w w‘ -———— '— ”7 7 7- _ : 7 7_7 ————'—_ -7 ’— 71 r 7 A 7 7,-1— __;——— 7 7 7 _ 7 , A 7 ;-—7l_ II FOOD AQUISITION BEHAVIOR OF PYCNOPSYCHE GUTTIFER (LIMNEPHILIDAE: TRICHOPTERA) PTERONARCYS PICTETTI (PTERONARCIDAE: PLECOPTERA) AND ORCONECTES PROPINQUIS (DECAPODA: causmcw. ' Thesis for the Degree of M. S. MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY GAIL L, MOTYKA 1983 LIBRARY I—fiichigan State University PLACE IN RETURN BOX to remove this checkout from your record. TO AVOID FINES return on or before date due. MAY BE RECALLED with earlier due date if requested. DAIEDUE DAIEDUE DAIEDUE 5/08 K:IPrq/Acc&Pres/CIRC/DateDue mdd .HHOZ ymowwcm oofiuESMu . Moo—won» ogvgonaHaoH Vorx V6000: so zooms; a 5500 we: mus—Saws canons 55:59. 352.0550..." VunonwonHoBEu won agenda Hangman ngmmcm >565»? wmwnowonwm Bun: uwooonnonu 0H3. wagon a spoon Bonn so Zuzana on up 53 zmmomza m mxHe: muons-"Hon. 9090005033. twins p.50 9 Sins our Hound amass—nan 5.35 mg. 2.63.39 gsawnwosonVanonwwo H938» «on xomanOm w mofioch Sum wwnaommkoso mosnuzm enpnvonnonu ooaanwoaoa vaononb: Yononzo <3 :32; m 5:: you... Wmnzowuknro Hcocwosnm anpfluounoui .755; 5908535 cwvnons 2530:9253. Vagina Faun; <3 xenon... Homo. 5mm v influence of environment On a benthic species which results in ~ recognition of microhabitat -—- --4> interactions between components of the environment to which a given benthic species interacts -—--: -e- influence of a given benthic species on the microhabitat FIGURE 14. General relationships between environmental parameters and the microdistribution of a species of benthic stream macroinvertebrate.(Cummins s Lauff 1969). GENETI CONTROL HABITAT HABITAT SELECTION SELECTION substrate cue ————————— -¢> food cue CASE CASE CASE CASE FORM MATERIALS HA RIALS RH ENVIRONMENT FIGURE 15. Genetic and environmental influences on microhabitat selection by Pycnopsyche larvae (Cummins 1964). 29 to larger substrates (4.5-7cm). When similar amounts of detritus collected on larger substrates, invertebrate colonization was then similar on both substrates. Correlations between the amount of detritus and invertebrate numbers may have been coincidental since the accumulation of detritus is the result of the combined effects of current and substrate. Other studies have shown substrate preferences when detritus was not a confounding factor. Limnephilus rhombicus (Linnaeus) and Potam0phylax rottmdipennis, both shredders, spent more time on pebbles than on sand and more time on coarse pebbles than on crushed brick (Higler 1975). If shredders respond to substrate differences as described by Higler, then chemical cues may be of secondary importance or may supply additional feeding information at best. Peckarsky (1980) found more shredders in cages with conditioned and unconditioned coarse particulate organic matter than in control cages. The animals located a food substrate typically considered unacceptable and not conducive to proper growth. The large numbers of shredders in control and unconditioned leaf cages suggest a random search mechanism. Once appropriate or inappropriate food is encountered, the decision can be made whether or not to move to another area. SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPY The purpose of studying the morphology of E. pictetti and _13. guttifer was to document the potential chemosensory apparatus available for facilitation of food finding. _I_’. pictetti does have sensilla which morphologically appear to have olfactory capabilities, but their effectiveness in this capacity is unknown. It is believed that insects evolved as terrestrial organisms and only secondarily invaded aquatic habitats (Boudreaux 1979, Ross 1967, Edmunds 1972); 30 thus, as one might expect, the sensilla of P. pictetti are structurally similar to the sensilla of terrestrial insects. The degree of adaptation of these sensilla to the aquatic environment is an intriguing question. What characteristics exemplify aquatically adapted chemosensilla? Ghiradella et al (1968b) identified distinct differences in structure between the aesthetasc hairs of Coenobita compressus, a terrestrial hermit crab, and Pagurus hirsutiusculus (Dana) an aquatic hermit crab (Ghiradella et al 1968b). They related the divergence in sensilla morphology to the "newly" aquired terrestrial habits of Coenobita. Several characters of Coenobita sensilla are convergent with terrestrial insects while typical aquatic decapod characteristics are also present. Differ- ences relate primarily to the problem of water conservation, encountered in the switch from aquatic to terrestrial life. Both terrestrial insects and Coenobita have blunt pegs which expose less surface area to evaporation. The ciliary apparatus is set below the surface of the flagellum, effectively isolating all structures except receptor elements of the cells from the permeable surface. Vacuoles are found throughout the flagellum which insure a supply of moisture to cilia and more distal elements. Aquatic decapods such as Paggrus have com- pletely permeable flagella (Snow 1974, Ghiradella et al 1968b). Terrestrial insect olfactory sensilla are not permeable to most compounds but have pores which connect to the outside and liquor bathing the dendrites, thereby preventing dessication of the sensilla. Coenobita aesthetascs are intermediate in form in that only one side is permeable. In addition to water conservation, there are problems of structural support. Short stout pegs of terrestrial insects and Coenobita can maintain their integrity 31 without additional support, whereas long thin aesthetascs of aquatic decapods require the pressure of an aquatic medium to prevent folding and matting of the sensilla. B. pictetti sensilla (50um x lOum) are proportional to the reduced Coenobita aesthetascs (100nm x 20um). Pagurus aesthetascs are 200-1400um in length and only 18-25um in diameter (Snow 1974). They typically occur in populations of 400-600/outer flagellum and are densely packed. Thin walled sensilla of E. pictetti are sparsely distributed on the antennae relative to Pagurus and terrestrial insects in which olfaction is important such as Hymenoptera (Agren 1978) and Lepidoptera (Slifer 1979). In conclusion, the evidence presented here, supported by evolutionary and ecological studies, suggests that these shredders do not use long distance chemical cues to facilitate food finding. 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