HIM Ml! $ 142 717 THEfifi' 7. :02) This is to certify that the dissertation entitled CONSTRUCTION OF EVEN LENGTH BINARY SEQUENCES WITH ASYMPTOTIC MERIT FACTOR 6.0 presented by Tingyao Xiong has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree in Mathematics Major Professor’s ignature AMM+ b , 10 I O 0 Date MSU is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer LIBRARY Michigan State University u-I-O-I-O-o_o-u-o-I-I-.-0-0-O- ~o~u-o-.o-- 'I¢-D-I-p- o - PLACE IN RETURN BOX to remove this checkout from your record. To AVOID FINES return on or before date due. MAY BE RECALLED with earlier due date if requested. DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE SIOB KProilMPndCIRCIDatoDueJndd CONSTRUCTION OF EVEN LENGTH BINARY SEQUENCES WITH ASYMPTOTIC MERIT FACTOR 6.0 By Tingyao Xiong A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Mathematics 2010 ABSTRACT CONSTRUCTION OF EVEN LENGTH BINARY SEQUENCES WITH ASYMPTOTIC MERIT FACTOR 6.0 By Tingyao X iong The known families of binary sequences having asymptotic merit factor 2 6 are all modifications to real primitive character sequences. In this thesis, we show a general technique of constructing an even length binary sequence based on a symmetric or antisymmetric sequence. With this technique, we will give new modifications to the character sequences of length N = p, N = pq, and N = p1p2 . . . p7- respectively. This in turn gives the construction of binary sequences of length 2p, 2pq, and 2p1p2 . . .pr with asymptotic merit factor 6.0. DEDICATION This dissertation is dedicated to my dearly beloved husband Xuejian Liu and dearest son Cephas Liu. I give my deepest expressions of love and appreciation to them for the encouragement they gave and the sacrifices they made during this graduate program. Special gratitude goes to my loving parents Guowei Xiong and Qingfu Wang, whose words of encouragement and push for tenacity ring in my ears. My sister Tingqi Xiong has always stood by me and is very special. I also dedicate this dissertation to my parents—in—law Chengxun Liu and Quanqin Liu, who have supported me throughout the entire process. ACKNOWLEDGMENT I would like to express my deepest and sincerest gratitude to my advisor, Dr. Jonathan I. Hall, for his exceptional support and constant encouragement. Without his help, this thesis would not have been possible. I am very thankful to him for his understanding, unconditional trust, and unwavering faith in me, which have helped me persevere through the most challenging times of my doctoral program. It has been an enormously enjoyable experience to work under his supervision. My gratitude goes to my defense committee members, Dr. Meierfrankenfeld Ul- rich, Dr. Michael Shapiro, Dr. George Pappas and Dr. Rajesh Kulkarni, for their expertise and precious time. I am thankful to Dr. Meierfrankenfeld Ulrich for his countless hours of answering my dispersive questions. I would like to thank to Dr. Michael Shapiro for his generous help, including that of translating 3 Russian pa- per into English for me. Thank you to Dr. George Pappas for all the enlightening conversations. Special thanks to Dr. Raj'esh Kulkarni for consenting to serve on my committee despite the late notification. I acknowledge and thank Dr. Jonathan J edwab for his generous help, even though we have never met each other. Finally I would like to thank Dr. Zhengfang Zhou and Mrs. Barbara Miller. Their encouragement and support will forever be appreciated. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Tables ................................. vi List of Figures ................................ vii Introduction ........................... 1 1.1 History of Merit Factor Problem ..................... 2 1.2 Merit Factor and Littlewood’s Conjecture ............... 9 Known Results ......................... 11 2.1 Theoretical Results ............................ 11 2.2 Numerical Approaches .......................... 15 2.2.1 Skew-symmetric Sequences .................... 15 2.2.2 Exhaustive Computation ..................... 16 2.2.3 Periodic Appending ........................ 16 Preliminaries .......................... 20 3.1 Definitions ................................. 20 3.2 Properties ................................. 23 Construction of Even Length Binary Sequences ......... 32 Sequences of Length 2p with Asymptotic Merit Factor 6.0 . . . . 41 5.1 The Asymptotic Merit Factor of Doubled Legendre Sequences . . . . 41 5.2 The Asymptotic Merit Factor of Parker’s Sequences .......... 44 Sequences of Length 2pq with Asymptotic Merit Factor 6.0 . . . . 47 6.1 Theorem 6.1.1 and Proof ......................... 48 6.2 The Doubling of Known Sequences ................... 57 6.3 The Construction of New Sequences and Doubling ........... 61 6.3.1 Conclusion ............................. 79 Sequences of Length 2p1p2 . . . pr with Asymptotic Merit Factor 6.0 80 7.1 Construction ............................... 80 7.2 Periodic Autocorrelations of Sequences z ................ 83 7.3 Proof of Theorem 7.1.3 .......................... 109 Bibliography .......................... 115 LIST OF TABLES 2.1 Primitive characters and sequences of Legendre families ........ 13 vi LIST OF FIGURES 1.1 A Simple Model of Communication Channel .............. 4 1.2 Pulse Compression Radar Using Correlation .............. 5 5.1 Merit factor for Parker’s sequences with appending ratio 0.065. . . . . 43 vii Chapter 1 Introduction The problem of finding long binary sequences with the best value of the merit factor has resisted decades of attack by mathematicians and communications engineers. The best theoretical proven value for the asymptotic merit factor, 6.0, has remained unchanged since 1988. All the previously known binary sequence families attaining the highest asymptotic merit factor 6.0 are of odd length. This thesis is mainly focused on constructing new families of binary sequences of even length with asymptotic merit factor 6.0. In Chapter 1, we introduce the historical background of the Merit Factor Problem, in both theoretical and applicable aspects. We will give a brief review of the known results about the asymptotic merit factor, both theoretical and numerical, in Chapter 2. In Chapter 3, we will collect the definitions and properties which will be referred to in the following chapters. In Chapter 4, we show a common technique of constructing an even length sequence based on a symmetric or antisymmetric sequence. With the technique introduced in Chapter 4, we will construct binary sequences of length N = 2p, N = 2pq, and N = 2p1p2 . . .pr with asymptotic merit factor 6.0 in Chapters 5, 6, 7 respectively. Now we start with the history of Merit Factor Problem (M.F.P.), and the appli- 1 cation of M.F.P. for both theoretical and practical purposes. 1.1 History of Merit Factor Problem In this thesis, we transfer the well-known binary digits 0 and 1 into the equivalent forms: 1 = (—1)0 and —1 = (—1)1. Thus we call sequence a: = (230,2:1, . . . ,xN_1) a binary sequence of length N if all the :cj’s are +1 or —1, wherej = 0,1,... ,N — 1. Correlation is a commonly used measure to describe the similarity, or relatedness, between two phenomena. When properly normalized, the correlation measure is a real number between +1 and —1. For instance, in statistics, the correlation between two sets of data is called their covariance. Specifically, let or = ( 010,011, . . . ,an ) and '7 = ( 70, '71, . . . , 7n ) be two n—dimensional vectors of real numbers, which could represent two sets of experimental data. The magnitudes of these vectors are n 2 1 n 2 1 la|=(zaz-)?, |7|=(Z7,; )2 i=1 i=1 then the covariance of the two data sets C(a, ) = (or-'7) = 2&1 “Hi 1 1 .04 m (3:10;): ( 3:173): Similarly, supposea: = ($0,271, . . . ,xn ) andy = (310,311, . . . ,yn ) are both binary vectors. Thus n 1 n 1 le=2=lyl i=1 i=1 then the binary correlation between a: and y is n 1 (7013,31) = 52:151.?” i=1 2 Note that if a: = y, we call C(x, at) = 1 the autocorrelation of sequence :c. To conduct research in simpler forms, mathematicians and engineers have studied the following correlations forms. The application of these definitions will become clear soon. Let a: = (x0,x1,...,a:N_1) and y = (y0,y1,...,yN_1) be sequences of length N (not necessarily binary). The aperiodic crosscorrelation function between a: and y at shift 2' is defined to be N—i—l A$,y(z')= Z xjyj+,-, i=1,...,N—1 (1.1) .=0 When :1: = y, we call Ax(i) = 143,51; (i) the aperiodic autocorrelation function of a: at shift 2', where A; (i) is defined as following: N—i—l A5,;(z'): Z xjxj+,-, i=1,...,N—1 (1.2) “:0 Binary sequences with low aperiodic autocorrelations have been widely applied in communication engineering. To see this statement more clearly, we look at a simplified communication system with only one signal sender and receiver. In order to communicate information from a sender to a receiver, the sender needs to transmit messages through the so called communication channel. It is important to distinguish here between a signal and a message. In this thesis, 3 signal is a single digit 1 or —1. While a message means a binary sequence with entries 1 or —1. As shown in Figure 1.1, in the real world, the sender and receiver have to commu- nicate over a noisy communication channel. That is, the signals that are received do not look identical to the signals that are sent. As a result, the receiver must decide which signal was actually sent, given the actual signal that was received. The basic problem that serves as a model of detection theory concerns the situation 3 , Noisy , Signal _ Co mmunication Slgnal Sender Channel Receiver Figure 1.1: A Simple Model of Communication Channel in which there are two possible transmitted signals, represented by 1 and —1, and these are corrupted by Gaussian noise. For instance, if 1 ( or —1 ) is sent, let 1' be the corresponding signal received. Then we assume that r has a Gaussian distribution (normal distribution) with mean value 1 ( or —1 ) and standard deviation 0. The larger value of o, the noisier the channel and the greater the probability that the receiver will make an incorrect decision as to what was sent. If a message a: is represented by a binary sequence x = ($0,121, . . . ,$N_1) of length N, we use notation mm = (0,...,0,a:0,a:1,...,a:N__1_2-) to represent the sequence delayed by i time units. Then Ag; (i) represents the correlation between message a: and the delayed message xii] (not normalized). In 1953, in a foundational paper [1] of communication engineering, Barker proposed a group synchronization digital system, based on the use of binary sequences a: with correlations | A1; (i) I’s collectively small. The purpose of this constraint was to ensure a large difierence between A$(O), the correlation of message m to itself, and A; (i), the correlation of message a: to its delay xii]. In 1961, Fano [2] proved a considerably general result: Over a channel corrupted by Gaussian noise, the optimum decision process is to perform correlation detection, 4 that is, to calculate the correlation between the actual received message and ideal models of each of the possibly transmitted messages. And the message having the highest value of the correlation with the actual received message is the message that was actually sent. The optimum detector for a given channel is known as the matched filter for that channel, and the result we have just mentioned is frequently described as follows: the matched filter for the Gaussian channel is a correlation detector. Since 1960’s, binary sequences with low aperiodic autocorrelations have been widely applied in radar, sonar, and many other communication systems as well as synchronization. I , WEIGHTING CORRELATION I I MISMATCHED : MATCHED I SECTION I FILTER : : SECTION Figure 1.2: Pulse Compression Radar Using Correlation Figure 1.2 is from Radar Handbook ( [3], page 10.2, figure (0)). It gives a concrete example of the application in a radar system. In Figure 1.2, the detection process is called pulse compression radar using correlation , which has been widely used in radar ’ is received, the correlation detector technology. In this system, once a message a: (“CORRELATOR” in the figure) not only calculates the correlations between 2:, and all the possibly transmitted messages 2:, but also the correlations between 12’ and all the delays of xlzl by i time units. The message :1: having the highest correlation values with 2:, will be detected as the message that was actually sent. Therefore we 5 want the correlations between 2:, and all the delays of xii] (~ Ag;(i)) to be small, for i > 0, since rlzl is not the correct message. In this model, we can see clearly that using binary sequences with low aperiodic autocorrelations will increase the accuracy of correlation detector significantly. More discussion about the application of binary C sequences for which |A$(i)| is small for each i 75 0, can be found in [4], [5], and [7]. The importance of finding binary sequences a: with small [Ax (i)| values led Barker to seek answers for large N to the following question: Question 1.1.1. minimise maxO 13. Another important definition for binary sequences, which is similar to the defi- nition of aperiodic correlation, is called the periodic correlation. We will use both aperiodic and periodic correlations heavily in this thesis. The periodic crosscornelation function between :3 and y at shift i is defined to be N—l Ric’s/(2') = 2 xj yj+i, 0 S ’i < N (1.4) i=0 where all the subscripts are taken modulo N. Similarly, when a: = y, put N — 1 PW) = 2 xj 2,4,, 0 s i < N, (1.5) i=0 the periodic autocorrelation function of a: at shift i, where all the subscripts are taken modulo N. Mn and Storer proved the following theorem [6] in 1961. Theorem 1.1.3. ( Taryn and Storer) Conjecture 1.1.2 is true for odd N. Further- more, for a Barker sequence B of even length N > 2, PB (i) equal 0 for all 0 < i < N. Readers can find more discussion about Barker sequences in many papers, for instance [8]. In 1972, to describe the “good” binary sequences with aperiodic autocorrelations collectively small, Golay ([9]) proposed another important measure called Merit Fac- tor. Given a binary sequence a: of length N, the merit factor of the sequence 2:, is defined as N2 2 23,1211 As (2') Using the concept Merit Factor, given N fixed, finding a binary sequence :1: of length Fa: (1.6) N with [Ax (i)|’s collectively small is equivalent to finding a binary sequence a: of length N with high merit factor value. Moreover, for the family of sequences S: {x1,r2,...,zn,...} where for each i Z 1, xi is a binary sequence of length Ni, if as i approaches infinity, 7 N,- also approaches infinity, and the limit of Fri exists, then we call F 151130 sz- (1.7) the asymptotic merit factor of the sequence family S. Golay not only gave a simple measure describing the feature that a binary sequence has aperiodic autocorrelations collectively small but also revealed the close connection between the length of the sequence and the aperiodic autocorrelations in an elegant way. For nearly twenty years, Golay studied the following problem: Let Xn be the set of all binary sequences of length n, QUBStiOIl 1.1.4. Fn = maszXn F1; =? In his series of publications ([9], [10], [11],[12], [13], and [14]), Golay either used probability theory or computer searching to study Question 1.1.4. Indeed, Question 1.1.4 is still open. That is, at each length N, we do not know the maximum merit factor value of all the binary sequences with length N except by conducting exhaustive search for small N. We will discuss these numerical searching results in next chapter. As discussed before, finding a binary sequence a: with |A$(i)|’s collectively small can be considered as finding a binary sequence x with high merit factor Fm. In real communication systems, because of the large amount of information needed to be transmitted, engineers have more interest in merit factor behavior when the length of binary sequence is large. Meanwhile, mathematicians have made important break through in finding the upper bound of the asymptotic merit factor of binary sequences. To express this question in a mathematical form, we have the following: Question 1.1.5. lim supn_,oo Fn =? where Fn is as defined in Question 1.1.4. Traditionally, people call Question 1.1.5 the Merit Factor Problem (M.F.P.). Com- pared to Question 1.1.4, mathematicians have made remarkable progress on the M.F.P., which will be discussed in more details in next chapter. This thesis is mainly focused on constructing new families of sequences achieving the known highest value of asymptotic merit factor. 1.2 Merit Factor and Littlewood’s Conjecture Mathematicians (for instance, [18],[23], [15]) have tried to approach the merit factor problem through complex analysis and number theory. An optimal method is to study polynomials with i1 coefficients on the unit circle of the complex plane, which have been studied by some famous mathematicians like Littlewood [17]. This section will give some examples about this connection. Although the topic of this section will not play a role in the rest of this thesis, here we observe that merit factor is not only of engineering but also of mathematical interest. Prior to Golay’s definition of merit factor in 1972, Littlewood [16] and other number theorists studied questions concerning the norms of polynomials with :I:1 coefficients on the unit circle of the complex plane. Furthermore, some properties and conjectures from complex analysis can be written in terms of Merit Factors. Before we see some concrete examples, we need some definitions here. Let Qa(z) = 25:61 air!i be the complex-valued polynomial whose coefficients are the elements of the sequence a = (a0, a1, . . . ,aN_1) of length N. The Lg norm of the polynomial Qa(z) on the unit circle of the complex plane is defined to be 27r . 1/16 [[Qallfi = (i/O [Qa(ez9)[fld0) (1.8) If the coefficient sequence a = (a0, a1, . . . ,aN_1) is a binary sequence, then we can 9 write the merit factor of a as ([25], Theorem 1.2, page 35) _ ”Qty”: “can: — llQall‘21 a (1.9) where Fa is the merit factor of sequence a as defined in (1.6). The following is one of many Littlewood’s Conjectures ([17], §6, page370): Conjecture 1.2.1. (Littlewood) Let Q N be the set of all the complex-valued polyno- miaLs whose coefficients are the elements of some binary sequence of length N. Then there exists a polynomial fN E QN, so that llfNHfi = N4 + 0(N4). If we write Conjecture 1.2.1 in terms of merit factor, we will have Conjecture 1.2.2. (Littlewood) limsupn_,00 Fn = 00. By studying the L4 norms of polynomials with coefficients :I:1, Newman and Byrnes [18] obtained an important result on the asymptotic behaviour of the merit factor in 1990: Property 1.2.3. The mean value of 1/F, taken over all sequences of length n, is n-l n . [I We see that the merit factor as defined in (1.6) is of considerable practical and theoretical interest to both engineers and mathematicians. Starting in the next chap- ter, we will be mainly focused on the Merit Factor Problem as introduced in Question 1.1.5. 10 Chapter 2 Known Results In this chapter, we will review all the known research results, both theoretical and numerical, about the Merit Factor Problems as mentioned in Question 1.1.5. From now on, we always use (i, N) to represent the greatest common divisor of integers i and N. 2. 1 Theoretical Results For p an odd prime, a Legendre Sequence of length p is defined by the Legendre symbols aj = (f?) I j=03°")p—13 where ' 1, if ' is a s uare modulo ; (l) ___ .7 q p (2.1) p —1, otherwise. More generally, for N = p1...p7~, where p1 < p2 < < pp and each pj is an odd prime, a Jacobi Sequence B of length N is defined by i=(iillé-l-lt) 11 Given a sequence a = ((10,011, . . . ,aN_1) of length N. We call 0” = (alfNJ’aLfNJ+1"”’aN—1’ 00’ 01’ "°’alle-1) a of length N offset by the factor f. In 1988, tholdt and Jensen [23] made an important breakthrough by proving the following theorem: Theorem 2.1.1. The asymptotic merit factor F of Legendre sequences of length p offset by the factor f is 1/F = 1/6 + 8(f - 1/4)2, Ifl s 1/2, (2.3) D By Theorem 2.1.1, offset Legendre sequences have an asymptotic merit factor 6.0 at the fraction If | = i. This Theorem is very important because even today, 6.0 is still the best theoretically proven value for asymptotic merit factors. In 1991, J .M. Jensen, and HE. Jensen and Hoholdt [24] defined a new family of binary sequences called Modified Jaclobi sequences at length N = pq, with p < q odd primes: +1, ifj=0,q,2q,...,(p—1)q mj = —1, ifj=p,2p,...,(q—1)p (2.4) (%) - ('91) , otherwise . In the same paper [24], J .M. Jensen, and HE. Jensen and tholdt proved that the formula (2.3) is also correct for Jacobi Sequences and Modified J aclobi sequences of length pq provided p and q satisfy (P + (1)5 10g4 N N3 —>0, forN—ioo. (2.5) 12 On the other hand, given an odd prime p, the real primitive character modulo p takes the form (2.6) X190): (13) rif(j,p)=1; , otherwise where (11;) is the Legendre symbol as defined in (2.1). More generally, for an odd number N, where N is a product of distinct odd primes p1p2 . . . p,- with p1 < p2 < - - - < pr, the real primitive character modulo N takes the form XNU) = Xp1(j)Xp2(J') - - - XPTU) (2-7) The Legendre sequences, Jacobi and Modified Jacobi sequences just redefine the value at the i—th position where (i, N) > 1. In this sense, all of the Legendre sequences, Jacobi and Modified Jacobi sequences are modifications of character sequences. Table 2.1 shows the close connection between the two categories. 33k (k, N) = 1 k E 0(mod p) k E 0(mod q) Legendre sequence x N (k) +1 — Jacobi sequence x N (k) xq(k / p) xp(k/q) at length N = pq Modified Jacobi sequence XN(k) +1 —1 Table 2.1: Primitive characters and sequences of Legendre families We can see clearly all the known families of sequences with high asymptotic merit factor are highly related to the primitive character sequences as defined in (2.7). By performing calculations on the character forms ( which are actually triple-valued ), Borwein and Choi [25] proved that (2.3) is correct for all the sequences defined as in 13 (2.7) under an improved restriction on p,- ’s e 11:,— —> 00 for any 6 small enough (23) 1 We can combine all the theoretical results mentioned above into the following theorem. Theorem 2.1.2. (Heholdt, Jensens, Borwein and Choi, 1988, 1991, 2001 ) Let aN be (I) a Legendre Sequence of length N = pl, (2) a Jacobi or Modified Jacobi Sequence of length N = plpg, (3) a real primitive character Sequence of length N = p1p2 . . . pr with 191 < p2 < < pr and each pj is an odd prime. Now construct any infinite sequence of such sequences a = {aN1,aN2,...aNi,...}, Then the asymptotic merit factor F of a ofiset by the factor f is 1/F = 2/3 — 4m + 8f2, lfl s 1/2 provided that NE/pl —+ 0, for any 6 > 0 small enough as N —> 00. El In Chapter 3, we will explore the properties of character sequences more deeply. 14 2.2 Numerical Approaches 2.2.1 Skew-symmetric Sequences A common strategy for extending the reach of merit factor computations is to impose restrictions on the structure of the sequence. One of the most historically popular definition is the skew-symmetric binary sequences, defined by Golay [9]: A binary sequence a = (a0, a1, . . . ,a2m) of odd length 2m + 1 is called a skew- symmetric binary sequence if am.” = (_lliam-i for 'i = 1, 2, . . . ,m. Skew-symmetric binary sequences are good possibilities to have large merit factor because of the following property [9]: Property 2.2.1. A skew-symmetric binary sequence .7. of odd length has Az(i) = 0 for all odd i. CI The computational advantage of only searching skew-symmetric binary sequences with large merit factor is that it roughly doubles the sequence length that can be searched with given computational resources. In [11], Golay showed that skew- symmetric sequences attain the optimal merit factor value Fn (as defined in Question 1.1.1) for the following odd values it < 60: 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 21, 27, 29, 39, 41, 43, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, and 59. The optimal merit factor over all skew-symmetric sequences of odd length n was calculated independently by Golay and Harris [14] for n _<_ 69 in 1990 and by de Groot, Wiirtz and Hoffmann [26] for n 5 71 in 1992. And also in 1990, Golay and Harris [14] found good skew-symmetric sequences for odd length n with 71 _<_ n S 117 by interleaving one symmetric sequences and another anti-symmetric binary sequence. 15 Based on heuristic searches for long skew-symmetric sequences, Golay proposed the following conjectures: Conjecture 2.2.2. (Golay, [11]) The asymptotic optimal merit factor of the set of skew-symmetric sequences is equal to lim sup.n_,00 Fn. Conjecture 2.2.3. (Golay, [12]) limsupn_,oo Fn g 12.32. 2.2.2 Exhaustive Computation The other results of exhaustive searching for Fn values are listed as following: (i) for ”small n” in 1965 by Lunelli [19] (ii) for 7 S n g 19 by Swinnerton-Dyer, as presented by Littlewood [16] in 1966 (iii) for n g 32 by Turyn, as presented by Golay [12] in 1982 (iv) for n S 48 by Mertens [20] in 1996 (v) for n S 60 by Mertens and Bauke [21] in 2004 2.2.3 Periodic Appending From Section 2.1 we know that 6.0 is the best theoretical proven value of the asymp- totic merit factor. In other words, we can safely claim that 6.0 3 lim sup Fn S 00 n—Ioo In [23], tholdt and Jensen made the following conjecture: Conjecture 2.2.4. (tholdt and Jensen) limsupnmoo F", = 6.0 16 On the other hand, some numerical observation ([27]) strongly suggest that lim sup Fn > 6.0 . n—+oo Before we introduce that result, we need some definitions. Given sequences X = {$0,x1,...,zN_1} of length N, Y = {y0, . . . in-l} of length M, a real number 0 g r <1, we define e Rotation Xr = {x0+[TNJ,$1+[TNJI-~I$N_1+[7~NJ}, . rI‘fImcation XT={xO,$la-'°aerNJ—1}’ o Appending X;Y= {x0,...,a:N_1,y0,...,yM_1}. In 2004, Borwein, Choi, and J edwab [27] used the rotation and appending method as just defined and obtained the following result: Observation 2.2.5. (Borwein, Choi, and Jedwab) Suppose X is a Legendre sequence of length N = p with p prime, then 1 1 o For large N, the merit factor of the appended sequence X1; th‘I is greater than 6.2 when t ~ 0.03. e For large N, the merit factor of the appended sequence X r; X; is greater than 6.34 for r ~ 0.22 and r N 0.72, when t ~ 0.03. Furthermore, Borwein, Choi, and Jedwab ([27], Theorem 6.4 and equation (20)) gave an estimate of the asymptotic merit factor of the appended sequence X r; X; : Theorem 2.2.6. (Borwein, Choi, and Jedwab) Let X be a Legendre sequence of 17 prime length p and let r, t satisfy 0 S r S 1 and 0 < t S 1. Then for large p 2 ' 2 t 1 l—t 1 . FXT;X" l—t t §(F—)1{T+1) ,fort=1. Now we summarize the known results about the asymptotic merit factor of binary sequences. 0 6.0 is the highest proven asymptotic merit factor value. a All the known “good” sequences with high asymptotic merit factor are modi- fication of the character sequences by putting new values at positions i, with (i,N) > 1. o All the known “good” sequences with high asymptotic merit factor are of odd length: mm . . . pr, and each p, is an odd prime. 0 All the known “good” sequences with high asymptotic merit factor are rotations of modified character sequences. 0 It may be possible to obtain sequences with asymptotic merit factor > 6.34 by rotating, truncating, and appending a Legendre sequence. In the summation above, we have put the key phrases in italic forms. In the following chapters, we will construct new families of binary sequences. In contrast with the features listed above, these new families of sequences satisfy the following: 0 Obtain high asymptotic merit factor value 6.0. 0 Give new modification of the character sequences at positions i, with (i, N) > 1. o Are of even length: 2p1p2 . . . pr, and each p,- is an odd prime. 18 o Are free of rotations of modified character sequences. We will start with introducing new definitions and properties in next chapter . 19 Chapter 3 Preliminaries This chapter provides the definitions, notation and properties that will be used in later chapters. Some well-known results are included in order to make the presentation self- contained. 3.1 Definitions Given a sequence a: = (r0, :I:1, . . . WEN—1) of length N, we have the Discrete Fourier ’II‘ansform (DFT) of the sequence, that is, . N—1 . xléjvl= Z racial“, j=o,1,...,N—1 (3.1) k=0 where 5%, = egg“. Definition 3.1.1. Given two sequences a: = (320,31, . . . ,xN_1) and y = (y0,y1,...,yN_1), we define the product sequence b = x :1: y by b,- = mil/i: for 2': 0,1,...,N— 1. Definition 3.1.2. A binary sequence a = (00, a1, . . . ,aN_1) of odd length is sym- metric if az- = O‘N—ir for 1 S i S N — 1, and antisymmetric if a,- = "O‘N—i: for 20 1 S i S N — 1. Lemma 3.1.3. Suppose N is an odd integer. We define a sequence s=(sO,sl,...,sN_1) of length N by —1 W , i ',N =1; 3j = ( ) f0 ) (3.2) 0 , otherwise. Then the sequence s is antisymmetric. Proof. For 1 S j S N — 1, via Lemma 3.1.7 and 3.1.3, 3N—j = (—1)N—j = (—1)N—j = —(—1)j = —s]- since N is odd. Therefore, 3 is antisymmetric. El Definition 3.1.4. Given a binary sequence a = (010,011, . . .,aN_1), we write —a for (—a0,—a1,...,—aN_1). Definition 3.1.5. For 6 = 0,1, let the four sequences :Eflwl be given by (”2") 5).") = (—1) (3.3) For instance, —fl(0) = —1) -1, +1, +1, - - - , —1,—]., +1, +1, . . . and 15(1) = +1) _1) _1, +1, . . - , +1, -1, _1, +1, . . . Definition 3.1.6. Suppose r is an integer. For any 1 S i S r, if (i, r) = 1, then there artists a unique i7, with 1 S 5 S r, such that i '5. E 1 (mod r). Put i;- = E, where k = min{i, r — i}. 21 For instance, when r = 5, i = 3, then 77,: = g = 2, because 3 x 2 E 1 (mod 5). While {,1 = 33‘5“ = 2—5' = 3, because 2 = min{3,5 — 3}. As (r — i)(r - E) E 1 (mod) r, we have Lemma 3.1.7. Suppose r is a positive integer. For any integer i, if (i,r) = 1, then M: r 42?. D Forexample, ifr=5,i=3, then (r—i)r=(5—3)5=Z=5—35=3. Definition 3.1.8. Given two nonnegative numbers A and B, A < B means that there exist a positive constant C, independent of A and B, so that A < CB. Definition 3.1.9. For an integer n, the divisor function d(n), is defined to be the number of positive divisors of n, or d(n) = Z 1 0 Pa(i)=1XO—1=—I. This finishes the proof of part (a). When p E 1 (mod 4), a7; = ap_,- => Pa(i) = 2010a,; — 1 = 1 or — 3. Theorem 2.1.1 is based on a famous result for Gauss Sums: . 27r '. Theorem 3.2.7. (Gauss Sum) For any j 6 Z, let gfv = e'le. The Gauss sum is the DFT XNl EN] associated to the primitive character x mod N of (2. 7): . N-l . XN Iéjv I = Z XN(m) Ex} m=0 25 Then [leéjv] [= 2 (J ) (3.4) 0, otherwise Proof. This is a very well-known result. Readers can find the proof in many resources, for instance, [38] page233. Lemma 3.2.8. Let N = p1p2...pr, where p1 < p2 < < pr’ are distinct odd primes. Then d(N) < r x E- p1 where d(N) is the divisor function of N. Proof. d(N) < imp,- — 1) < r x 5 i=1 ”1 Cl Property 3.2.9. Given a sequence x = (x0,x1, . . . ,xN_1) of length N, let x [5%,] be defined as in expression (3.1) for 0 S j S N — 1. An interpolation formula is N—l 5k $I-Efyl=% Z fiaififvl k=0 N+5N Proof. This is a well-known result from numerical analysis. Readers can find the proof in many references, for instance, [23], ((2.5), page162) and [24], (5.6), (page 624). III For the rest of this section, to simplify the notation, without confusion, we - it use {3' instead of 5%,, to represent e . Given a binary sequence x = (x0, x1, . . . ,xN_1) of length N, the following prop- erty gives the relation between the merit factor F3; and the DFT of the sequence x. 26 Property 3.2.10. Given a binary sequence x = (x0, x1, . . . ,xN_1) of length N, for 21r ' . £3: = e—le, let x [63-] be as defined in expressions (3.1), and x [—£j] as defined as in Property 3.2.9. Then the merit factor F3; satisfies 1 Eli? "leis-1 |4+ IxI—tjl l‘f F}: _ 2N3 A -1 Proof. Again, the proof of this Property 3.2.10 could be found in many papers, for instance [23], ((2.2) and (2.3), page 161), and [24], (expression (1.9), page 618). E] If a sequence u could be written as a sum of two sequences U and v, then following property shows the difference of l/Fu — l/FU. Property 3.2.11. Suppose sequences u, U, and v are all of length N. And 3512- u=U+v,thatisuj=Uj+vj,forj=0,1,...,N—1.Let§j=e , write Uléjl = Uléjl+vI€jl = Ulijl+au where aj =v[€jl- til-63°] = U {-6)} + vl-éjl = U {-63-} + b a where bj = vI-éjl- Let i_i__G_ Fu FU—ZN3 Then N—l 4 2 2 2 2 IGIS Z [Iajl +6IUl€jll 1a,) +4(|Ul€jll +laj| )IajIIUIEle j=0 N_1 4 2 2 2 2 + Z [ijl +6|Ul-€jl[ ijl +4<|UI-t,-I| +ij| )lbjllUl-éjIH j=O 27 Proof. From Property 3.2.10, , zf=31(|ult,1|4+|uI—t,~1|4) E: 2N3 _1 iii—01([Uléjl+aj[4+[UI-éjl+bj[4) = 2N3 , 2§V=31(lvlt,-I|4+|UI-tjll4) E: 2N3 _1 Therefore _ 1 F17 31H xii—01 (l U [5,] +a, [4 — | U 15,-I [4 + | U {-i)-1+ b,- |4 — | U {—53-} [4) = 2N3 Then N-l Z (I U [5,)”,- [4- l U [5,] [4+ | U {—ng +12,- [4— | U {-6)} I4) ,= N s: i=0 G Ho [0 U Iéjll + laj |)4 - [ U Iéjl [4 + ([ U I-ifl] + “’3' |)4 - [ U I-Ejl [4] 2 —l S [lajl4 + 6 [Uléjll2 Iajl2 + 4( [Ulfjll2 + lajl2 )lajl [Ulfjl[[ MEEM II o + [ ijl4 + 6 lift-61]2 lb,-I2 + 4< |UI-t,-I|2 + ijl2 )ijl [UI-éjll] .7 28 El Given a family of binary sequences {A(n)}, if at each length n, we only change positions considerably small in number compared to the n value, the following prop- erty show that the asymptotic merit factor of the new family of sequences is equal to the asymptotic merit factor of {A(n)}. Property 3.2.12. Let {A(n)} and {B(n)} be sets of sequences, where each of A(n) and B(n) has length n. Suppose that for each n, all elements of A(n) and B(n) are bounded by a constant independent of n. Suppose further that, as n —+ co, the number of nonzero elements of B(n) is o(\/;i) and that F A(n) = 0(1) and P A(n) = 0(n). Then, as n —-> 00, the element-wise sequence sums {A(n) + B (n)} satisfy 1 1 F + B(n)) =nF+Pv]’ 2 N—1 2 N—l = Z PV(i)+ Z Pv(i)+2 Z PV(2)Pv(il i=1 i=1 + Z [+2PV(?1)PV,v(i)+ 2Pv(t)P.,,V a2t2a6—a+b2+2b6—b 2 =(—1) 2 since6 —6=0when6=00r1 a2+2a6—a+b2+2b6—b 2 fi 4 —a +a—2a6 =(_1) 2 since - a2 + a is always even and — 2 a 6 is also an even b2-a2+a—bi2b6—ga6 = (-1) 2 Lb—a)(b+a+26—1) =(—1) 2 . El Suppose the sequence ,8 is one of the four sequences $305) from Definition 3.1.5. The notations “;” and “*” are as defined in Observation 2.2.5 and 3.1.1. Then we have the following two lemmas: Lemma 4.0.15. Let a be an arbitrary binary sequence of length N, and let ,6 of length 2N be one of the four sequences :Efiwl from Definition 3.1.5. Consider the new sequence b = {a ; a} * ,8. For even i, we have (—1)"/ 2 (Ash) + Pea», if 0 < t < N; A6(1')= (—1)i/2Aa(t—N), i > N 33 Proof. Note that the sequence b is of length 2N. When 0 < i < N, ZN—i—l A6“): 2 bjbj+i i=0 N—i—l N—l 2N—i-1 (4.1) = Z bjbj+t+ Z bjbj+t+ Z bjbj+t '=0 j=N—i j=N Here I I only contains the items from the first half of the sequence, Ir only contains the items from the second half, and 1m consists of the products of the terms from the first half and the terms from the second half. As i is even, by Lemma 4.0.14 we have N—i—I N—i—l II = Z bjbj+i= Z 5j5j+tajaj+t (4-2) 1:0 i=0 N—t—I i(i+2j+26—1) ___ Z (-1) 2 ajaj+i by Lemma 4.0.14 i=0 because i + 23' + 26 - 1 is odd when i is even N—i—I (—1)z/2 Z ajaj+i = (—1)z/2Aa(i) by Property 3.2.2 i=0 Similarly, by definition, we have 2N—i—1 2N—i—1 [7. = Z bjbj'i't = Z fijflj+zaj_Naj+z_N (4.3) j=N j=N 34 N—i—l i(2j+i+26—1) = Z (-1) 2 O‘j—Naj+i—N by Lemma 4.0.14 .20 N—i—I . _ = —1 2/201 -a- - = —1 z/2Aa i by Property 3.2.2 J 3+2 =0 N—l N—1 Im = Z bjbj-I-i = Z: fijflj+iajaj+i—N (4.4) j=N—i j=N—i . N—l—(N—i) . = H)” 2 Z ajaj+N—z' = (-1)’/2Ae(N — 2'). i=0 Combining (4.2), (4.3), and (4.4), by PrOperty 3.2.1, we have 11+ 1m + I,» = (—1)i/2 [ 2Aa(i) + Aa(N — i) ] = (—1)i/2 [ 210(2) + Pap) ]. For even i 2 N, Lemma 4.0.14 gives 2N—i-1 2N—i—1 At(i)= Z: bjbj+t= Z [itinerant—N j=0 j=0 2N—i—1 Ki+2j+26—1) = Z (‘1) 2 aj“j+z‘—N i=0 35 This finishes the proof of Lemma 4.0.15. Cl Lemma 4.0.16. For an odd integer N, let a = (010,041, ""O‘N—ll be a symmetric or antisymmetric binary sequence of length N as defined in Definition 3.1.2, and let b = {al a} * B be the corresponding sequence defined in Lemma 4.0.15. For odd i, we have (—1)6+Ta0aN_z-, if 0 < i < N; (—1)6+Taoai_N, if i Z N. Proof. When 0 < i < N, following (4.1) we write 2N—i—1 Aim = Z bjbj+i i=0 = Z bjbj+t + Z bjbj+t + Z bjbj+t j=0 ij—i j=N First consider any term bjbj+i = Ujfij+iajaj+i in I). By the definition of b and Lemma 4.0.14 i(2j+2N+i+26— 1) bj+ij+t+N = 5j+Nfij+t+N2jaj+t = (“1) 2 ajaj+t because Ni is odd. By Property 3.2.2, we have i(2j+i+26—1) bj+ij+i+N = -(-1) 2 ajaj+i = -fljflj+tajaj+t = —bjbj+i: 36 Thus bjbj+i is canceled by bj+ij+i+N from IT. That is, II + Ir = O. For any item bjbj+i = fijflj+iajaj+i—N in Im with i+j 74 N, we have 0 N. From Lemma 4.0.14 b2N—jb2N—j—i = 52N—jB2N—j—iaN—j0‘2N—j—i i(2j+i—26+1) = (‘1) 2 aj“j+z‘—N i(2j+i+26—1) = —(—1) 2 aj%‘+z'—N = ‘fijfij+z‘0j0‘j+z‘—N = —bjbj+z'- The second equality follows from the property that a is symmetric or antisymmetric. Therefore when i+ j # N, the item bjbj+i is canceled by b2N—jb2N—j—i' When i+j = N, b2N—jb2N—j—i 6 Ir, so only bN—ibN remains in Im. Horn Lemma 4.0.14 i(2N—i+26—1) bN—ibN = fiN—ifiNaN—z‘ao = (-1) 2 O‘N—z'O‘O N+6+i 1 6+i—1 = (-1) $_aoaN—i = (-1) TaoaN—i- This proves the first part of Lemma 4.0.16. Now we prove the second part. For i _>_ N, if j > 0 then by Lemma 4.0.14, 0 is symmetric or antisymmetric, and i being odd, 37 i(2j+i+26—1) bjbj+i = fijfij+iajaj+i—N = (-1) 2 aN—ja2N—j—z' i(2j+z'—26+Q = -(-1) 2 aN—ja2N—j—i i(2j+i—26+1-4N) — -(-1) 2 aN—ja2N—j—z‘ = —fl2N—jfi2N—j—z‘aN—j02N—j—i = _bZN—ijN—j—i' Therefore every term bjbj+i is canceled by b2 N— j b2 N— j—i except for the term (“5“) b0 by; = 30 52' a0 ai—N = (-1) “Oat—N (-1)2 Z Tao ai—N = (-1) TaOQi—N’ where the last equality holds because i is odd. This proves the second part of Lemma 4.0.16. Cl Lemma 4.0.17. For an odd N, suppose a = (a0,a1,....aN_1) is a symmetric or antisymmetric binary sequence of length N. Let b = {a ; a} * E be one of the sequences of Lemma 4.0.16. Then 2N—1 N—l N-l N—l Z A§(k)=N+ Z Ag(k)+2 Z Pa(k)Aa(k)+ Z Pa(k)2. evenk even/c 38 Proof. From Lemma 4.0.15 and Lemma 4.0.16, we have 2N—12N—12N—1 2k 2 A,2(k)= k: A,2( (k)+ :1 Ab( oddk evenlk 2N—1 2N— 1 = 2A 2(k)+ :11 A,2( (k)+ Z A,2(k) k=1=N+1 odd It even 1k even k N—l 2N—1 =N+ Z [Pa(k)+Aa(k)l2+ Z A3(k-N) k=1 k=N+1 evenk evenk N—l 2N—1 N—l =N+ Z A2(k )+ Z: A2(k —N)+2 Z Pa(k)Aa(k) k=1 k=N+1 k=1 even k even k even k N—l 2 + Z Pave) k=1 evenk N—l N—l N—l =N+ Z A2,(k)+2 Z Pa(k)Aa(k)+ Z 193(k) El k=1 19:1 1921 evenk evenk Remark. From Lemma 4.0.17, we can see that if we have a family of binary sequences a of length N that at each N, (1 satisfies the following: o a is symmetric or antisymmetric. o ZA: 11P2(k) is smaller than than N 2 39 Then for each N, we can construct an even length binary sequence b of length 2N, so that the asymptotic merit factor of b is four times of the asymptotic merit factor of family of 0. There is no rotation in the new families of sequences. In the following chapters, we will construct new families of 0: which satisfy the two features above. Then we can obtain sequences of even length binary sequences of high asymptotic merit factor 6.0. 40 Chapter 5 Sequences of Length 2p with Asymptotic Merit Factor 6.0 5.1 The Asymptotic Merit Factor of Doubled Leg- endre Sequences In expression (2.3), it was shown that if F is the asymptotic merit factor of cyclically shifted Legendre sequences corresponding to the offset fraction f (the number of positions shifted divided by the length), then 1/F = 2/3 — 4m + 8f2, Ifl s 1/2. (5.1) In particular for the Legendre sequences a of length p with no shifting (f = 0) we have 2 Lemma 5.1.1. lim 1) = g. 2"” 2 2i: Age) Now we are ready to prove the main theorem of this chapter. 41 Theorem 5.1.2. For each odd prime number p, let a = up be the Legendre sequence of length p given in (2.1), and let fl = [31; be one of the binary sequences of length 2p from Definition 3.1.5. For each p, we further let b = bp be the length 2p sequence {a ; a} * fl. Then the asymptotic merit factor limp—>00 (Fbp) is 6. Proof. By Proposition 3.1.2, the Legendre sequence a is symmetric for p E 1 (mod 4) and antisymmetric for p E 3 (mod 4). Therefore by Lemma 4.0.17 we have 2p—1p—1 p—l p—1 Z: A2(k) =p+ZA3(k)+2 Z ckAa(k)+ Z ck2, evenk evenk where Ck = Pa(k) = :l:1 or -—3 from Proposition 3.2.6. AS lckl S 3, p—l 2 (2,2 = 0(1)). even k By Lemma 5.1.1, 21):; A2 O,(k) = 0(p2); so by the Cauchy—Schwarz inequality P—1 P—1 3 Z ckAao) _<. 2 A30» 0(p>s\/ooo Fbp p—roo (2:02 1 -1 _ hm ”+22; A2+zzelt 1._ lakAa+25m=1cfi> 12"“ (2p)2 42 even [:21 -1 2 p-1 p P 22:1 A002) _,_ 2 Z CkAa(k) _,_ Zeven kzl ck = + p—>oo 2P2 2P2 21,2 21,2 -1 __, l 2ZhflAQM ~1x2—3 _ p—>OO 4 p2 — 4 3 -— 6 2 That is, limP—aoo Fbp = 6. D Here we present some numerical experimentation inspired by similar results in [27]. PT I I T 6'2 H I] l V '11,”! '1 6~ l '; Ezl-' “llrll ‘ _ l l ' 2 ’ '5 z 1% '3 515~ 1‘ . LL '5 :2 5» - 115L . 6 7 8 9 1o 11 12 13 14 L092P Figure 5.1: Merit factor for Parker’s sequences with appending ratio 0.065. For the sequence b of Theorem 5.1.2, we write (—b)f for the sequence (-b0, —b1, . . . , —b[fpj _1) obtained by truncating —b to the fraction f of its length. Computer cal- 43 culation then indicated that lim supF Z 6.20 pa... {b:(-b)f} for 0.06 _<_ f S 0.07. Figure 5.1 shows the merit factor asymptote of {b ; (—b)f } when f = 0.065. Jedwab [22] reports that Parker has done similar calculations. 5.2 The Asymptotic Merit Factor of Parker’s Se- quences In [28] Parker gave a construction for sequences of length N = 2p, with p prime, which motivated the present investigations. We restate his results here. Let Do be the set of squares in GF(p)\0, and let D1 be the set of nonsquares. First, Parker constructed a sequence of length 4p by specifying a subset C of ZZN’ then defined the characteristic sequence s’(i) of C: 1, ifiEC 0, 111910 s'(i) = LetC’:{{n}xcn|cng2;,ogn 1 while the asymptotic merit factor of the new family of sequences still has the same form as in Theorem 2.3. In the second section, we will apply the doubling technique introduced in chapter 4 to the Jacobi and Modified Jacobi Sequences of length N = pq. In the third section, we will apply the doubling technique introduced in chapter 4 on some newly constructed sequences of length N = pq, so that we will obtain several families of binary sequences of length N = 2pq with high asymptotic merit factor 6.0. In both sections 6.2 and 6.3, the new families of sequences are free of cyclic shifting. Throughout this chapter, we simplify {if as . 27r'. €j=€§v=€7vzz 47 6.1 Theorem 6.1.1 and Proof From the discussion in section 2.1 , we have seen that Legendre sequences, Jacobi or modified Jacobi sequences are modifications of character sequences by putting new values at positions 2', with (i, N) > 1. When N = pq, the number of those positions is greater than \/N. In view of Property 3.2.12, people have been hesitant to change the values at those positions. However, we show in the following theorem that we are free to put any new values at those position i’s with (i, N) > 1. Theorem 6.1.1. Let N = pq, where p < q are distinct odd primes. Then for each N, let the binary sequences uN = (u0,u1, . . . , uN_1) satisfy 1' , i i,N = 1 ; :l:1, otherwise . where the sequence x N is as defined in expression ( 2. 7) Now construct any infinite sequence of such sequences 11 = {uN1,uN2,...,uNi,...}, where Ni = pig,- for p,- < q, distinct odd primes. Then 21 has the same asymptotic merit factor value F form as the character sequence x, given by 1 2 2 _ E _ — 4 < 2 F 3 |f|+8f, 111-1/ . whenever N6 T?"— —> 0 when N,- —-> 00, (6.2) i where f is the fraction of shifting and e is any positive number satisfying 0 < e < 13'- Given a sequence a: = ($0,271,...,113N_1) of length N, we have the Discrete 48 Fourier Transform (DFT) of the sequence, that is, N—l x[gj] = Z xkék, j = 0,1,...,N— 1, (6.3) k=0 s1 where {j = e . Furthermore, for 0 _<_ t < N, let :ct = (xt,a:t+1,...,:1:N_1,:1:0,:131,...,a:t_1)be the offset :1: sequence arising from t cyclic left shifts of sequence 1:. The Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of set is then N—l k ast[£j]= 2.1-Hts, j=0,1,...,N—1, (6.4) k=0 where all the subscripts are taken modulo N. Property 6.1.2. Let :1: = (x0, :I:1, . . . ,xN_1) be a real-valued sequence of length N, se- 5,- = e . For :c[§j] the DFT ofx as defined above, N—l Z 1211,12 = Nllzvll2, 1:0 where ”:13”2 = git—612%. Proof. There is a well-known trigonometric identity N-‘1 2 k'. - -. Z ell-N12: N) lle]: (65) k=0 0, otherwise Then 49 j: —0 m=0 N— 1N—1 N—l ”(k—m)“. =2 Zxkmee k: 0m=0 N—l = Z xk2-N=N 1x112 k=0 m=k Property 6.1.3. Suppose we have sequences a = (a0,a1,.. .,,am_1) and b = (b0,b1,..bn__1) with (m, n)— — 1. Let N: mn and consider 21:10 aJ-bj, where the subscripts are taken modulo m and n respectively. Then N—l m—1 n—1 Z “ij =(Z ”all: 58), Proof. N —1 m— 1n—1 m—l n—l Z ajbj: Z Z ak‘n-l-Sbs = 2:125 Z: akn+s= (Z ak) ' (2 b8) where the last equality follows from the fact that (m, n) = 1. C] Proof of Theorem 6.1.1 50 N N For each N, write 11 , where the sequence X N is the character sequence = X N + v of (2.7) and uN is as defined in (6.1). In the following proof, in order to simplify N the notation, we write u, x and v instead of u , x N and vN. Then for each N, 0 S t < N, put ut = xt +vt, where ut = ( ut,ut+1,...,uN__1,u0,u1,...,ut_1) and similarly for xt and vt. a: For 53' = e , where 0 S j g N — 1, for a fixed t, from the Discrete Fourier Transform as shown in (6.4), #11,] = 211,-} + #11,} = 211,-] + a, . (6.6) utl-fijl = th_€jl + Utl—Ejl = th‘Ejl + b' 1 (5-7) where aj = vt[€j] and bj = vt[—§j]. Let FtN be the merit factor of Xt- Then by Theorem 1.2 of [25] (page 35), when condition (6.2) is satisfied, N— 1 1 t 4 t 4 2 2 Nil-POO— FN ”Al-131002 N3 §1(IX [5]“ +lX l 6]“ ) 3 lfl+8f , where f = [72'] is the offset fraction. Let FtN be the merit factor of ut. Then from ([24], (5.4) page 624), N— 1 _ 1 t , 4 t . 4 ENE—‘3 3:010” [€le +|u [‘5le )—1 Put l/FtN — l/FtN = G/2N3. Our goal is to prove that the limit of FtN takes exactly the same form as FtN . In other words, 1 2 =§-4lfl+8f2, lim N——+OO FtN 51 provided condition (6.2) is satisfied, where f = [7%] is the offset fraction. So it suffices to prove that G/2N3—>O asN-eoo. Again, using the form ([24], (5.10), page 624), N—l IGIS Z [laj|4+6lxt[€jl|2-laj|2+4(Ixtléjl|2+|aj|2)-laj|-|Xt[€jl|] (6.8) j=0 N-l + Z [ijl4 + 6|xtl-éjllz - :bjlz + 4< Meg-1|? + 1b,? ) - ijl - Ixtl-éjll] . j=O Now we look at the values of aj and bj, where 0 S j S N — 1. P—1 27rmz' . (1‘1 27rk2' . _ z z aj = vt[§j] = g]. t E vmqe p + E vkpe q , m=0 k=1 P—l 27rm2'. 9—1 27rkz'z. _ z bj = vt[—§j] = {j t Z v§nqe p + I; vzpe q , (6.9) where vqukpa’Ufnqa'ULp 6 {+1, —1}, for 1 S m < q, 1 S k < p. Denote ) . . ' P—l 27rm2. .. (1‘1 27rk2. . _ z _ z gjt Z vmqe P = Ivél, g]. t Sigma 0 = lvél; m=0 k=1 tip-1 I 7rm z tq-l I 27mg, . 6] Z '0qu p = 1339': Ej Z vkpe q — IWII m=0 k=1 For any j, 27rm(j+p )2. 27rm 2'2. 2771904412 z' 27Tk.2 z e P = e P and 6 q = 6 q , so we have for any j, . .+ N. .;+ IU£|=IU£ pl, Ivfil=lvz72 pl; (610) lug: = Iv5+qL 15%,): W91. From Property 6.1.2, we have p-l . p-l . Zia/1%? = Z 16;)? =p2, (6.11) 9': j: and q-1 . q-l . 2 122512 = 2 Ivan? = q(q— 1). (6.12) j=0 j=0 Now we estimate the sum within the first bracket in expression (7.41). Note that Iajl _<_ |u{,| + lvgl, lbj| g (27%| + r173]. Then for 1 g s g 4, N41 .N—l . . s.N—1 s\ . . Z lajlss Z (Iv{;|+|v?;|)3= 2: ~ Iviglm-lvéls‘m, j=o j=0 7n=0j=0 1%) N—1 N—l _ , s N—l s , , Z ij|8 S 2 (l5{9|+|55|)3= Z |'gg,|m.|5{1|S-m, i=0 j=0 m=0 j=0 m The following calculations are the upper estimates to the values of s N —1 , . 2: : lam-1W m=0 j=0 for 1 S s S 4. Suppose r is either p or q. Applying the result from (6.10), (6.11) and 53 (6.12), we have N—l ,2 N r—1 [:2 Iv¥~l =7-Zlvrl gm; (6.13) j=0 k=0 N—l ' N Iv¥~I4=7£Ivrl4 s-r-w (:2:le _<..Nr3 i=0 N—l r—l r—l ' N N Iv¥~I=-;- was? ZIvW-rswi. Note that (r, N / r) = 1. By Property 6.1.3 we have IV—l , , ,r—l AUr—l EE:h#l'Wfivrt= [§E:h¢l]- §::IvE@A (6L0 3:0 1:20 m=0 r—l N/"‘ 1 3 s ZIvW-rx Z lvN/TIZ 50/2. — m=0 Furthermore, since (r,N/r) = 1, from (6.10), Property 6.1.3 and the estimate shown in (6.13) and (6.14), we obtain N— 1 3 N r—l k3 N r—l k2 'r—l k\ 5 Iviél =7 lvrl 37- Zlvrl - ZIvTIJSNfl; (6.15) 54 N/r—l Zlilev¥|21M/l=(2|vfl2)- Z lugs/TI srvm. k=0 Combine all the results above, noting that we assume p < q. Then when p and q are large enough, we have N— . . . . . . . . = Z (|v§l4+lv§|4+4lv%|3-Iv§|+4lv£|-lv5|3+6lv%I2-lvél2) j=0 3 g Np3 + Nq3 + 4N2(1o2 + q2) + 6N2 < 10Nq3. (6.16) Similarly, under the same conditions for p and q, we get . . 5 Z IajI3 s (Ivfil + Ivgl )3 < 3ng ; (6.17) i=0 i=0 N—1 2 N—l , , 2 IajI s (Iv;I+Iv;I> <4Nq; 3:0 i=0 N-l N—l laJ|< ZIIv£I+Iva><2NqE J=0 i=0 In the calculation above, if we replace 11'}, with i713), and 215 with '63, then for 0 S m S s S 4, the upper bounds for Zj'i—ol |v139|m- Inglis-m as in (6.13) and (6.15) are also the upper bounds for EN -1 [film - l'z‘z'jIS—m. As a result, the upper bounds for ZN; Olal jls are also upper bounds for 2N: Ollbj -,|3 for each 1 < s < 4. By Theorem 03.2.7, Ixtléjll = IgthIngI = lxwléjll s «N. (6.18) 55 Using the interpolation formula ([23], (2.5), page 162) xtl— «31:1,, 2153—— +€jx xtlékl, and the inequality (for instance, [24], page 625), N—l 5k €k+€j SNlogN, k=0 combined with the result in (6.18), we have lth‘Ejll S 2\/—N-logN, for 0 S j g N — 1. (6.19) Combining the results from (6.18) and (6.19), we can write IxtHzfj“ s 2\/Nlog N, for 0 g j g N — 1. (6.20) Now we give an upper bound to the two brackets of form (7.41) simultaneously. We use symbol cj to represent either aj or bj. Using (6.16), (6.17) and (6.20), we have that there exists a positive constant C independent of N, such that N—l Z chI4 < CNq3; J=0 N—l N—1 Z 6|xt( igj)|2 - ch|2 S 24Nlog2N- Z ICjI2 < CN2qlog2N; J'= —0 J'=0 N— 1 3 N—l 5 1 Z 4|Xt( (151-) )13 ch |<32N210g3 N Z chl I2 Ic JI-2 +4< IX (isJI2 +IcJ I2 > lc J--I Ix (igJ-M I ~ o oo. (6.23) Particularly, for the sequence a (equal to the Jacobi sequence 2 or a modified Jacobi sequence m) with no shifting (f = 0): 57 Lemma 6.2.1. Under condition (6.23), we have Nlim It is important to realize that under (6.23) both p and q go to infinity as N goes to infinity. Theorem 6.2.2. For each pair p and q of distinct primes with p E q E 1 (mod 4), let a = a N be a Jacobi sequence or a modified Jacobi sequence of length N = pq; and let ,8 = ,8 N be one of the binary sequences of length 2N from Definition 3.1.5. For each such N, we further let b = b N be the length 2N sequence {a ; a} * fl. Then the asymptotic merit factor lim F is 6 for N = pq subject to 6. 23 . N —>OO b N Proof. It was shown in [24] that a Jacobi or modified Jacobi sequence of length N = pq is symmetric when p E q E 1 (mod 4). By Lemma 4.0.17 we thus have 2N—1 N—l N—1 N-l Z A§(k)=N+ Z A2,(k)+2 Z Pa(k)Aa(k)+ Z Pa(k)2. evenk evenk We may assume throughout that q > p. For oz a Jacobi sequence, the periodic correlation function Pa(k) has the following distribution [24, Theorem 4.2]: Pa (k) 2p occurs (q — 1) / 2 times; — 3p occurs (q — 1) / 2 times; q occurs (p — 1)/2 times; -— 3q occurs (p — 1)/2 times; 1 occurs (p — 1)(q — 1)/4 times; 58 170(k): — 3 occurs (p —1)(q —1)/2 times; 9 occurs (p -1)(q — 1)/4 times. Therefore N — 1 Z H.002 =0(pq2>. k=1 even/c By Lemma 6.2.1, when p and q satisfy (6.23) we have 25:31 213(k) = 0(N2). Therefore by the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality N—l N-l Z Pa(k)Aa(k) S Z 43.09) 0 ( pq2 ) S 1(0 (p3q4 ) = 0 (19qu) k=1 k=1 evenk \ _evenk _ Combining these results with Lemma 6.2.1, we calculate (as in Theorem 5.1.2) that, for p and q subject to (6.23), the asymptotic merit factor is 2 lim (Fb)= lim ”(351) 2 N...» Newman:1 Awe» — lim 4N2 N ~00 2 25: A2100 3 =4 -2 x2 6 Similarly for 0: a modified Jacobi sequence, the periodic correlation function 190(k) has the following distribution [31, p. 246]: Pa(k) =q — p — 3 occurs (q — 1) times; p-q+1 occurs (p—l) times; 1 occurs (p — 1)(q — 1)/2 times; 59 Pa(k) = — 3 occurs (p —1)(q — 1)/2 times. Therefore 2:1\/:1PP()J(kk)2 = 0(pq) = 0(N) . evenlk By Lemma 6. 2. 1 when p and q satisfy (6. 23) we have Ell—:1 1 A2 a(k)= 0(N2). Hence by the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality N—l N—l 3 Z Pa(k)Aa(k) 3 Z A2,(k) O(N)S 0(N3)=0(N2). k 1 ev; k \ [eve—h k - We again combine all the results above with Lemma 6.2.1 and find that, when p and q satisfy (6.23), the asymptotic merit factor is 2 lim F = lim 2182A? N——>oo N—+002(Zk=1A2b(k)) = lim 4N2 N2<><>2(2*"’__:1 12(1)) 60 6.3 The Construction of New Sequences and Dou- bling Throughout this section, we define the triple-valued sequence V of length N to be (6.24) From Property 3.2.3, the sequence V is symmetric when N E 1 (mod 4) and antisymmetric when N E 3 (mod 4). Our goal is to construct specific families of binary sequences based on the triple-valued sequence V. These new sequences have the same symmetric type as the sequence V, depending upon the values of N modulo 4. Definition 6.3.1. Suppose N = pq, where p and q are distinct odd primes. Let the sequence V of length N be as defined in (6.24). Then we define the binary sequences 2:, y and z of length N with $j=yj=Zj= j, f0Tj=0 and (j,N)=l. Otherwise, for {r, d} = {p, q} and 1 S k S r — 1, put (—1)kr ,z‘st 3 (mod 4); 27kd= j; J (—1)7‘ ,ZfNE 1 (mod4). ykd = xd(-1) -x.~ , if k > 23—1. 2M = (Xd(—1))k ~xT(k)- 61 To better understand the definitions of sequences at, y, and 2, we will study a concrete example. Example 1. Suppose N = 3 x 5 = 15, the sequence V of length 15 is as defined in expression (6.24), and the Jacobi sequence J of length 15 is as shown in Table 1. Then we have position j 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 V]- +1 +1 +1 0 +1 0 0 —1 Jj +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 —1 —1 T X5(1) X5(2) position j 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 V,- +1 0 0 —1 0 —1 —1 Jj +1 —1 —1 —1 +1 —1 —1 T T X5(3) X5(4) Here V is antisymmetric because 15 E 3 (mod 4). But the Jacobi sequence J is neither symmetric nor antisymmetric; indeed, the positions 0, 3, 6, 9, and 12 give a subsequence (1, x5(1), x5(2), x5(3), x5(4)) which is symmetric since 5 E 1 (mod 4). Definition 6.3.1 gives new values on positions j, with (j, 15) > 1: J 3 5 6 J3 X5(1) =1 X3(1) =1 X59) = -1 x,- (4)13 = —1 (—1)E = _1 (—1)—5 = —1 yj X5(1) = 1 X3(1) = x5(2) = —1 Note that in Example 1, 11:, y and 2 only differ at positions j, where (j, N) > 1, and all are antisymmetric, as is V. This is a concrete example of the following general result. 62 j 9 10 12 Jj X5(3) = -1 X3(2) = -1 X5(4) = 1 x,- (-1)§§=1 (_1)E=1 (4)35: 1 yj -X5(3) = 1 X3(2) = -1 -X5(4) = —1 z, (—1)3X5(3)=1 X3(2)=—1 (—1)4X5(4)=1 Lemma 6.3.2. Suppose N = pq, where p and q are distinct odd primes. Let the three binary sequences 1:, y and z of length N be as defined in Definition 6.3.1. Then as, y and z are symmetric if N E 1( mod 4), and antisymmetric if N E 3( mod 4). Proof. To shorten the proof, we use the notation uj to represent one of xj, yj, or zj. If (j, N) = 1, uj = Vj, thus by Lemma 3.2.3, we have uj =“N—j’ ifN E 1 (mod 4) ; uj = _“N—j’ ifN E 3 (mod 4) . We wish to prove this for all j ’s with 1 S j S N -— 1. m—l By Lemma 3.2.3, for m E {p, q, N}, we have Xm(—1) = (—1) 2 . In particular, the two equalities above are equivalent to the single equality uj 'uN—j = XN(—1). Let {r, d} = {p, q}, so that N = rd and N — kd = (r—k) -d. Therefore to complete the proof of the lemma, it is enough to verify de ' u(r—k)d = XN(_1)' for all 1 S k S T—E—l We do this in cases. 63 First, ykd ' y(r—k)d = Xr(k)'Xd(—1)'Xr(7‘ “- k) = Xd(—1)-Xr(k)-Xr(-k) = xd(-1)->. Next, zkd . 20.4,” = (xd(—-1))’° Mk) - (>cd(—--1))"—’c - w — k) = (xd(—1))" was) -Xr(-k) = Xd(—1)'Xr(—1)'(Xr(k))2 = xN(—1), since when r is odd, (Xd(—1))T = Xd(—1). Finally, if N E 1 (mod 4), N ~ In - Stu—km = H)“ - cut—k)? while if N E 3 (mod 4), then by Lemma 3.1.7 zkd - mm). = H)” - (AW-’9)?" — (-1)E-(—1)T"E = (*1)? = --1 = XN(-1)- Combing all the results above, we have that x, y and z are symmetric when N E 1( mod 4), and antisymmetric when N E 3( mod 4). In other words, 2:, y and 2 have the same symmetric type as the sequence V. E] 64 Recall that the product of sequences ”*” and sequence 5(6) are as defined in Definition 3.1.1 and Definition 3.1.5. In [39], certain sequences b = (u,u) =1: (:tfi(6)) give rise to sequences with asymptotic merit factor 4 x F once the following are demonstrated: (a) u is symmetric or antisymmetric ; (b) the sequences u have asymptotic merit factor F ; (c) the periodic autocorrelations have 2:21:11 P3 (2') ~ 0(N2) . Here Lemma 6.3.2 provides (a), and Theorem 6.1.1 gives (b) with F = 1.5. There fore we will be able to prove the following theorem, once we have studied autocorrela- tions in the next section. Based on the new constructions, we will prove the following Theorem. Theorem 6.3.3. For each N = quN, where pN < qN are distinct odd primes, let uN be any one of the binary sequences 2:, y and 2 as in Definition 6.3.1. Let the sequence fiN of length 2N be one of the four sequences $805) from the Definition 3.1.5. Let b N = {uN, uN} * 6N, be a sequence of length 2N . Then the sequence of sequences {b N} has asymptotic merit factor 6.0 provided N6 — —> 0 when N ——> oo , (6.25) 10N where 6 satisfies 0 < e < 13'. We will prove Theorem 6.3.3 in steps. From Lemma 3.2.5 and Property 6.1.3, the periodic autocorrelations of X N are 1-p .ifplj; PXN(j)=PXP(j)XPXq(j)= 1-q.ifq|j; +1 , otherwise. 65 Therefore, the periodic autocorrelations of the sequence V of (6.24) satisfy 1+1? ,ifplj; IPv(J°)|S 1+q ,ifQIJ'; (6-26) + 3 , otherwise . where V is as defined in (6.24). Property 6.3.4. For p an odd primes, let Xp be the primitive character mod p as defined in ( 2. 6 ) Then for any 1:, we have 1 36p 210gp+1 ,ifp’fk I Z (71)Xp(n+k)l< 0 ,ifplk Proof. The result is obviously correct when plk. Now suppose p f It. From Lemma 3.2.5, p—l I Z (-1)nxp(n)Xp(n + 1€)| n=0 131 1+1 :IZXp(2j)(Xp2j+k)- 21X p(2j—1)(Xp2j—1+k)| i=1j1= 251 1,1 g I Z Xp(2j)Xp(2j + in +1 :3 Xp(2j‘1)Xp(2j—1+k)l 3231—1 3:1 s 2| Z Xp(2j)> 0, 1 | Z Xp(f(i))|39mp?10gp, (627) u(jaN)=m1 >1, and (j+z,N):m2>1 We break the proof into cases: Case 1 m1 75 m2, and (i, N) = 1. Case 2 m1: m2 = (i,N) = d, with {r, d} = {p, q}. We first note that this handles all situations in which nonzero coefficients occur. 68 Clearly if m1 = mg, then (i, N) = m1 = m2. If m1 75 m2, there must be 0 < k < r and0 0, H. Liu proved [33] | Z (—1)n_r+("+t)r|g,/Fiog3r. (6.33) t1)(S+J>r-x.~(s+j)I, j=1 whereOS (s+j)7~ g r— 1, and (s+j)r E s+j (mod r). Now we study the values of (j: (Xd(—1))j+(3+3)7' From Definition 6. 3. 1, we have 1. Cj=1,ide1 (mod 4). 2. g, = (—1)J'+(8+J')r, ifd a 3 (mod 4). Ide1(mod4), [ZXMD )Xr(8+j)l= 1, sincedfs. If d E 3 (mod 4), let 31 be the number such that s +j1 < r, but 5 +j1 +1 2 r. 72 Then r— 1 IP02 W|=l§XrU )(xrs+j)- Z Xr(J J')Xr(s+J')l j: —1 j=j1+1 .71 r—l :Ith(j)xh(s+J)l+I Z xt~(J)xt~(s+J)I i=1 J=i1+1 S 36%? logr. Again, the last inequality comes from equation (6.27) by putting the degree m = 2. [:1 Now we are ready to prove that 2N1 1 133(2 ) ~ o(N2): Lemma 6.3.6. Suppose N = pq, where p < q are distinct odd primes. Then when 2 q S p , and both p and q are large enough, we have N— 21193 i)+ Z P3<2>+ 2: 133(2) i=1 (i,N)=1 (i,N)=p (i,N)=q g 4¢(N) + 16q210g6 q + 16p210g6p < Nq . Also from Lemma 6.3.5, N—l N—1 lCl = 2I Z: Pv(i)Pv(i)l s 2 Z IPV(2)P6(2)I i=1 i=1 :2 Z [PV(i)Pv(i)l+2 Z IPV(2')Pe(2')I+2 Z IPv(z‘)P22(z')l (i,N)=1 (i,N)=p (i,N)=q 1 1 g 12¢(N) + 9Np? log3p + 9Nq7 log3 q 1 3 < 19Nq2 log q < Nq. 74 For group D, by equations (6.26) and (6.29), the absolute value of the first item is N—1 N—l N—l | Z Pv(i)Pv,v(i)| = Z Pv(i) ( Z vme_z-) i=1 i=1 m=0 N —1 N —1 N —1 s :3 IPV(2)I Z Iva <2qx Z IPv(z')|; Similarly, we can show that any other item in group D is bounded above by N —1 2a X Z IPv(i)|- i=1 Again from (6.26), we have N—l N—l N—1 IDIS8q>< 2 WW) =8q>1 S 8q x [3¢(N) + 3N] < 48Nq. Now for group E. Again, consider the absolute value of item N—l N—l N—l I Z P..,V(2)Pe(2>I =I Z Pe(2)( Z ”jVj+i)l N —1 N —1 N —1 S 2 IPv(i)| Z lvjl <2q Z IPv(i)|- Similarly any other item in group E has absolute value bounded above by N—l 29 Z [1321(1)] i=1 75 Thus using Lemma 6.3.5 and expression (6.29), N—l IEIsquIPe(2>I=8qxI Z IP66 )l+ Z IP66 )|+ Z IP66) i=1 (i,N)=1 (72 ,N)=P (i,N)=q 3 3 3 3 3 8g x [2¢(N) + 4p? log 12 + 421? 10s q] S 17Nq. where the last inequality follows from the assumption that q 3 p2. Finally, consider the first item in group F. 2 2 —1N—1 —1 I :1 PV,v (1)106 =1 Vjvj+ivme+t| i 1 j=0m 0 —1N—1 :2 —1 vjvmVj—t'Vm+2| 0 F112; 1 j=0m S. ll 1N— 1 N—1 Z vjum( Z V_ij+z-)| m=0 i= 1 N— =(|XN 1) Z i=0 N— 1N— 1 =|XN( -1) Z vjvav( (m+J')| j=0 m=0 II N— 1N— [2: 2:11; jv—s jPV(5 5)] wheres=m+j N—l =| Z Pv(5)PV(5)|~ =0 CI: Similarly, we can prove that any other item in group F has the same absolute value 76 [29:01 Pv(S)PV(8)|- SO N——1 N—l IFI S4| Z Pv(8)Pv(8)| S 4 X (IPv(O)PV(0)l+l Z Pv(3)Pv(S)|) - 3:0 3:1 From equation (6.29), Pv(0)PV(O) < 2Nq ; (6.36) From the estimate for group C, we know that N-l 1 3 | Z Pv(s)PV(s)| < 19N6216g q < Nq; (6.37) s=1 Now (7.27) and (7.28) imply that IF] <12Nq. Combining all of the inequalities above, we obtain the desired result. El . . . . N—1 . Lemma 7.2.7 shows that when condition (6.25) IS satisfied, 22-:1 P230) ~ 0(N2), where u may be any one of the binary sequences :6, y and 2 as defined in Definition 6.3.1. Therefore, as remarked at the end of the previous section, we are now ready to prove Theorem 6.3.3. Proof of Theorem 6.3.3. For each odd N = p Nq N with p N < q N2 Lemma 6.3.2 shows that each of the three sequences 11:, y and z is symmetric or antisymmetric. Let bN={uN;uN}*fi N where u = :c, y or 2 as defined in definition 6.3.1. In the following, without confu- 77 N sion, we use b and u instead of b N and u . Then lemma 4.0.17 gives 2N—1 N—l N—l N-l Z A§(k)=N+ Z A,2,(k)+2 Z Pu(k)Au(k)+ Z Pu(k)2. evenk evenk When condition (6.2) holds, Theorem 6.1.1 shows that 2 Z 213(k) ~ §N2. (6.38) N—l N—1 2 223(2) 3 P302) = 0(Nq) evenk Then given condition (6.2), by the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality N—l z Pu(k)Au(k) k=1 N-1 3 1 S [2: 142226)] 0(N9) ~ 1172612 = 0W2)- k=1 Therefore, for p and q subject to (6.2), the asymptotic merit factor of b is . . (2N)2 11m (Fb ) = 11m N—>oo N N—>oo 2 2N—1A2 k (2k:1 bN( )) — lim 4N2 New 2 Eli-,1 246(2) 3 = 4 _ = X 2 This finishes the proof of Theorem 6.3.3. D 78 6.3.1 Conclusion For a character sequence of length N = pq, the number of positions j with ( j, N) > 1 is larger than x/N, so those “modified” positions are large enough to make a difference in the merit factor. However, Theorem 6.1.1 shows that subject to condition (6.2), any modification on these positions will give the same asymptotic merit factor values as the character sequences. The authors were informed recently that Jedwab and Schmidt have obtained the same result independently under an improved condition ([40]). In [39], the doubling technique shown in Lemma 4.0.17 was only applied to some of the Jacobi or modified Jacobi sequences with additional restriction to the values of p, q (mod 4). Here we have constructed new sequences considerably different from the canonical Jacobi or modified Jacobi sequences and with no restrictions on the values of p, q (mod 4), yet achieving the same asymptotic merit factor, as seen in Theorem 6.3.3. 79 Chapter 7 Sequences of Length 2p1p2 . . . p). with Asymptotic Merit Factor 6.0 In this chapter, we will give a new modification to the character sequences X N) where N = p1p2 . . . pr, for pi’s distinct odd primes and r 2 2. In Section 7.1, we will give the definition of the new families of binary sequences 2. In Section 7 .2, we will give an estimate to the periodic autocorrelations of 2. And in Section 7.3, we will prove the asymptotic merit factor of 2 satisfies formula (5.1), and we will construct a family of binary sequences of length 2p1p2 . . .pr with asymptotic merit factor 6.0. 7 .1 Construction Definition 7.1.1. Let N = p1p2 . . . pr, where p,- ’s are distinct odd primes and r 2 2, forlngN—I, define (xd(-1))k°xN/d(k) . if (2.N)=2>1 2222:1222; O , otherwise. ’Uj = (7.1) 80 and 1 .2”fJ'=0; 22= 22,- .if (.23N)>1; (7-2) V7 , otherwise where V is character sequences defined in expression (6.24). To see the definition of sequence z more clearly, let’s consider a concrete example. Suppose N = 3 x 5 = 15, so p = 3 E 3( mod 4), q = 5 E 1( mod 4). Let V denote the character sequence as in (6.24), then V={0,+1,+1, 0,+1,0,0,—1,+1,0,0,—1,0,—1,—1} z = {+1, +1, +1, -1,+1, +1,-1,—1,+1,+1,-1,—1, +1,—1,—1} Note that in the above example, we put in italic type those entries at j-th positions where (j, N) > 1. It is obvious that when r = 2, the sequence defined in Definition 7.1.1 is exactly the same sequence 2 as in Definition 6.3.1. Therefore Definition 7.1.1 is a generalization of Definition 6.3.1 for length N = pq. Then similar to Lemma 6.3.2, we will prove that the sequence 2 defined in Definition 7.1.1, is symmetric or antisymmetric depending on N. Lemma 7.1.2. Suppose N = p1p2 . . . pr, where p,- ’s are distinct odd primes, and the binary sequence 2 of length N is as defined in Definition 7.1.1. Then 2 is symmetric if N E 1 (mod 4), and z is antisymmetric if N E 3 (mod 4). Proof. If (j, N) = 1, zj = uj, thus from Property 3.2.3, zj = ZN—jr if N E 1 (mod 4) and 23- = "ZN—j) if N E 3 (mod 4) Now suppose (j, N) = d > 1, and j = kd with 1 S k < N/d. For the similar reason 81 stated in the proof of Lemma 6.3.2, it is enough to prove that zkd ' zN—kd = XN(—1)- th - 26-2).) = (Xd(—1))k - 222(k) - (xd(—1))’"—k - m — t) = (Xd(-1))r - Xr(k) -Xr(-k) = xd(-1) -xt~(—-1)o(xt~(k))2 = xN(—1), since when r is odd, (xd(—1))7' = xd(—1). El The main theorem of this chapter is as follows: Theorem 7.1.3. For any positive integer r 2 2, suppose N = p1p2...p1-, where p1 < p2 < ...p2r are distinct odd primes. Then for each N, let zN be the binary sequence defined in Definition 7.1.1. Now construct any infinite sequence of such sequences ,0 I . z={zN1,zN2,...,zNi }, with increasing lengths N1 < N2 < < Ni < (1) Let F be the asymptotic merit factor of 2, f be the ofiset fraction. Then we have 1/F = 2/3 — 4m + 822, |f| 31/2. 222222 N6 — -—> 00 for any 6 small enough as N —2 00. (7.3) pl {2) Let the sequence 6 of length 2N be one of the four sequences ifiwl from the Definition 3.1.5. The new sequence b = {z ; z} * 6 of length 2N has asymptotic merit factor 6.0 given {7.3) is satisfied. We will prove Theorem 7.1.3 in steps. First of all, we will estimate the periodic 82 autocorrelations of sequence 2 in the following section. 7 .2 Periodic Autocorrelations of Sequences z First, we review some simple properties from number theory. Lemma 7.2.1. Let y1 = ( yé ,... ,y11V1_1 ), y2 =(yg,...,y12V2_1),..., yr 2 ( y6 , . .. ’ylVr—l ) be r sequences (not necessarily binary) of length N1,N2, . . . Nr respectively, such that (NiaNj) = 1for any 1 S i < j S r. LetN = N1 XN2 - - -er, define a new sequence u = y1 <8) 312 (8) . . . yr of length N via j 371712 j N—1 '16 Furthermore, let EN = e , let u[€N] = 2,620 uk({‘17v) be the DFT ofu as defined in {3.1). Then there exist integers 31,32, . . . ,sr with (32-, Ni) = 1 for 1 S i S r, and , r . 22 I21.) = H 2h 45;) i=1 Proof. We will prove the two results simultaneously by the induction on r. When r = 1, the result is trivial. Now suppose Lemma 7.2.1 holds for r = k — 1, where k 2 2. Then for r = k, suppose y1,y2, . . . yk_1,yk is a series of sequences, where for each i, sequence yi has length Ni) and (Ni) Nj) = 1 for any 1 S i < j S It. Now denote N’ = N1 x N2~~ x Nk_1,u1= y1 @312 ®...yk'—1, then u = 111 @311“. By 83 induction, 21.6) = along/2(2) . . I '8 2216(2) =21I2§§A 2323;) where (s', N’) = 1 and (sk, Nk) = 1. Then by induction 76 1311(7): Pul(.7) Pyk(.7) =P1—Iy i=1 On the other hand, by induction, I . .[ k—l . jss U1l€£21= H y’léN. 3] 2:1 1 where(s Nj=) 1), forj=l,2,...k—1. Since (s',N')=1, wehave (s',Nj)=1, Sj) forj = 1,2,. ..k—l. Thus (s'sj, Nj) = 1, which finishes the proof of the Lemma. C] We consider a simple example of Lemma 7.2.1. Let sequence V be as defined in . form (6.24), for r = 2, so N = pq, where p and q are different odd primes. Then from Lemma 7.2.1 I’ . . ']1—p rzfpl] PV(j)= 1_q ”'qu ,lSjSN—l. (7.4) +1 , otherwise Expression (7.4) is exactly the same as the form (6.26). Generally, for r 2 2, N = p1p2 . . . pr, where pi’s are distinct odd primes, we have the following upper estimate for the periodic autocorrelation for V. Lemma 7.2.2. Let N = plpg...p7~, where p1 < p2 < < pr are distinct odd 84 primes, r is finite. Let the sequence V of entries {0, :tl} be as defined in form ( 6. 24 ), then we have 1-Ipv( z')| <(i N); 2 2. 2:21:11 P12/(i) S C - a]? , where C is a constant only depending on r. Proof. For part 1, if (i,N) = 1, then (i,pj) = 1 forj = 1,2,...,r. From Lemma 3.2.5 and 7.2.1, 2) = H Pxpj (i) = :tl Now if (i, N) = N1 > 1, then (i, N/Nl) = 1. Use the above result and Lemma 7.2.1, IPv(i)| = IPXN1(0) >< PX N (2'): _<_ IPXN1(0)I s (i,N). Ni So part 1 is true. For part 2, by Lemma 7.2.1, N—l 232/“) 2: PV(Z)+ 2 PW) i=1 _(i, N)=1 (i, N)>1 N 2( ( 1%“; 13111132 ”’9' ”+323; [PM ”WW/W") < Z 1+Zal2 -Z—=¢(N)+ZN-d (i,N)=1 le d|N N_2 < (11— P1 where d(N) is the Euler function of N, and C1 is a constant only depending on r. E] 85 Before we can give an upper bound of the periodic autocorrelations of sequence '0, we still need one more property. 27ri Lemma 7.2.3. Let {N = e—N, suppose N = N1 x N2 - - - x NT, where (Ni, Nj) = 1, for any 1 S i < j S r, then for any integer k, there exist integers k1, k2, . . . , kr, such that (ki’Nz) = 1, and 7. Mc- 57v = H 5N; i=1 Proof. We will prove the lemma by the induction on r. When r = 1, the result is obviously true if we choose k1 = 1. Suppose the result is correct for r = s — 1, where s 2 2. Then for r = s, so N = N1 x N2~~ x NS__1 x N3, where (NiaNj) = 1, for any 1 S i < j S s. Denote N’ = N1 x N2 x Ns_1, so (N’,Ns) = 1. Then there exist integers k, and 193, such that ksN' + k’NS = 1 => k a kksN’ + kk’Ns (mod N) ’ kk =>€jkif =43? 'ENSS by induction s— 1 kk' _ kk’s- EN, — HIEN. . Z: where (si,Nz-) = 1, for 1 S i S s— 1. Now ksN’+k'Ns=1=> (k’,N’) = 1 => (k’,N,-) = 1 for 1 SiSs—l Let k,- = #3,, for 1 _<_ i g s — 1. Similarly, kSN’ + k’Ns = 1 => (k3,Ns) = 1, then we have the desired result. [:1 Lemma 7.2.4. Suppose N = 191172 . . . pr, where pi ’s are distinct odd primes fori = 1, 2,. . . ,r. Let X N be the primitive character mod N, f (as) be a polynomial of degree It. Iffor each pa, 1 S a S r, there is afactorization f(:c) = b(:c—$1)d1 (x-$3)d3 86 in 719a: where :13,- ¢ xj, fori 793' with (pa—1,d1,...,ds)=1, then 1 I Z mom» I < 2:.er log (N) u 0. Proof. From Lemma 3 in [37] (Page 374), we know that for each pj, 1 S j S r, 2 ij(f(rr))e 1’] s lop} (7.5) for any b E Z. At the same time, one form of the Erdos-Turén inequality ([37] Lemma 4, Page 375) is presented as following If m E N, the function g(x): Z —>u+ 2: VII 112902»: m ‘I (7.6) u>xN 1, and (j+i,N) = m2 >1. Suppose ”jvj+i 71$ 0, and put (m1,m2) = d1. Then m1 = d1d2, m2 = d1d3, and d1d2d3IN. In the following proof, we put D = d1d2d3. Write j = kd1d2, j+i = Sd1d3. Then N N [$61le + Z = 8611613, and (’6, mg) = (15,-d3; )= 1. (7.12) 92 Actually, starting with equality (7.12), we can obtain a series of equalities as following (k + d3)d1d2 + 2' = (s + d2)d1d3 (mod N), (k + 2d3)d1d2 + i = (S + 2d2)d1d3 (mod N), (7.13) (k + Md3)d1d2 + i = (s + Md2)d1d3 (mod N). where M = 9/7 — 1. Note that all the values in (7.13) are taken modulo N. Denote (k + nd3,N/d1d2) = g1, and (s + nd2,N/d1d3) = g2. Then all of the equalities above give us the following partial sum in PU. M 2 v[ (k + nd3)al10l2 l 'v[ (8 + nal2)0l1d3l n=0 M = E: v[ (k + nd3>d1d2 l -v[ (8 + nd2)d1d3l n=0 91-92>1 M + E v[ (k + nd3)d1d2 ] -v[ (s + nd2)d1d3] n=0 91=92=1 M = E 'U[ (k + ”d3)d1d2 l -’U[ (S + “d2)d1d3l n=0 91-92>1 M + Z Cn-X N (k+nd3)°x N (3+nd2) (7-14) n=0 31—35 3133 g1=92=1 where Cn = (Xd1d2(_1))(k+nd3) - (Xd1d3(_1))(s+nd2) from Definition 7.1.1. 93 Therefore, M Z Cn'X N (k+nd3)-X N (s+nd2) (7-15) n=0 211712 3113- M = Z gn.XN/D(k+nd3)-xd3(k+nd3)-xN/D(s+nd2)'Xd2(8+nd2) n=0 M = Z Cn . XN/D(k +nd3) - XN/D(s +nd2) ' X61309) 'Xd2(5) n=0 = X61309) ' Xd2 (3) 'XN/D(d3) ' XN/D(d2)' M n=0 where d2d2_1 E d3d§1 E 1 (mod N/D). So we have M Z ("'X N (k+nd3)'x N (8+nd2) (7.16) "=0 21132 3133 91=92=1 M n=0 Now we take a closer look at the Cn values. From the Definition 7.1.1, 1- (n = 1, if Xd1d2(—1) = Xd1d3("1) = 1; _ k - _ _ . 2. a — (—1)< ”+870, 11 xd1d2(-1) — xd1d3(-1) — —1, 3- Cn = (4)16”, ifxd1d2(-1) = —1, Xd1d3(-1) =1; 94 where k E k + nd mod N , E s + nd mod N . n 3( 71715) ., 2‘ Eras) Now we study each case separately. In the following cases, we let n1 be the first number that k + n1d3 2 ail—35, and n2 be the first number that s + n2d2 Z 31%;. For case 1, M IX Cn-xN/D(n+kd3—1)-XN/D(n+sd2_1)| (7.17) n=0 M = |Z XN/D(n+ kdgl) -XN/D(n+ sd2_1)| n=0 —1 —1 For case 2, if n1 = n2, then we still have M I: a - xN/D(n+ keg-1) - XN/D(n+ .d;1))=|pXN/D(.d;1_ kdgln n=0 So suppose n1 aé n2. Without loss, suppose n1 < n2, noting that all of d2, d3, 31% N and H— are odd. Then we have 1 3 M | Z(n-XN/D(n+kd3—1)-xN/D(n+sd2—1)| (7.18) n=0 3 2 I Z XN/D(n+kd3:1)'XN/D(n+3d2_1)I n1—11 n=0 2 | Z (—1)n-XN/D(n+kd§1)~XN/D(n+sd§1) O”-xN/D 1. Put (i,N/D) = 2'1, and (3712-1 — kd§1,N/o) = i2. Then we will prove that 2'1 = 2'2. Suppose d2d2_1 = k1 - g— + 1, and d3d3_1 = k2 - 2A),- + 1 for some integers k1 and k2. Then from (7.12), we have _ _ N N (3012 1— kd3 1)1) = sd1d3(k1-E +1) — kd1d2(k2 - 5 +1) - (sk1d1d3 — kk2d1d2) + (sd1d3 — kd1d2) - (Sk1d1d3 — kk2d1d2) +7: DIZDIZ 96 . N . N . (z, 5) = (1 => 21 I [ .13 - (8k1d1d3 — kk2d1d2) + z] :>i1|(sd2_1— ledglw => i1 1 (edgl — kdgl) since (i1, D) :1 N :>i|—=>i|i. 11) 1 2 On the other hand, . _ _ . N . 22 | (3712 1— kd31) => 22 | [B(sk1d1d3 — kk2d1d2) + z] . N . . 1.2 I .13 => 22 I 7.1. So we have (i, N/D) = (sd2—1 — kd§1,N/D). Put (i, N/D) = i0, so (3712—1 — kd§1,N/D) = iD. By lemma 3.2.5 and 7.2.1, expressions (7.17) satisfies _1 _1 . IPXN/D(Sd2 — kd3 )l S 2D (7.20) From Property 7.2.5, equations (7.18) and (7.19) satisfy M n=0 N N S4-max{iD,2r . log< . )} D-iD D-iD If (i, N) = d = 1, then ip = 1. We want to show that w(D) 2 2. If w(D) = 1, (7.21) then d1 = pj for some 1 S j S r, d2 = d3 = 1. Then expression (7.12) becomes kpj+i=spj => pj|i=> dej 97 which contradicts to the hypothesis that d = 1. If d = iD :2 1, and w(D) Z 2, then expression (7.21) satisfies M —1 —1 r—2 N N Cn'X (n+kd )-x (n+sd ) S2 —-log(—) E0 N/D 3 N/D 2 pm pm And d = 1 implies expression (7.20) P d—1 — led—1) —— 1 XN/D(3 2 3 - ' So we have proved that when d = 1, M l N N Z Cn'X N (k+nd3)‘X N (s+nd2) <1+27~71 ———10g(__) n=0 22132 El d P1192 P1192 1 3 Next we want to show that w(iD) S r — 2. If w(iD) = r - 1, then iD = N/pj, for some 1 S j S r, d1 = pj and d2 2 d3 = 1. Then equation (7.12) becomes kpj+i=spj => pj|i=> Nli. This contradicts to the hypothesis that i < N. Thus w(iD) S r — 2. For d = (i, N), suppose w(d) = r — 1. Then from the above statement we have just proved, (i, N) d S — . P1 P1 i —(i-1Y-)< D— 11)— Thus IPXN/D(8d2_1_ kd§1)l= (sdgl — kd§1,N/D) = 2D 3 d/p1 . 98 When w(d) = r — 1, N N N 'N =' > > . (2’ /D) zD—D-z'D- D-iD log(D-iD) when N is large. So expression (7.21) satisfies n=0 S 4.ma:l: {iD’ 2T D1~ViD log (DjiD)} d S4-iDS4-F. 1 M l Finally, for 1 S w(d) S r — 2, because 0,11%) = iD S d = (i,N), so equation (7.21) satisfies M n=0 S 4 - mam {iD,2T log ( N )} by Property 7.2.5 S 4 . max {d,2r(/ g—log (%)} Now for the first term of expression (7.14). M 2 vl (’6 + "d3ld1d2 l 'v[ (8 + nd2)d1d3 l 79 0 n=0 glg2>1 99 It means that there exist another set of factors (1’ , (1’2 and d, , with d’ld’2dé | N such that I I I - I I I k d1d2 +2 = s d1d3 where (k’, —,N—,-) = (s’, 7117—) = 1. Then we can set up another series of equalities d1d2 d1d3 similar to (7.13) and obtain the same upper bound as before. Repeating the previous steps, we could come up with the following M IPv(i)|S Z IZCn'XN(n+kd)'XN(n+3dll 1(/N/d log (N/d) d<(/N/d log (N/d) 2 £022 X :I—l- , (7.25) where C22 is a constant only depending on r. Combine the results from equations (7.23), (7.24) and (7.25), we have N—1 2 N i=1 p1 where C2 = mar{C21, C22,r}. For groups C and D, every term in this group could be written as N—l N—l Z PVU) Z: ’Umém, where {m 6 {+1, -1}. i=1 m=0 Lemma 3.2.5, 3.2.8, 7.2.1 and Lemma 7.2.2 give N—l N—l N-l | Z Pv(z') 2 vaml .<_ rN/pi x Z IPv(i)| 102 N—l N- mWflZWWH23WWl i-l i 1 (M7)» N/d < rN/pl x [N + Z Z ’IPv(kd)ll le k=1 ng/p1 x [N+ ZN/dxd] le SC3XN/p1XN = C3 X N2/p1, where C3 is a constant only depending on r. Again, the inequality second to the last follows from the fact that d(N) is a finite number. Now we consider the terms in group F. N—l 2 N—lN—lN—l Z P V41“) 2 Vjvj+ivam+i i=1 i=1 j=0 m=0 — 1N- N— 1 :NZ:1 Zlvj VN—mvN—m— —i (7°26) i=1 j=0 m: 0 N— l-N 1N— : :1 2:01 ZOVjvj+ivme+i=1:—:11PV,21() V() 1:1 jO: m:0 N—l N—l Zfim=2wmmm i=1 i=1 Therefore for every term in group F, it is enough to estimate the upper bound of 2,"; 1Py.,( 1 Pun/(2'). N—l —1N-1N—1 PV,v(z)Pv,V(z) = VjvJ-l-vaVm-I-Z i=1 i=1 j=0 m=0 N—1N—1N—1 = vgvmVj—iVm-l—i i=1 3:0 m=0 N— 1N—1—1 1); 2 ”WM 2V2 V—m— 2') j: —0 m=0 N—1N—1 (—1) vjvaV(m +j) j=0 m=0 Also N—lN—l I Z: Z vjvaV(m+])I 3:0 m=0 N—lN—I =| vjvs—jPV(S)| s=0 j=0 N—1 2 N—l N SI ’UJPv(0)|+| Z Pv(8)Pv(8)|+ I Z Pv(8)(-1)T| J20 3:1 3: 3:0 (s,N)>1 From Lemma 3.2.8, 104 N—l N—l | Z vgpvmn = M 2 12%| 3 TN x N/pl g r x N2/p1 (7.27) i=0 i=0 In the proof of Lemma 7.2.6, we know that when (5, N) = 1, N Nlo( g . 191372 P1102 IPv(S)| S 2r Then when 'r 2 2, N N N I I r 7‘ 2 2 P3 <2 Ps <2 log — 2 xN p 7.28 I v( )I I v( )I 191192 g_(p1p2) / 1 ( ) 3:1 3:1 We will have to be more careful in estimating | 2%: 7V1)>1 PU (s)PV (s)|. We write N—l Z Pv(8)Pv(8)|S| Z Pv(S)Pv(8)| (729) 3:1 w((s,N))=r—l (s,N)>1 + I Z Pv(S)Pv(S) | w((s,N))§r——2 For the first item of equation (7.29), r Pk—l | Z Pv(8)Pv(8) |= | Z Z Pv(mN/pk)Pv(mN/Pk)| (7-30) w((s,N))=r—1 k=1 m=1 7' IP‘k 7" Pic—1 N (m P mN — $221111) N/pk|X|v( /pk|1 and (j+i,N) =1 Writej = kd, j+i= 3. So , (k,N/d) = (s,N) = 1. Again, we can set up the following series of equalities, noting that all the values are taken modulo N. kd+i=s (k+1)d+i=s+d (7.32) (k+(M—1))d+i=s+(M—1)d _ N where M — 7' The equation series in (7. 32) give the following partial sum of Z]_01v ”jvj+z' Cm' (m) (md+z') Z: XLXT XN M—l =Xd(i)-XN(d)- ( Z Cm'XN(m)'XN(m+id_l)) , 'J mzo 'J U I where (m = +1, or (—1)m with m’ s m (mod N/d), dd‘1 2 1 (mod N/d). Note that (d, N/d) = 1, so that (id—1,12%) = (2315-). Then from Lemma 7.2.6, if (m = 1, 107 forallOSmSM—l,then IZJCmXNUn 720%de )|= IPxN(id_1)l=(i,g)SiN (7.33) I If Cm = (—1)m , where m’: — m (mod N /d), then just repeating the process in expression (7.19) and using Lemma 7.2.5, we can obtain —1 Z (—1)m' - XN (m) “if (m + id—l) (7.34) m=0 H- N 10 N } d-t'D g d-iD S maa:{z'D, 27' where iD = (i, N/d). 1 For the remaining items in 29;?) vjVj+iv we use a similar argument to before. Since d(z'N) is a finite number, we have N —1 . /_ N N I Z ”J'Vj+z' | S max{zD, 2' log (2,— )} (7.35) j=0 D D By Lemma 7.2.6 and expression (7.35), we have N- N—l [:IPMZX 1:3:1’J'VJHH SZIIP (JIXIZUJ'VJI'I’Z'I N/d =(§= 1. This thesis has provided new modifications to char- acter sequences on those j-th positions with gcd(j, N) > 1. Particularly, at length N = 121102, the author has shown that we could have more freedom in changing the values on those positions. The author was informed recently that J edwab and Schmidt have obtained the same result independently under an improved condition ([40])- All the known binary sequences obtaining high asymptotic merit factor 6.0 prior to this thesis are of odd length. This thesis also provides a general technique to construct binary sequences of even length, from which the high asymptotic merit factor 6.0 can be achieved as well. 114 BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] RH. Barker, “Group Synchronizing of Binary Digital Systems”, Commu- nication Theory (W. Jackson, ed. ), Academic Press, New York, 1953, Page 273-287. [2] R. Fano, Transz'mz'ssz'on of Information, Cambridge, MIT Press, 1961. [3] EC Parnett, GH Stevens, Radar handbook, 1990 - helitavia.com. [4] GR. Welti, “Quaternary Codes for Pulsed Radar”, IRE Trans. Inform. Theory Vol. IT—6, 1960, Page 400-408. [5] A.M. Boehmer, “Binary Pulse Compression Codes”, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory Vol.1T-13, 1967, Page 156-167. [6] R.J. 'I‘uryn and J. 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