dry hole drilled only about 400 feet west of a producing well in the Pinconning field. Froa the top of the Rogers City formation at -2856 feet to -2915 feet the samples tested for limestone. The sample from -2915 feet to -2920 feet tested for dolomite and the samples from -2923 feet to -29268 feet tested for limy-dolomite. Limestone occurred from -2927 feet to the bottom of the well at -2936 feet. The driller's log of the well recorded a show of oil from -2923 feet to -2927 feet. All of the wells tested in the Pincoaning field received production from a porous dolomite. The dry holes some distance away fromhthe producing area encountered limestone in the Rogers City-Dundee interval. The producing area is a long linear area corresponding to the major fault which extends the entire length of the field. The percolating waters in this field have risen along the major fault to alter the limestone to a porous dolomite. The porosity which accompanies dolomitization allows the accmaulation of the oil. The domomitization quickly dies out as the distance increases from the fault. Many of the dry wells immediately adjacent to producing wells encountered dolomite and oil shows but apparently the rocks had not been sufficiently dolomitized to allow for oil accumulation. The pay section of the producing wells in the Pinconning field occurred from 79 feet below the top of the Rogers City formation to immediately below the Rogers City-Bell shale contact. The pay sections to nine feet in thickness. 39 SUHNKRY AND CONCLUSIONS One of the most interesting facts concerning the Deep River, North.Adams and Pinconning fields is their linear orientation. The Deep River field trends in a northwest direction and the North Adams and Pinconning fields trend perpendicularly to it in a northeast direction. The Deep River field parallels the general trend of the structure in Deep River Township and the North Adana and Pinconning fields can directly across major folds and the regional structural trends of the area. Stress has caused fracturing or cracking along a linear trend in the Deep River and North Adams fields. This intersecting fracturing, ia the one case paralleling a major fold, and in the other case cutting across major folds, has produced large blocks which have settled or have been raised slightly producing the irregular structure along the extent of the fields. In the Pinconning field the stress has been of sufficient strength to result in a major fault which likely extends the entire length of the productive area. The fracturing in the Deep River and North Adams fields and the fault in the Pinconning field have provided the passageways by which the‘magnesiumgbearing‘weters have ascended into the Rogers City-Dundee interval forming the dolomite found in the productive areas. It is the belief of Landes (1946), that an "artesian system" carried the waters up the fractures and fault and that "dolomitization porosity results from an excess of solution over precipitation during the process of 40 local replacement of limestone by circulating ground water". Although precipitation usually accompanies solution at the same rate, in a rapidly moving circulation solution may be able to overtake and exceed precipitation. In the producing wells in the fields, the pay section is a porous dolomite. Dry wells usually encounter entirely limestone, if appreciable distance from the producing area, and some limy-dolomite if the well is very near the producing zone. Porosity accompanies dolomitizetion and allows the oil to accumulate.# Even in dry holes in which samples gave a test for dolomite the interval usually recorded a show of oil in the driller's log. The dolomitization was sufficiently thorough only in the immediate vicinity of the fractured or faulted area to produce the porosity necessary for the oil accumulation. Tinklepaugh, Betty (1957), concluded that "the discovery of a locally dolomitized lhmestone does not ensure finding gas or oil". Tinklepaugh further concluded that favorable structural position along with porosity is necessary for oil accumulation.‘ In the Deep River, North Adams and Pinconning fields dolomitization may occur in areas other than those of highest structural position. The dolomitization is confined to and dependent upon the zone of fracturing and faulting and the porosity accompanies the dolomitization. allowing the oil to accumulate. 41 Landes (1946), has suggested that in areas where oil is known to occur in reservoirs of the type in the Deep River field that exploration should not be confined to the tops of anticlines. He suggests that samples be analyzed for Ca/Mg content and that samples containing a high percent of Mg would encourage exploration laterally in the hope of finding true dolomite. Further drilling in the Deep River, North Adams and Pinconning fields is unlikely. All attempts to extend the fields beyond their present limits have proven unsuccessful. At the present time one company is applying gravity meter readings, taken from.the Deep River field, to similar anomalies in the Arenac County area in the hope of finding other similar fields. 42 APPENDIX A The following is a list of the wells from the Deep River, North Adams and Pinconning fields which were examined for dolomite content. The method of examination has been explained under Laboratory Procedure. Deep River Field: Permit No. Name & erator Locgtion #9506 Nowoielski #1 C-Sk-SEi-Slk, sec. 8 Basin & Rayburn #10924 S. Flick #1 NWh-NWk-SWQ, sec. 9 Brvin Major #10621 Mann et a1 #1 C-S§-SWt-SW%, sec. 5 Basin & Rayburn #10974 Sinn #1 NRk-SEk-NWh, sec. 16 Pure Oil Co. #10791 Rbcot #1 N!%-NW%-NW&, sec. 16 M. Holloway #3619 Fish #1 SWh-le-Sli, sec. 16 Central Drilling #10672 Weber et a1 #1 C-Sk-NWk-Nlt, sec. 7 Gordon Oil Co. #10433 Welbo #1 C-Sk-NHh-Nwt, sec. 8 Basin & Rayburn #10869 Peters #B-l SBk-SEk-le, sec. 7 Basin & Rayburn North d Field: #8436 T. Bryan #B-l NEk-NBh-SWh, sec. 22 Ervin Major #10549 T. & E. Bryan #3 Slk-Sii-SWk, sec. 22 Irvin Major #11318 Dunham #2 NWk-NWi-Nfit, sec. 14 Major #9008 IMoore #B-l NWk-SWh-Sfli, sec. 22 Rayburn & Major #10855 ”“311“ #1 Wt-SW’t-m. sec. 14 Major North Adams Field: #8044‘ #9169 #8181 #7872 #7901 #7880 #14484 #9711 #13655 #7875 #7961 #8300 #8472 #9158 #10497 #8043 #10622 #10932 [inconning Field: #12213 #10944 #13811 43 APPENDIX A (Continued) Ostrosky #1 Pure Oil Co. Bryan #2 Major U.S.A. #1 Rayburn State-Arenac #A-l Pure Oil Co. Bryan #1 Pure Oil Co. Stone #1 Smith Pet. State-Adams #1 MbClanahan Allen #1 Smith Pet. State-Adams #c-l Rayburn J. Ames #1 American Drilling Rockafellow #2 Teeter Mc'l‘aggart #A- 1 Pure Oil Co. McTaggart #A-Z Pure Oil Co. Collins #2 Teeter Collins et al #3 Teeter Yenoir #1 Pure Oil Co. Haslett #1 Teeter State-Adams #3 Bolger & Rose Kurzeja & Drake #A-Z Swan-King Oil H. Roth #1 Shell Oil State-Con. Power #1 Basin Oil Co. NWkLle-Szk, sec. Sfi-NBt-Swlz, sec. SBk-SWk-sz, sec. SEk-SEk-SWL sec. NWt-SW%-NW%, sec. SWk-SWk-SWi, sec. NEk-le-Sliz, sec. 22 22 15 15 23 14 c-sz-swt, sec. 13 SWt-SWI-NEII, sec. SWk-NW%-NW%, sec. mk-SEt-Nfl, sec. NWk-NW%-Sl%, sec. Nth-NWI-Nzk, sec. Sli-SBi-Slk, sec. NBk-Sn-SH, sec. NEi-SEt-NWI, sec. Shh-NW&-5w%, sec. NEk- Silk-NHL sec. SBt- SEi- Silk, sec . Pinconning Twp. swi'Nit-NW%, sec. Frazer Twp. 332-8913;- 889;, sec . Pinconning Twp. 10 23 22 22 22 15 15 22 14 14 Pinconning Field: #13809 #17595 #13765 #11106 #12860 #13919 #12615 #13578 #12152 #13688 #12224 APPENDIX A (Continued) Paterek #1 Swen-King Oil Zuziak #2 Ogma Amoyotte et a1 #1 Swan-King Oil Kurzeja #1 Shell Oil Co. Kurzeja & Drake #3 Swan-King Oil 8. Kurzeja #1 Swan-King Oil Bartman #1 Ward Oil Drake et a1 #1 Swan-King Oil Kurzeja #2 Swan-King Oil Sisson #1 Ward Oil Co. Baublitz #1 C. Collin SWk-SEk-Nflt, sec. Pinconning Twp. SHk-NBJr-ka, sec. Pinconning Twp. NW2-SWh-8Ek, sec. Pinconning Twp. SWJz-SEk-Swlz, sec. Pinconning Twp. Sfi-Sfi-Sflk, sec. Pinconning Twp. NBt-SEh-Nfih, sec. Pinconning Twp. NEk-NEi-NEk, sec. Pinconning Twp. Sfi-SWk-Sfi, sec. Pinconning Twp. NFrk-Sw’z-NWL sec. Frazer Twp. SEk-SEt-SW’P, sec. Pinconning Twp. C-SWk-NWh-SWt, sec. 35 Pinconning Twp. 35 25 35 35 35 35 35 35 2 34 45 APPENDIX B The following are the results of the laboratory examination of two wells, one well a producer and one well a dry hole, from each of the Deep River, North Adams and Pinconning oil fields. These wells are used as examples in showing the conditions existing in the fields as a whole and each well has been discussed under the previous section titled RELATIONSHIP OF THE PRODUCING WEILS TO SECONDARY DOWITIZATION. 46 APPENDIX B Permit #: 10924 (Oil) Well Name: Stanlisan Flick #1 Operator: Ervin thor Location: NWk-NWk-SWI, sec. 9, T19N, R43 W W113}. 2802-2807 Limestone 2807-2816 Limestone 2816-2820 Limy-Dolomdte 2820-2825 Limy-Dolomite 2825-2832 Dolomite 2832-2836 Dolomite 47 APPENDIX B Permit #: 9506 (dry hole) Well Name: Nowoielski-Switzer-Receiver Com. #1 Operator: Basin Oil Co. & Don Rayburn Location: C-Sk-SEi-Slk, sec. 8, T19N, R43 Seals Interval Reaction with 6N liCl 2773-2784 Limestone 2784-2788 Limestone 2788-2800 Limes tone 2800-2810 Limestone 2810- 2815 Limestone 2815-2820 Limestone 2820-2830 Limes tone 2830-2837 Limes tone 2837-2841 Limestone 2841-2852 Limestone 2852-2861 Limestone 2861-287 1 Limestone 2871-2880 Dolomitic-Limestone 2880-2895 Limes tone 2895-2904 Limestone 2904-2915 Limes tone 48 APPENDIX B Well Name: Nowoielski-Switzer-Receiver Com. #1 (Continued) Sample Interval Reaction with 6N 8C1 2915-2927 Limestone 2927-2941 Limes tone 2941-2949 Limes tone 2949-2960 Limestone 2960-2970 Limes tone 2970-2978 Limes tone 2 978-2990 Limes tone 2990-3003 Limestone 3003-3010 Limes tone 3010- 3013 Limes tone 3013-3122 Limestone 3122-3028 Limestone 3028-3032 Limestone 3032- 3040 Lines tone 3040-3055 Limes tone 3055-3067 Limes tone 3067 -307 5 Limestone 307 5-3082 Limes tone 3082-3090 Limes tone 3090-3103 Limes tone 49 APPENDIX B Well Name: Nowoielski-Switzer-Receiver Conan. #1 (Continued) Smle Interval Reaction with 6N 1101 3103-3110 Limestone 3110-3132 Limestone 3132-3147 Limes tone 50 APPIIIX B Permi t#: 10549 (Oil) Well Name: Thos. & Edith Bryan #1 Operator: Ervin Major Location: SEi-SEh-SWk, sec. 22, T19N, R38 Sggple Interval Reaction with 6N H01 2881-2886 Dolomite 2886-2890 Dolomite 2890-2896 Limes tone 2896-2908 Limestone 2908-2916 Limes tone 51 APPENDIX B Permit Number: 8436 (Dry Hole) Well Name: Thomas Bryan #B-l Operator: Ervin Major Location: NEk-NFrk-SWi, sec. 22, T19N, R38 8221s Interval 2874-2877 2877-2879 2879-2883 2883-2890 2890-2896 2896-2908 2908-2918 2918-2921 2921-2928 2928-2938 2938-2944 2944-2955 2955-2961 2961-2967 2967-2970 2970-2978 Reaction with 6N IiCl Limes tone Limes tone Limes tone Limes tone Limestone Limes tone Limes tone Limes tone Limestone Limes tone Limes tone Limes tone Limestone Limestone Limestone Dolomitic-Limes tone Well Name: 52 APPENDIX B 3035- 3042 Thomas Bryan #B-l (Continued) Smle Interval Reaction with 6N 801 2978-2979 Dolomitic-Limestene 2979-2983 Dolomitic-Limestone 2983-2993 Dolomitic-Limestone 2993-3000 Limestone 3000-3010 Limestone 3010-3025 Limestone 3025-3035 Limestone Limes tone 53 APPENDIX B Permit Number: 10944 (Oil) Well Name: Margaret Roth #1 Operator: Shell Oil Company Location: SWk-NRk-NWk, sec. 3, T16N, R4! Sample Interval Reaction with 6N HCl 2822-circ. Limy-Dolomi te 2822-circ . 1hr Dolomi tic-Limes tone 2820-2825 Limy-Dolomite 2826-circ30 Limes tone 2826-circ60 Limy-Dolomite 2825-2830 Limy-Dolomite 2830-2835 Limestone 2835-2840 Limestone 2840-2845 Dolomitic-Limes tone 2845-2850 Limes tone 2850-2855 Limes tone 2855-2860 Limestone 2860-2865 Dolomi tic-Limes tone 2865-2870 Dolomitic-Limes tone 2870-287 5 Limes tone 2875-2877 Limestone ““~;_~ ~ Well Name: 54 APPENDIX B Margaret Roth #1 (Continued) ‘§£Eple Interval 2877-circ 2877-circ30 2877-2880 2880-2885 2885-2890 2890-2895 2895-2900 2900-2905 2905-2910 2910-2915 2915-2920 2920-2922 2922-2932 2932-2937 2937-2942 2942-2945 2945-2950 2950-2965 2965-2975 2975-Bottom of well at 3012' Reaction with 6N H01 Dolomitic-Limestone Limestone Dolomitic-Limestone Limestone Limestone Limes tone Limy-Dolomi te Dolomite Dolomite Dolomite Dolomite Dolomite Dolomite Dolomite Limy -Dolomite Dolomite Dolomite Dolomite Dolomite Dolomite 55 APPENDIX B Permit Number: 12213 (Dry Hole) Well Name: Kurzeja and Drake #A-Z Operator: Swan-King Oil Company Location: SEk-SE%-SW%, sec. 35, T17N, R48 Sample Interval Reaction with 6N 11931 2853-2860 Limestone 2860-2871 Limestone 2871-2875 Limestone 2875-2880 Limestone 2880-2885 Limestone 2885-2890 Limestone 2890-2904 Limestone 2904-2909 Limestone 2909-2915 Limestone 2915-2920 Dolomite 2920-2925 Limy-Dolomite 29255-292635 Limy-Dolomite 2927-2931 Dolomitic-Limestone 2931-2934 Dolomitic-Limestone v——-- 56 BIBLIOGRAPHY Cohee, George V., and Underwood, L. B., (1945), "Lithology and Thickness of the Dundee Formation and the Rogers City Limestone in the MHchigan Basin", U. 8. Geological Survey Preliminpgy Map 38I Oil and Gas Investigating Service. Cohee, George V., (1948), A Summary of the Stratiggaphy of the Southern Peninsula of Michigan, ed. by G. V. Cohee and Helen M; Martin, U.S.G.S. and Michigan Geological Survey. Ehlers, G. M., and Radabaugh, R. W., (1938), The Rogers City Limestone, A New Devonian Formation in Michigan, Papers of the Mich. Acad. of Science, Arts and Letters, vol. 23, pages 441-446. Gregory, W. M., (1912), Geological Reppgt on Arenac County, Michigan Geological and Biological Survey Pub. 11, geol. sec. 8, 146 pages. Hunt, Raymond 8., (April, 1949), "Deep River Field.Michigan",Ighg Independent Petroleum Association of America, vol. 19, no. 12. Knapp, T. 8., (March, 1947), "A Theory of Rogers City and Dundee /,A Relationships in Central Michigan", Unpublished. Landes, Kenneth K., (1956), Petroleum Geology, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, pages 298-301. Landes, Kenneth K., (1946), Porosigy Througp Dolomitization, Bull. A.A.P.G., vol. 30, p. 305. .1 Lane, Alfred C., (1905), Geology of Bay County, Michigan Geological Survey Annual Report, 1905. Low, Julian W., (October, 1951), "Examination of Well Cuttings", Qperterly of the Colorado School of Mines, vol. 46, no. 5. Powell, Louise M., (June, 1950), Calcium.CarbonatelMagpesium Ratios, In the Rogers Cigy and Dundee Formations of the Pinconning Field, Thesis for the Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Unpublished. Pringle, Gordon H., (May, 1937), Geology of Arenac County, Progress Report of the Michigan State Geological Survey, no. 3, 31 pages. 57 BIBLIOGRAPHY (Continued) Tinklepaugh, Betty 11., (1957), A Chemical, Statistical and Structural Analysis of Secondary Dolomitization in the Rogers City-Dundee Formation of the Central Michigan Basin, Thesis for the Degree of Ph.D., Dept. of Geology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Unpublished. ...III. [Ail r ..I I'll-'4 Ii!